If You Go - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Here delivering a very late comment for my Make Me Laugh, Cry or Sit on the Edge of My Seat contest. Apologies for the delay!

    Layout / Content

    The layout is very simple and although I sometimes find layouts with GIFs in them distracting, this one works well overall. It's also very easy to read, so props for that. The summary quote really gives a sense of what's about to happen and it definitely makes me wonder what's going to happen next.


    I'm absolutely blown away by this, I really am. The way it's structured, with us going from when Jimmy meets Sidney right through until the point in which he finds out that she's gone just makes everything more heartbreaking because, in a way, we see them grow together as a couple and grow up as people, and it's heartbreaking to see the transition from happy-go-lucky right through until when that monitor beeps.

    The way that Jimmy slowly starts noticing more and more of Sidney's pains is a stark contrast to the way that it takes him a few moments to realise what's happening at the end, and it's just horrible -- I almost get the sense that his mind is totally in denial about the noise at first, and when he finally comes to terms with it, he's too late. I like that it's left on almost a cliff-hanger -- I'm totally pretending that she's okay right now in my mind because if I think about the fact that she might have left and Jimmy will have to pick up the pieces, I'll get way too sad about the whole thing.


    I don't really have anything to say here.


    Beautifully written, heartbreaking and utterly sad to read through. Incredible job.
    May 30th, 2016 at 08:52pm