33 Weeks - Comments

  • That first paragraph was really beautiful done. Every single part of it was perfect. The little list of hurts and how it shifts from physical to emotional was brilliant, and I love how it specifically showed the different kind of hurts/wounds - how the broke knee is healed but it aches occasionally, how the scabbed palms keeps re-opening after healing up a little, and how the heartache just keeps going. Loved it.

    This all probably would have been easier if I heeded the warning, right? - This reminded me of the saying "When someone shows you who they really are, believe them." I liked that you had your own spin to it.

    I think the letters portion of the story were really sweet and I love that it showcased a different side to breakups. April's letters were sad and bittersweet, but not angry. I loved how the letters showed April's good and bad days; the days when she thought she was over April and the days when she felt like she wasn't. Her yearning (and also how she was dealing with the breakup, in general) really showed here.

    Another thing I really liked about the letters was how it showed that even though April was struggling with her breakup, life was still moving on. Even though a part of her was stuck on Cass, she still graduated and got a job, adopted a dog. She always kept moving forward in some ways.

    The ending, for me, was a little bittersweet. I mean, it's nice that they're back together, but it bothered me that April accepted her back so easily. I think I felt like that because I really only got to see April's side of the breakup and how it hurt her. So there's a part of my head that feels like Cass could have been living it up and fine without April and so April was hurting all alone. (Even though, logically, I know that's probably not true.)

    Either way, I thought this was a really great story. Short and sweet and lovely. I thought it was a really interesting way to present a love story and a really nice look into how some people deal with breakups.
    July 8th, 2016 at 10:40pm
  • Layout + Summary
    I love how simple both the summary and layout are. I'm excited to see what's to come in the story!

    First off, I want to say that I absolutely adore how this is written in letters. I firmly believe that the letters were a much more emotional way of going about everything.

    There's so much emotion in this first letter. It's almost like April is angry with Cassie for leaving, which is understandable. But you can also see just how much she misses her. I love the bit about wounds and how they, in fact, don't heal with time. It's a wonderful taste of reality.

    God, the pain in the second letter just gets to me so much. I can feel it, tbh. But at the same time, I can't imagine exactly what April is going through. The fact that she wants to hate Cassie just shows how much everything is hurting her.

    It almost seems like the letters are becoming more desperate. Less angry and more 'please get back with me, I need to know you're okay and still care', but that's probably just my interpretation.

    I really feel like April is lying. The fact that she's looking at Cassie's Facebook and everything shows that she isn't over it. I feel like if she was she wouldn't be sending letters, she wouldn't be looking at her social media. Idk, that's mostly what I've seen, though.

    Ah, I knew it! God, I feel so bad for April. And the fact that Cassie left without a word. Just knowing how much she'd be hurting hurts me too.


    I'm surprised April took her back just like that. I honestly would have been so angry. I probably would've yelled and the fact that she didn't does show that April has a heart that's too big. She's too kind and loving.

    I do like how you gave insight into Cassie's mind and her thoughts. It made her seem much more real. And the fact that she was so apologetic was nice to see as well.

    I'm really wondering how their future will end up. Will Cassie leave again? Will they stay together? I have so many questions, but I love how you left things open-ended because now I can imagine things and come up with theories.

    This was such a beautiful read. I absolutely loved it. Well done!
    July 5th, 2016 at 10:02pm
  • I'm surprised by the way this went! I wasn't expecting for her to come back. Most heartbreak stories don't end like this, so it was a twist. It was pulled off really simply. No fight, hardly no words at all. One thing I would've liked to see though, was for April to still feel hurt, even when Cass returns. I know all she wanted was for her to come back, but she still hurt for all those months. She grew into a life without her and now she has to rework her back into it. I'm almost hoping for another installment, a realistic second part where they want to be together, but it's harder than they thought.

    If anything, that's how I imagine their life goes together. But this was written beautifully, I think it's a compliment when readers can take a story you wrote and people you created an envision a future for them. 33 Weeks is a really strong piece. The ending threw me a little (mostly because I'm a cynic) but it was really sweet and let a lot open to the imagination. :)
    June 7th, 2016 at 10:24pm