Not Enough - Comments

  • Fuck You Mibba!

    Fuck You Mibba! (135)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Wow I can't believe this story doesn't have a comment. I am honored to be the first. This short story had a lot of emotions. It's so mysterious that you didn't mention their names but managed to capture their feelings so well that I even felt the sadness it expressed, specially from her. Their frustrations and their descriptions made the hairs on my arms stand.

    I am not a fan of his because he let her go, not caring that she needed help. For me, she was just crying for help in the only way she knew how. He didn't care, or like he mentioned, it wasn't enough, and that made me dislike him very much because he knew she was thinking about taking her life. It was very sad yet amazing. The flow of the words connected to each other beautifully. Love the simple layout.

    This is an amazing story. Loved it!
    October 31st, 2016 at 02:43am