Beautiful Execution - Comments

  • ghastly bones.

    ghastly bones. (100)

    @ kayyish @ dawn of light

    Thank you guys for the feedback. I really enjoy reading comments about my stories -whether they are positive or negative- because it gives me something to go off of and improve.
    May 22nd, 2016 at 07:06am
  • kayyish

    kayyish (100)

    United States
    My first reaction was holy crap this is kind of freaky, I'm going to have nightmares. I'm not into scary things, I'm a big whimp but I do have to say after reading the first chapter, I was intrigued. I liked the whole short chapters, it really makes me want to come back to see what's next. I think Calla is entirely sadistic and really disturbed but I kind of like her. I like that she's all about playing "tricks" on people. I kind of pick up on that Calla is definitely the one that likes to play these tricks and Emmeline just goes along with it because they're sisters. I wonder if Emmeline will ever put her foot down if Calla ever goes to far?

    Love it!
    May 19th, 2016 at 07:03am
  • dawn of light

    dawn of light (100)

    United States
    I enjoy short stories similar to this! I like that the first chapter is an overview of the concept you have. I think it makes us readers read on because we're obviously aching to know more about this house. You use the element of simplicity to you advantage and it's rather beautiful. Like Nikki, I love this line, "Their mother was the first person that they killed." It takes this situation to a whole new, dear I say - psychotic - level. I also really like that you paired it with "They did not cry," because I already know what the twin's personalities will be yet they are just babies! OMG. SO MANY QUESTIONS ARE RUNNING IN MY HEAD.

    THESE TWINS ARE MAD OMFG I love how you're portraying them because it's interesting and it's spooky! Fantastic job!
    May 19th, 2016 at 02:25am
  • ghastly bones.

    ghastly bones. (100)

    @ cleopatra.

    Thank you for the feedback! I was going for a shining style set of twins, which I hope to be able to flesh out more as the story progresses. I'm glad that you enjoyed the story :)
    May 14th, 2016 at 03:55am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    there's a simplicity to this that's absolutely marvelous. from the short description to the talk of something sinister brewing in this abandoned cabin sets an amazing tone.

    "their mother was the first person they killed" this is probably my most favorite line! you know how to pull @ my heartstrings when it comes down to stories like this. well done on the first two chaps. it really sets the story for something spectacular.

    as for the third chap - which is longer & thank god bc holy hell - i love how these twins have a peculiar way of speaking to one another let alone the fact that they can telepathically communicate & cause mayhem. superbly creepy bc they're the types of kids i pictured from the shining almost, lol. but my god, i can only imagine what else you have in store for this!
    May 12th, 2016 at 08:22am