Hell Bound - Comments

  • "I went to get a plate from the cupboard when I heard Graham behind me again." Is this Bucky? Right after you said he was standing in the kitchen but Graham was still doing applications. Kinda confuses me. Otherwise another flawless chapter~ I knew the book would lead to something but I was not expecting a KEY! Bucky is pretty smart for finding that out; I just wish he wouldn't have destroyed the whole book to get it out. Now Jo can't read it.
    April 9th, 2016 at 09:24am
  • 1. I think you write the sexy sexy stuff really well. Like hot damn I need me a Bucky because Clap

    2. "I’d been so caught up in the moment I hadn’t even taken the time to notice what he looked like so early in the morning. So alive and free." This whole paragraph was just freaking amazing. You make him sound so beautiful, wonderful, loveable, perfect but still the Bucky we get from Marvel. I couldn't be more in love with a character, story, or an author's writing than I am right now.
    April 9th, 2016 at 07:56am
  • No theories for now, all I have in my mind is the image of Steve looking for Bucky EVERYWHERE while he's playing house with Jo and eating waffles :D

    Someone's in trouble!
    April 8th, 2016 at 09:07pm
  • “Jesus,” he said when he stepped inside. “Sock on the doorknob.”

    Hahaha poor Graham, how many blocks did he walk just to make time?

    “Um—are you cooking waffles?” I heard Graham ask from the kitchen.

    why are you always burning your waffles?!! jesus, woman, focus!

    “Because I chucked a burrito at someone, remember?”

    This is like his superpower.

    The marks... Indy, I a standing ovation for you. I was kinda expecting her sister or Tony to stop by the house the next morning, but now that I think about it, It's best that they didn't. The embarrassment.
    (where does Jo has marks?)


    " I’m always writing in my notebook."

    *quit playing games with my heart*

    Sokovia!!! My twins <3 cool update. a lot of info, a lot of questions unsolved, but I cant wait to see what else they find. Still no theories. I think you broke my brain for a little while with that previous chapter. Totally your fault! this is not what I signed for... Im a victim of your talent and my visual imagination... kijiji
    April 8th, 2016 at 07:22pm
  • So I looked back at Bucky and finally focused on the red marks on his arms—and his chest—and his neck. lmfao poor graham- now there's no denying what they did when he went out.. unless Bucky had an itch that needed scratching.. oh.. wait.. tehe

    jessica jones?????? I was going to watch that show, but the first ep was so boring that I couldn't even see the whole episode.....

    aah, a little more info about the things she doesn't really have a grip on.. and a key?? hmm.. now where does that go? XD

    Shocked YOU HAVE A SHIELD WAFFLE MAKER(IRON THINGY)????? I am so jealous Sad i've been looking for it, but we don't have them here in sweden and found one at a good prize online but they didn't ship here.. *pouts*
    April 8th, 2016 at 06:47pm
  • I wanted you to know that I randomly found this fiction today while at work, realized Monster was the prequel, and proceeded to binge read Monster and now Hell Bound..

    I will also have you know that I was nowhere near as productive at work today as I should have been, because your amazing fics and I am totally OK with that.

    So. Yes. Amazing. I may or may not have screamed at my kindle while I've been reading.

    I'm dying for more..

    Also, random, I swear to god I'm not a stalker, did you have fun at Disneyland?
    April 8th, 2016 at 06:30am

    This story has something that's really especial, because, even when it's sweet and romantic, there is this plot behind the characters that makes it different from every other cursi fanfiction. Like, Jo has a past, a history apart from the main character of the Marvel Universe, even if we are not following that really close (because she choose it to be that way) that exist. So I kinda like that this is not just a romantic story with other people and cute moments, not, this is some heavy shit that you created, with a character that is inside this world of heroes and that has her own piece of attention. Not the Mary Sue, the forever damsel in distress, its good. I like it. You took the time to create a background to sustain what's going on.
    What is coincidence? i dont know. That shit doesn't exist with you, everything is calculated.

    where did that comments came from? dude, I thought our lovely sokovian twin had something to do with her head, like that she was the main problem of this fake life Jo's living, and now, I have no idea what's going on... the doctor is related to her? her mother? why? whyyy? is there something going on with her that's been like that since birth? is it something experimental? what is it!

