Beyond Redemption - Comments

  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    Yes!!! That's the problem with Ville, he has to be careful who he decides to screw with because he is in they eye of the media, especially in Europe where they're more popular. Jonna already started a little with the media, but it could really get to be a lot worse if he isn't careful. Liz and Jonna should really just be best friends because they're both evil!!

    Also, I loved that you mentioned Bam in all this. He's a super important character, even if it doesn't seem lilke it yet. Your comment about how she got to see a different side to Ville was exactly the first point I wanted to make pretty evident when Bam came in. He's been so serious and caught up in everything that he hadn't taken the time to just relax and have fun, and he still hadn't totally let go yet, but it's a process and that was a good start for him, along with opening up and at least briefly, telling his friends what is going on. They may not know the whole of it, but it's better than nothing.

    You're so on point with Liz. She released such a small amount of her inner motive, but it'll all have to come out at some point eventually, which is why I was thinking about writing a chapter in Liz's POV some time down the road. I'm not sure yet, as it will break my current back and forth between Jamie and Ville, but I think it would answer a ton of questions that absolutely need answered at some point.

    But as for Ville and his inhaler, like many many people I know with ashma they don't commonly take their inhalers everywhere (EVEN THOUGH THEY SHOULD) Most of the time they just assume they won't need them, which is definitely the case for Ville. I had a boyfriend with asthma once and I rarely ever saw him take it with him anywhere, even though he had asthma attacks pretty often! It was totally strange to me but apparently it's a thing. I suppose we as human refuse to be constantly prepared.

    And I really can't answer the Bam questions anyway lol Not yet! But know that Bam is who he is, he messes with people to make himself laugh, but he's not normally doing it because of any motive or reason, not by himself anyway.
    May 18th, 2016 at 06:25am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    @ Captain K Rool
    I love that the Spanish thing is real. Given how extensively they've traveled over the years, it isn't surprising that they picked up other languages. I may have to do some youtube searching later tonight.

    Jamie is far nicer that I would've been. How did Liz even get into the apartment? Did she keep her key when she stormed out with Noah? Jamie definitely needs to change the locks now. I find it really funny that Liz thinks Jamie owes her anything at this point, though based on previous comments, I'm guessing this is only the tip of the iceberg wirh her.

    I hope Bam makes another appearance. The dynamic between he and Ville, and to a lesser extent he and Jamie was great. He allowed Jamie to see a different side of Ville that she probably wouldn't have for awhile, but also proved to be a great distraction to both of them with regard to all the personal shit they're both dealing with at the moment. Ville needs to carry his own inhaler around instead of relying on Mige, though. That could have ended really badly, but it was nice to see the serious side of Bam, which doesn't make an appearance all that often. And honestly, I'd probably be crying just as much as he was if you locked me in a horse trailer with a cobra.

    I may be in the minority here, but I don't find it odd that Ville flips between Finnish and English when angry. Partly because if you're not getting through in one language why not try another, and partly because Jonna strikes me as the type to just not listen to what the other person is saying, so he could've just been muttering nonsense and she wouldn't have noticed. I have a feeling his trip back home isn't going to be plesant.

    Ville admitting to Jamie that he hadn't told anyone what was going on was a big step for him. I'm super curious about Bam, though, after that admission. You don't have to answer any of these questions, and I will wait patiently to see how things play out, but I wonder if Bam knows the truth about he and Jonna, and also what Ville said about Jamie prior to her arrival( if anything) or if Bam was just being Bam and trying to get a rise out of Ville/see how much Jamie could take.

    It's sweet that he wants to use his fanbase to go after Liz, but that's a can of worms he isn't ready to deal with now. I've no doubt she'd make his life a living hell as well, and he'd end up having to do more damage control than he wants, and more would get out than he's willing to share( if she didn't also make shit up just to smear his name).
    May 17th, 2016 at 03:47pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    Haha the Spanish thing actually was based on truth. I saw an interview a while back and Ville was talking about how his accent changes when drunk and that he sometimes mixes together languages when too intoxicated. (I definitely wish I knew as many languages as he does lol) So I thought it would be funny to throw that in there, and I honestly just kind of picked the last one I remember him speaking (Other than English and Finnish that is) on a live video I was listening to.

