Sweethearts - Comments

  • dawn of light

    dawn of light (100)

    United States
    I'll have you know, I was all for Frank and Gerard since chapter one. I was rooting for them since the beginning. And thank god I was right about them. Everything Frank did and said was screaming I have a crush on you. And it was cute. Especially the part when he told Gerard that he's help him with his outfit and that he didn't need slimming.

    Gerard’s character is so so precious. And when Frank admitted that in chapter three, I lost it because it made my heart break. Everything about their friendship screams adorable. Frank’s character is a nice addition to this story. I thought the “main” crush would be between Kris and Gerard but you twisted the plot and gave me a good surprise when making it about Gerard and Frank (something I was looking forward to in the beginning ~~)!!

    One thing that was on my mind was their age in the story. They own a shop, which is something I would think someone 21+ older would own. But at the same time some details from the story tell me they’re below that age (Gerard calling Kris and I'm assuming her father answered, saying that it was late to be calling). But that could just be how I read and interpreted that specific scene Shifty

    Chapter four and the last chapter broke my heart. I just wanted them to be together Cry Can I just say that I liked the touch of adding the sorry balloon and the puppy??? It made me smile! I actually liked how you ended it, as it was sweet and adorable. I liked the way you wrote this as a whole because it was simple and straight to the point. Your writing is clean, which was something I liked. Overall, your main idea was great! What an amazing entry, great job!
    August 6th, 2016 at 07:41am
  • mr. twin sister

    mr. twin sister (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Is this going to lead up to a Frank x Gerard?
    June 9th, 2016 at 04:21am