Beyond Redemption - Comments

  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    No problem! Can't wait to read your comments!
    July 20th, 2016 at 03:48pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ A7X_Lover13
    She's in for a roller coaster! Lol
    July 20th, 2016 at 03:48pm
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    Sorry for being MIA lately, will explain later. Comment coming later tonight.
    July 18th, 2016 at 10:41pm
  • A7X_Lover13

    A7X_Lover13 (150)

    United States
    Ville getting help is only part of the problem solved... Can't wait to read the next Jamie chapter to see what she's finding out.
    July 18th, 2016 at 04:43pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ smile kailyn
    Thank you!!! If you feel like a spoiled reader then I have definitely done my job! I mean, who wants to read a story they stopped reading 2 weeks ago?? Frequent updates keep people interested! (Including myself)

    Your comments are so sweet! Glad my writing is appreciated! Jamie and Mige definitely have a battle ahead of them!
    July 17th, 2016 at 12:44am
  • smile kailyn

    smile kailyn (100)

    United States
    Hahaha! Definitely did your job well!!! I love that the story isn't predictable. It's all completely sensible, but it's not always what the reader may be lead to believe, you know? Very well done. I can't stress that enough! Your writing is so great.

    Also I LOVE the frequent updates!! I feel like such a spoiled reader lol.

    Can't wait to see what Mige and Jamie come up with together!!!
    July 17th, 2016 at 12:25am
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ A7X_Lover13
    July 16th, 2016 at 07:01pm
  • A7X_Lover13

    A7X_Lover13 (150)

    United States
    I knew I loved Mige, I cannot wait for things to unfold and the truth be set free. So excited for the next chapter! You always keep me on the edge of my seat.
    July 16th, 2016 at 05:48pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ smile kailyn
    I am beyond happy to hear that!! Thank you so much! Next chapter is definitely going up tonight. I was so excited to keep writing today for some reason that I wrote over half of it on my phone! Haha

    And that is actually a really good prediction. I was considering throwing Jonna into that mess, but then I changed a few things and you'll find out why she couldn't be involved in that later. lol We have not seen the last of her yet.

    I'm also so glad Mastermind "fucked you up" hahaha I guess that means I did my job here well? tehe
    July 16th, 2016 at 06:07am
  • smile kailyn

    smile kailyn (100)

    United States
    Oh my GOD!!!! I was three chapters behind and just caught up on it all... I don't even know what to say. I'm so stressed out for Jamie - poor girl doesn't deserve any of this... And then I feel just as bad, if not worse, for Ville. It's so hard when you know more (or at least have a better idea of what's going on) than one of the characters. It honestly made me tear up when he got off the phone with Jamie.

    To be honest, I initially thought Liz was behind Bam's car accident. I was SURE of it, actually. The "business meeting" Bam had after the accident - I thought he was going to be meeting with Jonna, not Liz! I thought Liz contacted Jonna to talk to Bam. I totally overthought it. So that whole "Mastermind" chapter really fucked me up, lol!

    I can't tell you how I excited I am for the next chapter....and nervous!!

    Love your writing. I'm so happy to have stumbled upon this story. My favorite fanfic I've ever read!!
    July 16th, 2016 at 03:29am
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    Sooo glad I finally get to discuss this! Let's start with Mige. He's only somewhat aware of what's going on. He knows Ville isn't doing well, and he knows he's taking it pretty hard and putting up a front, but he wants him to fix himself on his own, as he knows that's the only way he'll ever truly get over this. There's nothing Mige can do or say to make him feel better, he's aware of that, so he can't do much other than just keep a watchful eye on him. As for the others, they knew shit was bad for a while, but they definitely believe his front. He's great at pretending he's fine, especially while he's drunk, which he constantly is.

    Speaking of Ville being drunk, he's using it to mask his feelings. The longer the binge drinks, the more emotions build up inside. He isn't dealing with things at all, and he only keeps drinking because he knows that if he stops, it'll all come back and he's going to have to deal with everything. He's on a destructive path and he is going to come to a sink or swim situation at some point. He can either keep this up and end up in an even shittier situation, or he can ask for help. He has to decide if his own well being is worth it.

    Liz is a vindictive bitch. He uses people and controls them only to her benefit and she has no remorse. She's had a rough time growing up, and she's always had to be compared to someone and she is always second best. That's where this rage comes from, and it is making her do terrible things and it has truly turned her into a bad person. And Bane can't see that. He just loves and misses her because his feelings for her were real, even if he was a dick to her at first. After losing Liz to another man, he's really changed. He saw what he did and he felt bad, he knows he has to be better, and he is. So he thinks his change in attitude and way of living brought Liz back. He blamed himself for the whole Noah ordeal with her, not realizing there was so much more behind it, things that had nothing to do with him. And here he is, going back to her because he thinks its a reward for being a better man. He'll talk about all this later, but that's his train of thought right now. And Liz is just thrilled that she got her way.

