Beyond Redemption - Comments

  • I’m obsessed. Please make a sequel.
    December 18th, 2018 at 10:33pm
  • What the fuck. No. I need to know if she gets her happily ever after!
    March 27th, 2018 at 07:56pm
  • This story is too amazing
    May 23rd, 2017 at 06:23am
  • More please!!¡
    May 23rd, 2017 at 06:22am
  • My only comfort in reading this is that the last update left the situation somewhat resolved. I would love love love love to see this completed and know the ending of Jamie and Ville.
    January 18th, 2017 at 06:38am
  • I've literally spent all day reading this and I need more like right now!!! I'm absolutely obsessed!!!
    December 30th, 2016 at 09:17am
  • This story is amazing! Please continue more!
    December 20th, 2016 at 02:32am
  • I love this so much! Can't wait to read more, beautifully written as well!!
    September 14th, 2016 at 03:55pm
  • I hope you update soon!!!
    August 23rd, 2016 at 04:03pm
  • @ vampire_sun
    Ville was very different in and after rehab than he was ever before. He's more cautious and maybe even a bit more sensitive to things, and a lot of that has to do with the initial shock of the sobriety and truth of what has been going on while he's been drinking his problems away. He has a long way to go, getting back to normal, avoiding alcohol, not letting his urges take over. He has a lot to work through and he has a few relationships to fix. I'm glad you liked how I wrote that too. I've also seen stories with the life changing "everything is perfect now" thing after rehab. Its not realistic at all.

    Jamie's shock and confusion is well set in by our current standing in the story. She'll be waking up with a pretty clear mind, but of course her love for Ville is going to cloud her at least a little. He has this kind of affect over her as to where she forgives and trusts him easier than anyone else. Bam and Liz are different stories. She's definitely going to be more cautious of the friends she chooses, not to mention the people Ville talk to. I can see her being very uncomfortable around a lot of men, which is pretty understandable I'd say. But her confidence comes from maturing, and we'll definitely be seeing more of that from her.

    Bam's explanation will come. Ville will be sure of it. Because even though Ville is sober and has a very clear mind, he also has a lot of anger and resentment that he needs to get out.
    August 17th, 2016 at 09:02pm
  • Ch 35
    Going to rehab when it isn't your own choice must be a really weird experience. I've never been to rehab, but just the thought of having to be somewhere and doing something you don't want to because someone else says you have to sounds torturous to me. Maybe that's more about me and my need for control, though. Anyway, I could really relate to a lot of what Ville was feeling here, but I think having someone to talk to, who didn't have any ulterior motives, was exactly what he needed. Yes, he could've talked to Mige or Linde, or even his parents or brother, but none of them would have been as objective as the therapist. None of them would have pushed him to be completely honest with himself, either, and if he and Jamie have any chance of speaking again, getting everything out in the open is mandatory.

    Oh jeez, I laughed far too hard at "brother cousin". What a shitty situation for that guy to be in.

    I like that Ville didn't go into this expecting to be a new man after the duration of his stay. I've read so much before where people stop something or go to rehab or whatever and are miraculously perfect after, and it's so refreshing that you're writing this more realistically. Yes he feels new and refreshed, but he isn't pretending that he's never had problems or that his life is perfect now.

    Ch 36
    I can't even begin to imagine what Jamie must be feeling now. To know that not only did someone you thought was a friend drug you, they then tried to pretend it never happened. It wouldn't surprise me if she had big trust issues going forward. I'm surprised she handled Bam so well, though. I'm glad she has Mige to talk to now, she'd probably go crazy if she had to keep this all bottled in.

    Liz is still an evil, vindictive bitch, I see. Yay Jamie for not letting her walk all over her like she wanted to. She really has grown so much as a person and I just hope she's able to keep this new, more confident version around, and not fall back into old habits depending on what happens in the future.

    Ch 37
    Again, the way you're writing Ville both in rehab, and now post-rehab is refreshing. I'm not happy that he's struggling to figure out how to live again, and how to deal with things on a day-to-day basis, but it's so refreshing compared to everything suddenly being perfect now that he isn't drinking anymore. Life just isn't that easy, but people just seem to gloss over the fact or like writing characters with no flaws, and honestly, that's boring to read.

    Oh man, him thinking Mige and Jamie were now a thing was equal parts sad and hilarious. I guess I can kinda see why he might think that, but honestly, neither of them are that shitty to do that to him. Mige especially, since he was the one who pointed out Ville's true feelings for Jamie when he wouldn't admit them to himself. I have a feeling Bam's going to get his ass beat soon. There is no salvaging that friendship, but I can't wait to see Bam's explanation(if you write it). There is no way to make what happened not sound awful.

    You know, I was half expecting Jamie to slam the door in his face, so the fact she didn't is great. I wasn't thinking she'd do it from a negative perspective but moreso out of shock and not believing that he was really there. She's handling this all much better than I ever would've guessed.

    Ch 38
    This is all so heartbreaking. I can picture this whole scene in my head, and damn if I don't want to give them both a big hug. This is such an awkward situation, both wanting to say so much but unsure how to start, so just going with pointless small talk instead. Ville, if you want Jamie to ever talk to you after this evening, you need to be honest with her. About everything. There is no hiding from each other anymore, being completely open is the only way to possibly make anything work. And yeah, Jamie has had longer to deal with the whole situation, but that doesn't mean Ville can hide behind his true feelings now. That isn't going to get them anywhere except back where they were, and nobody wants that.

