Invalids - Comments

  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Oh. My. GOD. When you told me that you had something planned I was suspicious AF cause you can be so spontaneous and the fact that you managed to sneak this past me is baffling me so much! tehe

    BAAAAABE. Crazy I freaking loved every sentence, every word, every letter, I loved everything about this. You know me too damn well (embarrassing nicknames and all!) but that's what a year of being as close as twins does to you! With many more years to come, of course.

    Still pissed off at Rick for disturbing it though. Like, Rick, couldn't you of disturbed Coral instead? (Did we make a new inside joke? I think we did!)

    Jeez, Annie, I've just had the best 12 months with you by my side. Thank you so much for being my best friend, and for just being you, because you are such an amazingly incredible person. You are seriously sunshine, you always have been. I love you to the ends of the universe and back, and I'll always grab an opportunity to tell you that!

    We sound like we're dating, but hey, if you're not mistaken for a lesbian couple, are you really best friends? lmfao

    Here's to our first year as best friends. Here's to many more as sisters Arms
    March 2nd, 2016 at 12:11am