Run, Little Red - Comments

  • OMGYES I love post-apocalyptic settings and I also love when stories start off with a great little intro like this one. I'm so jazzed to see Cerise become part of The Salvation and find out more about this Mr. Wolfe. Crazy I think the world building that you accomplished in this short chapter is on point and I feel like this will be one seriously exciting ride. Coffee

    Also I adore your layout!
    April 29th, 2016 at 07:40am
  • Don't get me started with your layout. It's beautiful and everything about it just matches. I love the border pattern! Your summary definitely catches the reader's attention! This line, “but even with his claws wrapped tightly around his dictatorship, the world is slowly descending into chaos,” makes us wonder about the possible plot directions you'll take us in. Ugh this was also worded so nicely.

    You already know how much I love your scenery skills and the way you word things so this will be me fangirling over your work once again tehe

    I really liked the flow you're setting out as a foundation to your story. I really liked how you described the corruption of the year and place because that lets our main Wolfe man come into play. Can I just say how great his role is?! He's as vain as his character is such tales but the direction you're taking him is soooo unique. I definitely liked the separation of groups. I'm wondering why normal life was separated from Wolfe’s life itself~ we’ll find out soon for sure Cute

    I have to say that Cerise’s role will be filled with chaos and surprise. I can't wait to see how she defeats Wolfe!

    what if she falls for him Don
    what if she's attracted to the bad boy type ooooh

    Your entry deserves to be placed Dance
    April 25th, 2016 at 06:01am
  • WOOO I'm excited. The summary itself is a great hook and this layout is BOMB. The banner photo kills me, it's so pretty. Also, I fucking love WWIII stuff. Maybe it's a little concerning just how excited it makes me Shifty

    This first chapter is great! It's not terrible at all and I'm be 100% honest here. It's very interesting, it really hooks you all the way to the end. I love the introduction to Mr. Wolfe and this whole situation. I like that you kept it short and sweet rather than spend forever building it up to it. And it's super cool that Cerise is part of the Founding Families. I thought she was gonna be a rando, so that's cool that you switched it up.

    The only mistake I saw was this:
    the outside world was filled destruction. I think this is supposed to be "filled WITH destruction"

    Other than that, great job Lizz! I'm 100% certain I'm not gonna win this contest now but this is great tehe
    April 19th, 2016 at 01:26am
  • Layout/Summary
    The layout is fantastic. I love the banner. The summary is just absolutely brilliant. I love how the last names correspond with the original characters. I'm already super excited for this.

    Chapter 1
    The set up to this is absolutely amazing. I love the narrator right out says it's not really a bad year, because in the summary we aren't lead to believe that. And then to go on and explain just what the setting looks like and how things work is a perfect little touch.

    Just when I'm questioning why they're in quarantine you've answered it and now I'm even more excited! I love the idea of the Founding Families and the introduction to Mr. Wolfe.

    I feel like "The Founding Familes were split into two groups" should be a different paragraph, but that's just my opinion.

    And here is where I freak out with my excitement.

    This is absolutely wonderful and I can not wait for more. I want to know more about Mr. Wolfe, about Arboria, The Salvation, Cherise!

    I do wonder exactly what you mean by "before it's too late" but I suppose that will become clear soon enough.

    I didn't catch any mistakes with anything. It looks just about perfect to me.
    April 19th, 2016 at 01:15am
  • This is definitely a story that hit the rec and subscribe button on a few weeks ago...stupid mibba and its glitches clearly didn't allow it for some reason Grr

    Anyway, that aside, I really like the concept of this story. I'm a huge fan of fairytales and modern and futuristic retellings of them, so you had me hooked the moment I read the summary. In addition, the layout really drew me in. It's absolutely gorgeous, teach me your ways In Love

    The detail in the prologue is incredible. I can tell that you put a great deal of timing into planning the story out, and your writing really blows me away. I know you were looking for concrit, but I literally cannot find anything to give you any on.

    Hopefully mibba will let me rec and subscribe this time around tehe
    April 19th, 2016 at 12:57am
  • Layout + Summary

    Loving your layout. And your title. In Love The fur in the background makes me think of a coat lol Your story is wearing a cute little coat Laughing

    Red is looking so gorgeous and the huntsman looks so scrawny XD And Wolfe! OMH this just looks and sounds great. Loving the unique spin on the fairytale. tehe Although I'm not big on futuristic stories Unsure I'm too deeply in love with the past. But on I go lol

    Chapter: One

    world was filled destruction.

    I'm enjoying the first chapter. It really makes me fear for our own future. Unsure But the way it's set up is great. I love the voice, ya know?

    I'm curious to find out more about Wolfe and Hood. So little has been shared about them. I want to know more Weird
    April 19th, 2016 at 12:04am
  • Layout + Summary

    Loving your layout. And your title. In Love The fur in the background makes me think of a coat lol Your story is wearing a cute little coat Laughing

    Red is looking so gorgeous and the huntsman looks so scrawny XD And Wolfe! OMH this just looks and sounds great. Loving the unique spin on the fairytale. tehe Although I'm not big on futuristic stories Unsure I'm too deeply in love with the past. But on I go lol

    Chapter: One

    world was filled destruction.

    I'm enjoying the first chapter. It really makes me fear for our own future. Unsure But the way it's set up is great. I love the voice, ya know?

    I'm curious to find out more about Wolfe and Hood. So little has been shared about them. I want to know more Weird
    April 19th, 2016 at 12:02am
  • HELLO!

    okay, so right off the bat, i get basically blinded by the amazing-ness that is your bloody gorgeous layout (i'm positively envious at its beauty, lol). everything fits sooo nicely together. i should also mention that i absolutely adore the names of the characters. :D

    i really like what you've done to the tried and true tale of little red riding hood -- i honestly would've never expected something like this. i mean, the wolf is a dictator and red is a huntress of sorts? i love it, like, so much that words fail me at describing just how much i love it!

    onto the first chapter now; i really like this premise. again, never seen anything like this before, so i love it extra. c: i really liked, especially, the deal with this enigmatic mr. wolfe taking on his role as a dictator of marmedom and basically, well, fucking shit up big time. i kinda like the guy already!

    as for cerise, i'm beyond excited to find out more about her!! she already comes off as cool and collected and focused; a total #girlboss. and even though this premise was short, you've got me considerably excited for this story. can't wait to read more!! ♡
    April 18th, 2016 at 09:39pm
  • sorry, double!
    April 18th, 2016 at 09:37pm
  • I'm so excited to see what you do with this! I love the layout and summaryIn Love
    March 9th, 2016 at 09:14am