A River Flows in You - Comments

  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    Hey, this sounded interesting when I was scrolling through the stories. The summary needs a little grammar to clarify. Especially the sentence where they're "not set on" and "Uncertain, etc". The parallelism of the last sentence is just a bit off so it throws the rhythm a bit.

    In the chapter, I was surprised that she was engaged if she's still in high school. Most people look down upon getting engaged so young, so it seems like it's not something that was really ever going to happen. And the bit about the 16 year old really confused me because I don't know how old she is or her fiancé was.

    It's nice that her friends are still there but I was left wondering how long she'd been gone. She's so nonchalant about the break up that it almost seems like she didn't really care at all.

    My favorite part was the last line! It was really cute and witty. It's something that I've heard before, but still packs enough punch!
    June 23rd, 2016 at 01:15pm