    But yeah Ville keeping things secret has been intentional. I feel like if he'd opened up about it sooner than things might have gotten messy, influences would be thrown at him and it's a bit soon for that. Right now his intentions and feelings need to be raw and untouched by anyone else.
    May 12th, 2016 at 06:30am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    @ Captain K Rool
    I had a feeling Bam was going to be a bit of a wildcard in this. I do remember vaguely that Jamie had met Linde/Mige but I wasn't sure if anything further had ever been said about her, or if they questioned Ville after about who she was & why he was spending so much time with her. Though I guess they wouldn't necessarily know he was spending time with a person unless they saw them out together, considering Ville seems like the type to enjoy his solitude. I completely respect the fact that he's kerping everything to himself for, just curious if it was intentional or not.

    I completely understand that whatever is going on between Jamie and Ville isn't, and wasn't, something they were actively looking for. It may not have bern clear in my last reply, though it was nearly midnight and my brain wasn't working, but I've never felt that either of them were trying to make something happen. It seems to be one of those situations where everything is right except the timing, and I feel the struggle both are going through with regards to what they want to do, what they feel they should do, and what is happening that is beyond their control.

    One thing I meant to ask last night but forgot had to do with Ville slipping into Spanish when drunk. Is this a real thing( wouldn't surprise me) or just something random you came up with?

    Excited to see how Jamie's first encounter with Bam goes!
    May 11th, 2016 at 02:03pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    So many things to answer! Lol Okay so as far as mapping things out, I usually map out a few chapters ahead of where I'm posted, and it's really funny you say something about the band trying to figure things out with Ville. At the moment it's safe to say they're pretty in the dark aside from the media. I actually already have a bit of a mapped out area as to where he has to be interrogated by them after Bam spills the beans about Ville still seeing Jamie (If you remember Jamie met Linde and Mige at the bar once) It's safe to assume that Linde and Mige didn't really think much of Ville and Jamie's friendship and are not filled in on it at all. I feel like Ville is in a place where he needs to keep things to himself for my own reasons.

    Also, Bam is really someone the readers need to keep an eye on!!!! There is definitely a reason he and Ville do not always get to be best friends, and you can be sure we'll expand on that in time.

    The one thing I want to get through though is that the intimacy between Jamie and Ville isn't a thing they're working for, but more working against for each other's benefit. It's like nature itself is forcing this blooming romance between them and they're doing what they can to stop it, but they also have to fight the internal battle or whether or not they even want to fight it. It's a bit of a difficult and complex situation that can only get worse before it gets better.

    Oh, and while I'm thinking about it again (Sorry it's literally 3AM and my thinking is a bit sporadic) the members of HIM are definitely going to come more into play in a while, but not quite yet. It's a bit important that they stay in the dark about a lot, otherwise they'd probably do what they could to change situations that I don't plan on them changing lol There's a lot going on in my head about where this is going but I can't reveal too much on that subject yet.

    And yes, I am very open to suggestions!! It's nice to get an input from someone else, it helps to open new doors to things I never would have even thought of!! Thank you!!
    May 11th, 2016 at 10:14am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    Aww, that was the cutest non- date, though these two may need to start hanging out during the day in public, or things are going to happen that shouldn't. At least not right now.

    Never apologize for lighthearted, fluffy chapters. They are a crucial part to any good story, IMO. It just gets too exhausting reading major crisis after major crisis, and frankly, it gets a bit boring. Let's see how many ways we can fuck our characters over and still have readers interested is not very interesting to me. Besides, both Jaime and Ville needed this time to just take a breath and decompress from the past few days(week? It's late and I can't remember), not worrying about anything.

