Breakfast Kisses - Comments

  • Chairman Meow

    Chairman Meow (925)

    This is for me... isn't it? In Love unless there's another Lina with the love for Niall Shifty

    Urgh! The picture you use for the layout is just... In Love HIS SMILE! So beautiful. So perfect. I'm so in love. And that little quote thingy in the summary. It's just the sweetest thing ever! In Love

    Even if she hadn’t known that he had just woken up, she would have been able to tell from his wrinkled pants, shirtless torso and the sleep in his eyes.

    Shirtless you say? ~~

    The thing I love most about this fic is how much you get me. Like... you had written me so well. I am that kind of person that will fume all by myself when I'm angry until someone comes and ask me what's wrong. But instead of explaining what's bothering me, I'll just give hints and clues until they get it. I'm a complicated person. Weird

    And the fact that Niall uses food to coax me into forgiving him. Like... food solves EVERYTHING for me! lmfao Good food and good company. I'm set for a good time. tehe

    "I was going for the best," he tried to keep his smile but his eyes gave away the disappointment he was feeling.

    Awww Nialler beebs. I love you! And you're still the best! You can cook anything and I'll eat it because I know you'll always try your best and that's the best anyone can ever ask for!

    I really am in love with this fic. I have read it a few times and I still can't help this stupid grin on my face! In Love This is so cute and the fluff and the sweetness is rotting my teeth!

    Thank you so much for this! Arms
    July 1st, 2016 at 06:57pm