    I love how easily (relatively-speaking) they were able to slip back into their old roles with each other. Granted things aren't perfect, but the fact that there isn't any awkwardness and they're able to laugh and joke around with each other means that things are going in the right direction.

    That little glimmer of hope at the end has me excited for what is to come. I can't wait to read whether the morning after is going to be normal or awkward, though. Is it bad that I kinda want it to be awkward? Nothing bad, just them feeling each other, and the situation out, after a good nights sleep, without the excitement of finally seeing each other again after 6+ months apart.
    August 16th, 2016 at 04:32am
  • @ Captain K Rool
    So sorry for the delayed response. I feel like the biggest idiot right now, but after 2 weeks of not using my laptop, I forgot the password Oops I figured it out this morning, though, so you'll get the rest of my comments tonight. I have too much to say to try and do it on my phone.
    August 15th, 2016 at 08:40pm
  • @ Captain K Rool
    I'm so sorry to hear that, I know that's the last thing you want to hear, but even though I don't know you I'm an open ear if you need someone to talk to.
    August 5th, 2016 at 10:50pm
  • @ vampire_sun
    I can't wait for your reaction to the rest. I'll reply more in depth after you make your comments so I don't accidentally give something away.
    August 5th, 2016 at 10:35pm
  • @ A7X_Lover13
    I'm so sorry. I'll be back with a new chapter soon. One of my siblings passed away this week so I've been taking a break. I promise I'll update soon.
    August 5th, 2016 at 10:34pm
  • I am having withdraws from this story lol
    August 5th, 2016 at 10:09pm
  • Ch 32
    Reading the downward spirals of these two is heartbreaking. I was wondering how long Jamie would last before she crumbled. It must've been extra hard for her since she didn't even have anyone she could talk to, or who would be a shoulder to cry on. Happy that she finally got the courage to call Mige. Even though he hadn't played a huge part in this story, to me he is one of the most important people. His level-headedness and ability to sort through bullshit have definitely helped him see that everything is not how it seems, and I love that he didn't automatically write Jamie off as some awful person because she hurt his friend. And with all this Bam drama, Jamie's really going to need his help in figuring out what's what. I still have bad ferlings about him, too. Bam, I mean. I have an idea of what might be going on, but even if what I think happened is true, it's no excuse for him to be such a self-absorbed ass. Super proud of Jamie for standing up for herself and punching Noah in the face, though!

    Ch 33
    Jesus this is bad. Not the story, Ville's failure at life. Reading this chapter brought me right back to real-Ville pre-rehab, and I was picturing this all playing out in my head. So glad we're not still there. I truly don't know how Mige is doing this. To watch your best friend self-destruct right in front of you, knowing there isn't amything you can say or do to help them must be awful. Alcoholics never think they have a problem either, so reasoning with them is pointless. They'll never agree with you and the constant concern over their wellbeing just makes them want to drink more. I'm so happy that it wasn't just Mige with him when he learned he was bring sent to rehab. That whole interaction could have ended badly, but it sorta seems like he knows he went too far but doesn't know how to stop. Burying your feelings under drugs/alcohol is never a good idea, but in this case it was made worse because he wasn't just allowed to wallow in his drunken self-pity at home alone, he still had to be somewhat functional in order to trick the public into believing he was fine, which was just another layer of added stress. It's a little surprising he still talks to Bam, as I figured he'd want some space from him as well, but I guess Bam just has a way of worming his way in wherever he wants/needs to be, and there isn't a damn thing other peole can do.

    Ch 34
    I knew it! I had a suspicion Bam was the baby daddy, but I wasn't certain. It explains some, but it doesn't mean I don't still think he's an ass. I can't believe he thinks Ville will still acknowledge him after he finds out the truth of he and Jonna. Or that Ville won't beat the shit out of him for lying to him the pas however many months. He really doesn't give a damn about anyone or anything other than himself and his own wellbeing, does he? This is so much bigger than he realizes, and once it's all out in the open, he's going to realize how much deeper in he was than he thought, hopefully. He really has no one to blame but himself, though, and I'd be surprised if anyone even listened to his excuses from here on out.

    Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, what are we going to do with you? This is exactly the Bam you met, only you were blinded by his charms and your own naivety to realize it. Bam has never been, and never will be, the good guy. Good for you for finally standing up to him. It needed to happen a long time ago, but at least it finally happened.

    Rest of the chapters tomorrow.
    August 4th, 2016 at 04:32am
  • @ smile kailyn
    They have a lot they need to work on right now but we'll see where they end up! Who knows if another bump is somewhere in their near road
    August 3rd, 2016 at 10:05pm
  • What an emotional roller coaster! I love it, though. I'm so happy to see them back together, even if it's not in the exact way they want it to be right now!
    July 31st, 2016 at 08:34pm
  • @ smile kailyn
    I was super sad writing it myself! Lol I'm glad I was able to put thatkind of strong emotion in someone. That's what I love about writing!
    July 29th, 2016 at 09:35pm