    The song part raised a thought I've had in the past regarding singing for one person vs. singing in front of thousands. I've seen interviews with different artists in the past who were super shy, and thus singing for one person would be both insanely nervewrecking and highly intimate, but I thought you handled Ville's reservations about it well.

    Yay for no awkward morning after yet. Once Bam comes into the picture that could all change. But for now, it's great that they're so at ease with each other and are able to be honest, mostly, and not fall into that trap of feeling like they need to constantly need to explain themselves to each other - they just get it.

    I'm not sure if you're open to suggestions, and if you already have things mapped out, feel free to ignore this, but I'd be interested in reading a chapter or part of a chapter with Ville interacting with the rest of the band. Has he mentioned Jamie around them? What do they think? What about Jonna? Did he tell them the real reason she left or did he just lie and say she had work/family obligations? What did they think of the marriage? Was it one of those cases where everyone on the outside saw that it was headed downhill or were they blindsided when Ville told them he was getting divorced(if he told them)? I know he's still processing everything, and not wanting to believe it, but they've known him so long I feel like they'd pick up on a change in his demeanor and he wouldn't want them finding out from someone else( like their significant others reading the article in the paper assuming they stayed in Finland).
    May 11th, 2016 at 05:34am
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ tiffanyinwonderland
    Thank you!!!
    May 10th, 2016 at 06:27am
  • tiffanyinwonderland

    tiffanyinwonderland (100)

    United States
    Really digging this.
    May 9th, 2016 at 02:58pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    Thank you so much for the kind words. Writing is a bit of an escape from things like that, which helps, but sometimes priorities get in the way, which is fine too. Coping as best I can, and your words mean a ton!

    As for Liz, she can only stay dormant for so long, she's just a mean, vindictive, vengeful girl and it would take a lot to get through to her. She and Jamie have a pretty interesting road ahead and Noah is only the beginning.

    The meat situation was actually kind of important for Ville. It was a time that showed his blatant shock and disconnect from the world at that point. It was a moment where he let every guard down he had and just gave up for a moment. His disappointment and sense of failure set in and he's still trying to overcome it, though he hasn't really expanded much on it anywhere yet. He'll have to eventually, but for now he's distracting himself, convincing himself that this is how things were meant to be. He just might come to a point where he may want answers from the source of the problem before he can accept what happened and really move on.

    And for Bane, well, I needed a comic relief somewhere (can't be serious all the time) and I've bestowed that upon him. He's the type that you write off at first, but I think in time the readers will start to come around to liking him a bit more, even though he tends to be kind of problematic.

    Again, I love your long comments! Knowing what someone is thinking about the story is a huge help. Next chapter should be up tonight or tomorrow night. I've already started it and I think it's going well.. I hope so anyway!
    May 8th, 2016 at 05:33pm
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    Oh man, where do I begin? Bane's freak-out was hysterical to me. And asking Jamie if she was human? Priceless. It isn't surprising that she didn't know he was a fan, given their limited interactions in the past, but the way the whole thing played out was great. I'm guessing that'll be a source for hilarity and/or awkwardness going forward since Ville and Jamie aren't going to stop speaking to each other.

    Jonna is quite a piece of work, isn't she? I feel awful for Ville. Not only is it bad enough she broke his heart, but to now smear his name to the public, and him feeling like nobody would believe his side of the story is heartbreaking. I'm not sure what more she wants to gain by being so vindictive, but I'm guessing she'll be a thorn in his side for a long time.

    Jamie just can't catch a break. As much as she loves working at the flower shop, this may be good for her, though. A chance to do something different, or try something she'd never thought she'd be able to before. Shitty timing, for sure, but I'm not ready to count this as a complete disaster yet. Based on your previous response, I'm almost more excited to see what goes down between she and Liz than I am with Ville. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the Ville/Jamie relationship so far, but with Liz, it's deeper, and just learning more about why she(Liz) did what she did is intriguing. I've never been the type to want to or actively try to screw someone over, so getting inside that mindset is fascinating.

