Blithe Motel - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Layout / Summary
    Beautiful layout. I love the contrast between the flowered border and the darkness of the banner image. Also, Blithe Motel does not sound like a place I wanna stay with a significant other. No highway, forests? All a bit dodgy, if you ask me. Nonetheless, your summary definitely piques my curiosity.

    You actually totally got me with this one because I started reading and was a little disappointed because there was no murderous serial killer sawing people down, but then I read towards the end and I was all "AW YISS" because not only was the end of this beautifully executed, it was also a massive surprise and I loved that you just totally turned that around in the way that you did.

    I like that you've got this stark change as well, because it lets us see who Ava is at first. She seems meek, unsure of her actions and I like that. It makes her all the more three-dimensional, and then she's totally consumed by this passion before he offs her. I'm not entirely sure why she's there -- I get the idea that it's a romantic rendezvous behind someone's (another significant other?) back and that's why she's so nervous. Another part of me kind of wants it to be some sort of Craigslist hookup. Either way, I love the fact that it goes from this guy being really gentle and caring to being bloodthirsty and killing her within seconds. Total psycho behaviour and we all know I love reading about psychos.

    Nothing to point out again.

    I loved this. It's so short, but packs a massive punch and you're so good at the whole putting a massive twist in between and then just totally shocking the reader by the end. Awesome job!
    June 17th, 2016 at 07:16pm