    I think that for the first time in a long time, I have no theories.
    And of course,

    "He moved his hand down my spine"
    April 7th, 2016 at 06:23pm
  • such a sweet tender moment- at first, well, to be fair he kept it like that even when she sat up in bed.. In Love
    ooh!! so.. that woman is her aunt or something? since she died the day before Jo was born, and the woman jumped- and Bucky would've noticed if she was pregnant + the baby would never survive that.. BUT damn, it's getting sooooooooooo interesting now and I can't wait for them to keep talking about it XD
    April 7th, 2016 at 05:53pm
  • well okay let's get this over with...


    okay i'm good now..
    the racoon totally needs a thank you snack for waking them up... XD
    graham is a sport.. promising to stay away as long as possible XD
    Tony.. well, he's tony tehe

    damn bucky got some damn sexy moves Naughty

    and if you're into Game of Thrones- then you'll probaly know what i'm talking about now- that scene totally gave me some khaleesi and khal drogo feels- from when she took control over him in like episode two or something Cute
    April 6th, 2016 at 08:54pm

    “I remember,”

    I SCREAM!!!! in this part, but of course, then you had to add this...

    “I remember you like this,”

    Im out!
    (Quit playing games with my heart* sounds as Im leaving)
    April 6th, 2016 at 08:26pm
  • Ok, Im back. Im an adult, I can do this...

    The racoon <3 nothing else to say about this. I love that Bucky is already used to his sounds!

    I felt his face in my hair and his nose against my cheek.
    jijiji Smoochie smooochie early in the morning.

    “Can you give me a ride?” Graham replied.

    ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? that was me, really. In my head I was 2 seconds away from dropping the chapter.

    “Don’t,” he said.

    DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONT! Jo go back to bed, for the love of God!

    "His mouth slowly opened and he turned back to me"

    Hahaha, go away Graham... just go a way.

    “Right. I’ll just—take as long as I possibly can.”


    "I felt Bucky’s hand on my back and I took a deep breath"

    Is this really happening? I only came here for some Bucky and Im leaving with waaaay more action than expected.

    Tony ! hahaha I can see him taking the suit and flying to her house just the check on him. He's like a gossip girl in my head, trying to get the latest news first.

    “Fine then, don’t. But be prepared for the alerts.”

    Oh, man... she's serious about this.

    “Are you sure? And the sutures? What if they rip again?”

    I'm pretty sure his arm could be on the floor and he would still be okay about it.

    "And once he was sure Graham was gone he pulled me up into a sitting position and yanked the shirt right up over my head"

    Im gonna stop right here, because it feels wrong to keep going like I usually do hahaha. But it was a good chapter... yep... I enjoy it... Ufff... well, what else is left to say?

    April 6th, 2016 at 08:02pm
  • Im going to need a minute to process this. I was not expecting dominant Bucky....
    April 6th, 2016 at 07:24pm
  • Why the frick is this not a movie yet?! I'm deeply upset that I'll never get to watch Sebastian's Bucky fall for Jo and watch Jo battle everything that's ever been thrown her way!
    April 6th, 2016 at 03:32pm
  • “I said, ‘She is,” he said.

    This is not the response of a man that doesn't remember anything, or that remembers "flashes" So stop fucking lying Bucky!
    April 5th, 2016 at 11:37pm
  • erased4
    April 5th, 2016 at 11:37pm
  • Long chapter ! *throws confetti*

    Oh, man. It took me more than usual to read the whole update, not just becuse it a long one, but because I kept screaming and covering my face and I went for another tea and I needed to process every line before going to the next one. I should make a video of myself reading this. I tried to do one for the last trailer, but it was just me with this face O_O

    This is gonna be long, there's a lot going on in here. Let see if my english helps me put everything in my head here...

    First part, all I see is Bucky writing on his notebooks "Day 4, I haven't killed the kid. The house its quiet. Still no shirt"
    Is Jo ever going to read something from his notebooks? is that something we will get to see too?

    “We can talk later,” I told him.
    Jo stop avoiding reality.