    As someone who hasn't eaten meat in over 10 years, the whole diner scene had me cringing. I can't imagine myself in such a haze that I would eat meat without realizing it, at least in such a straightforward manner.

    So sorry to hear about your brother Sad As someone who has been in that situation before, only with a different family member, I'd say spend as much time with them as you want, and don't worry about how often you get updates out. That situation messes with your head enough as is, and there's no reason to beat yourself up more for not writing/posting more frequently(not that I'm saying you're doing that). I can only speak for myself, but I'll continue to read whenever there's an update.
    May 8th, 2016 at 02:27pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ A7X_Lover13
    Thanks so much! Glad you like it!
    May 4th, 2016 at 06:14am
  • A7X_Lover13

    A7X_Lover13 (150)

    United States
    I cannot wait for more. I love your direction so far
    May 3rd, 2016 at 11:15pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ tiffanyinwonderland
    Thank you! So happy you're enjoying it!
    May 3rd, 2016 at 07:31am
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    So glad you're thinking this way, you are dead on. A relationship between Ville and Jamie isn't feasible yet, timing is terrible, but knowing that there's, at the very least, an attraction to one another kind of sets things in motion, creating an upcoming problem in a way. And I was really hoping people would feel that way about Jonna, because she definitely decided she was done a long time ago (But don't think for a second we've heard the last of her!)

    As for Liz and Jamie, this is nothing. Shit hasn't even begun to hit the fan yet. And I think Bane just had a turning point. He hadn't appreciated what he had until it was gone, even if she did turn out to be horrible. But Bane is always changing, he has a tough road ahead. And Jamie is a bit too forgiving for her own good sometimes.

    I really appreciate your comments too! I love it when people actually talk about what's going on. I love to see what people are thinking!! Thank you!
    May 3rd, 2016 at 07:30am
  • tiffanyinwonderland

    tiffanyinwonderland (100)

    United States
    Looking forward to more
    May 3rd, 2016 at 01:03am
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    Before I get to my actual comment, I just want to say that I love the fact you post long chapters. Quite an enjoyable read with my tea this morning!

    Ch. 5
    I had a feeling all was not as it seemed with Liz, but it still sucks for Jamie that the one person she leaned on during her difficult time was also the same one who contributed to it. I'm a little surprised that Jamie let Bane stay at the apartment, given that they didn't really seem to have that great of a relationship, though I guess none of what happened was his fault so there's no need to screw him over more than he already was.

    Ch. 6
    My best friend is going through a divorce right now, so I can really empathize with Ville. It seems like Jonna checked out of it a long time ago, and I wouldn't be surprised to find out later on that she had someone on the side. It was nice to see that they were both comfortable enough with each other to talk about what was really going on rather than just pretending everything was ok, though. Hopefully they keep this playful friendship going for a little while instead of trying to jump right into something, even though they both feel it, because right now neither are in any place to be in a relationship.
    May 1st, 2016 at 07:50pm
  • Katherine Wheel

    Katherine Wheel (100)

    United States
    @ vampire_sun
    Thanks so much! And I definitely appreciate the con-crit. I'll try to catch those things! My laptop for some reason doesn't like to tell me when there are typos. But I'm glad you like it! And honestly I don't normally like the different POV thing either. I tried it on a story a long time ago and I got great responses from it so I figured I might try it again. Updates later today!
    April 27th, 2016 at 06:18pm
  • vampire_sun

    vampire_sun (100)

    United States
    It has been a long time since I've read a good Ville story(most just don't hold my interest past the first chapter), but I'm hooked on this and read all 4 chapters on my lunch break. I love that you aren't doing an overdone, cliche plot, and your characters have substance instead of being very one-dimensional. Plus you've made me not hate the alternating pov's( something I normally avoid at all costs since they're so poorly done). I'm excited to see where things go with these two.

    My one bit of con-crit would be to proof-read prior to posting. Nothing bad, just a few typos here and there.
    April 26th, 2016 at 12:50am