    You're right. Bam only cares about saving his own ass right now, and he has a lot more reasons to save it than has been explained yet. He took part in this whole ordeal due to those reasons and shit backfiring is only inevitable (you'll know why I say that when his true reason for things is revealed) its just sad because he's still manipulating Ville. He tries to make it sound like Jamie is doing better than she is so it seems like she doesn't care as much. Honestly, 4 months into the break up where Ville is at, Bam has only seen Jamie a handful of times. He lies about a lot to them both. Jamie's chapter is going to start back when the break up first happened so we can catch up with her a bit and will probably end in that 4 month range. I think that's where I can show a little bit more of Bam and his nature right now. He's really complicated, because he's doing a lot of this out of love for Ville. He doesn't care much about Jamie, but this is his fucked up way of caring for his friend and I can't wait to reveal that whole side of this.
    July 15th, 2016 at 09:45pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ A7X_Lover13
    So happy to hear about your excitement! I'm kind of excited too lol can't wait to reveal a few more things!
    July 15th, 2016 at 09:15pm
  • A7X_Lover13

    A7X_Lover13 (150)

    United States
    I hate Liz... And Bam.... And Noah.... I feel so sorry for Bane, Jamie, and Ville just being playing like they are. I really hope the truth comes out and those involved get charged for Jamie being raped. In the meantime I'm really hoping Ville doesn't do anything stupid. Bane could play a key role in finding out what happened and fixing things... I'm just so excited to see where it goes from here
    July 15th, 2016 at 05:16pm
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh, reading Ville's chapter was absolutely heartbreaking. I wonder why Mige never went to check on him after speaking with Jamie and him not showing up for practice. And Bam, what a delusional jerk. I can't believe he actually said Jonna was best for Ville. Maybe in his fantasy world, but in the real world that's insane. I get that he was just trying to save his own ass, and not implicate himself in the breakup, but still. I wish Ville could see that Bam only has Bam's best interest in mind rather than using him as a crutch to get through this. Bam doesn't give a shit what happens to Ville, or if Ville's happy. It's going to take a lot to pull him out of this 4 month downward spiral, but I hope he doesn't push the band away more. If he has any hope of getting through this and coming out alive, he's going to need them.

    Oh Liz, where do I begin? So Jamie has always been little miss perfect and you were jealous, but there is still something fucked up about being happy you destroyed someone else's life. That's not normal. It must've been tough growing up and always being compared to her, but you still haven't won despite what you may think. I really wasn't expecting her to be the mastermind behind everything(my money was on Bam), but I'm curious now how she'll be with Jamie. Will she pretend she doesn't exist now that she accomplished what she wanted? Will she stick around to further fuck up Jamie's life should anything good happen to her? And poor Bane, just a pawn in this fucked up game.
    July 14th, 2016 at 02:34pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    lol I love reading your thought process on what you think is going to happen. It's great to know that you can see where things could go, and that they aren't always what they seem!

    And YES! The Liz chapter is coming so soon!! I can't wait. I'll probably get to start it tonight if things go as planned for me!

    And Ville is in a state where he probably shouldn't be talking to or about Jamie. He needs to clear his head, but that would require him to think about the whole situation again and he is nowhere near willing to do that. So he may or may not get himself into a stickier situation than he's already in. And Jamie does have a lot to work out. If she can't get her answers soon, then someone is going to have to royally fuck up for all the secrets to come out.
    July 14th, 2016 at 06:39am
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ A7X_Lover13
    Ha sorry to break your heart!!! That must mean I'm doing a good job as a writer? lol
    July 14th, 2016 at 06:33am
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ Loves Light Blue
    I love your thoughts on this!! Good eye!! And god Bane.. There's a lot to that. Poor thing. Anyway, super glad you've enjoyed thus far!! <3
    July 14th, 2016 at 06:33am
  • A7X_Lover13

    A7X_Lover13 (150)

    United States
    Well there you go succeeding in making me cry. Poor Jamie... Poor Villie..... I'm heartbroken....
    July 14th, 2016 at 04:14am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    @ Captain K Rool
    Jamie is just so unconfrontational I worry Bam'll give some lame excuse and she'll buy it. But if she really loves Ville like she thinks, and wants any chance of ever speaking to him again, she's going to need to stand up for herself and get the answers she needs. Neither Bam nor Noah are exactly trustworthy guys, so this is going to be tricky. Both could lie with a straight face and not think twice, but it's ultimately Jamie who gets screwed because it's her life, and her word against theirs.

    Wow, so soon! Exciting!

    I can't imagine what a shock it must've been for Ville to get those pictures, and it must've been a punch in the gut when he first saw them, but hopefully once he cools down a bit, he'll realize that Jamie isn't that kind of girl. Even though it happened to him do much in the past, he himself has said that what he has with Jamie is different. I hope he at least gives her a chance to explain things once she knows something, and doesn't just automatically write her off as being like all the rest because that would really negate what they had, which was real, imo. Either way, I think I figured out the picture thing and it has something to do with something that happened previously. I'm afraid to say more than that as I don't want to spoil it if I'm right.
    July 13th, 2016 at 10:45pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    For sure. Jamie is a huge mess right now and she's going to have to do some digging to figure out how the hell all of this just happened. Bam was the only one there she knew, so drilling him for answers is her first priority.

    Yes! The Liz chapter is coming very soon! Probably only one or two chapters away now. When I originally had the idea to give her a chapter I hadn't fully expected for it to tale this long lol but I kept needing to out things in first, but I think after Ville's chapter she'll get a word in.

    Bam is about 20 different types of shady right now. Its apparent that there's only 2 people that really know what went on that night. Bam and Noah. So that is going to be interesting to get real information from them. And the she has to decide if she should believe either of them or not because they both suck and being nice to her.

    And poor Ville thought everything was perfect like he had life figured out for once then this happens. He's very distraught and irrational right now, he never expected this to happen and he really feels like something he did made it happen.

    Thanks for the editing tip lol I don't always catch that.
    July 13th, 2016 at 09:39pm