    “Where’s the MP3 player at again?”
    HAHAHA I'd have killed him!

    “Ouch!” I heard him yelp from below. “What was that for?”
    “Show some respect,” Bucky warned.

    Oh, man, I laugh a lot with this. Bucky, the 1940 are showing again. "Back in my times,kids used to be more respectful..."

    “I could kill you with that remote control.”

    Why are you always lying? stop fucking lying...

    “I remember your skin.”
    Oh, Jesus...

    “It was warm.” He moved his hand to my waist and pulled me closer. “And damp.”
    Is this about what I think it is???? you dirty bastard hehehe


    “Johanna…” Yo-honna.
    I still dont get the pronunciation. Ugh.

    I used google. Now I get it.

    “Be dumb, I know. He said that I should be clear. Just in case I didn’t get another chance.” I nodded.

    Uhhhhg! Im going to make tshirt with this line. This 2 fuckers need to start being honest! why do they keep trying to cover their feelings with rational explanations and stupid excuses!!!
    Or maybe not tshirts... so Bucky can go through a couple more chapters like this... hehehe... Im just a woman.

    I feel like Jo wants to live a life in which nothing would change if she dies... No big impacts on anyone. That's sad.

    “I never asked you to take me with you, I just want…”



    “To make the best of the time I still have with you before you disappear again.”

    “What’s the alternative? I hide until HYDRA loses interest in me or kills one of my friends or my sister to draw me out? Let my friends fight my battles for me? Stay here where I have no purpose and no future?

    All the alternatives sound horribles. Poor Jo. I dont know what I'd do in her place. Like... no... no... she has waaaay more common sense than me.

    Not because I…

    !!!! *HOLDS BREATH*

    “Promise me you won’t fight because you…” I nodded.


    “But you think I didn’t like it? All the killing, all the power, the death?”

    Duuuuuude, this is a side of Bucky I've never read before. Good call. That makes him even more complex as a character.

    “I killed them,” I told him.

    “Who?” he asked.

    I think now it's my turn to say I killed someone... *hides in the bushes with the dog*

    Why is she always taking his metal hand? like, is she trying to make him feel normal about it? to prove that it doesnt bother her? Its cute, and she's doing it without that intention, then it's even cuter!

    “And if I went into the other room right now and murdered your friend?”
    *Graham starts to sweat profusely*
    *another AC/DC song starts*

    “I said, ‘She is,” he said.
    This is the part where I had to stop and made myself another tea. I was smiling like an idiot all the way down to the kitchen.

    It was me and not anyone else and neither of us could ever change that or really know what would have happened with someone else. So I took a deep breath and put my hand on his chest again.


    “James?” I said.
    *stupid smile again*

    I want you safe and close by
    My heart!!!!!! </3

    “And I want to be honest with you and admit that I hate sleeping on your couch.”
    Hahahaha-ha i was not expecting that from him!!! This new kind of humor he has (or recovered?), its awesome.

    Uffff, this was a long one. A lot of information, a lot of emotions. Some threats to GRaham, it has almost everything!! Except for Rocket... hey, is Graham going to notice Rocket at some point? like" Jo, I think there's something on the attic...alive... crawling... help?"

    I cant wait for tomorrow's update. The morning after... Graham's jokes, Bucky finally getting a good night of sleep. His head not in an awkward position. Graham wearing headphones all day, all the time haha just to be sure he was safe. After the Bronze we know that Jo it's not going to be responsible for the noise complaint... jesus... +18 again. Im sorry Kids. Nobody except for you reads this anyway.

    Now Im scared for the future, like... knowing that Bucky enjoyed fighting and killing and being the one on control of the dangerous situations its going to change the next fight scene. We saw it at the end of Monster, when Jo had to ask him to not kill the other guy... uff, ufff.

    And now we wait.
    April 5th, 2016 at 11:00pm
  • erased1
    April 5th, 2016 at 11:00pm
  • erased2
    April 5th, 2016 at 11:00pm
  • erased3
    April 5th, 2016 at 11:00pm
  • Half way through reading this and I'm screaming and covering my face.
    April 5th, 2016 at 10:28pm