The Nameless Town - Comments

  • This story is very personal for me. It is my interpretation of a life I was living at one point.
    September 26th, 2016 at 10:36pm
  • I have to say this story started off quite interesting, reminding me of Spirited Away because of the setting and the oddness. After the story began getting just plain creeped me out! It seemed a little overdone - the amount of gore - but honestly, maybe it's because I can't handle it. It all seemed too real.
    But I have to hand it to you, really well written. It can only be that creepy if it was well written. It's annoying to say that :P because it's so very creepy.

    Lol, all the best!
    July 2nd, 2016 at 06:08am
  • Your story title alone got me curious. It’s alluring and downright interesting.

    Your hook made me slightly nervous. I hate watching anything creepy but I love reading about it. I really envy the way you use the words in your favor. Especially here, “Even the cobbled floor was depressive somehow.” I liked how you gave something as minor as the floorboards an emotion because it gives me the creepy vibe of your story. I am wondering why the main character is in this particular town~ are they just visiting or a mishap happened and they had to stay for the night? I AM SO EXCITED TO KNOW MORE.


    While reading this, all I am really wondering about is how this tourist tore this town apart. I love the build-up you create but I’d also love to read more about the corruption of the town itself and the history of it. I am blown away by this. Overall, everything about this story is horrifying while being beyond amazing. You gave the genre thriller justice. It’s fantastically written so very great job!
    July 2nd, 2016 at 04:55am
  • This was very intriguing. I do want to start off with my biggest (and only, for the most part) negative and it's that I hate the layout to the story. The white font on the black layout is eh. But anyways! I think it's so interesting that the woman replaces the old woman in the story. It truly makes me wonder how many victims there has been. I'm not gonna lie, I thought the children were going to be cannibals and I was so ready to prepare for details on their feast. I love the mystery but I kind of wish we would have learned more about Mr. Psycho and the guardians, it's like a missing puzzle piece that leaves me wondering about the history and development of the town that is now deserted.
    June 29th, 2016 at 05:55am
  • Interesting story. I love that this is an original piece and you created this myth/legend that was unlike anything I've ever read before. I thought that was really creative.

    The creepy small town vibe worked really well here and I liked that the people who destroyed the town were tourists. I thought that was kind of funny, since I know a lot of people who are locals in a place that's become a tourist town often feel that kind of resentment. The idea of tourists kind of ripping through a town during peak season and leaving it barren is pretty realistic, so you turning it into an extreme was really well done.

    At first, I thought the man and his children were some kind of vampires (pale skin), but then I thought maybe they were simply do pale because they spend so much time hiding. And I thought the Pyscho might have been their maker. In the end thought, I'm still unsure of what really happened to the town and that family.

    The ambiguous ending...I'm not sure how I feel about it. The questions left unanswered about what truly happened to the people of the town left me feeling unsatisfied. But I do like how everything full circle. How the girl has taken the place of the old woman.
    June 14th, 2016 at 04:46pm