Color Me Blue - Comments

  • Shatterheart

    Shatterheart (140)

    United States
    Man, this is bonkers good. Like I had to take a moment after I finished reading to kinda soak in it. (did I gross you out, sorry... Weird)

    Like the first part... honestly the details and the imagery were so vivid, like it was as if you were trying to describe the color 'blue' without saying blue. Not only could I "see" this boy being blue, but I could feel the cold.

    And then you bring in the deep emotions. The cool thing you did here that I love was the way you expressed emotion without the typical vocabulary, just actions and your word choices. I especially like the "...leaving permanent indentations over their preferred route." Which I don't know if this is what you intended but as a reader I interpreted as someone with such deep sadness that they cry a lot. And the way you described him hiding his face... ugh. I can't handle the perfection.

    Am I making sense? Does this comment make sense? It was really an amazing read!
    Cripes, I can't get enough. Like details are my weakness cuz I am a complete sucker for it. You have my recommendation. Thank you for sharing!!
    October 8th, 2017 at 02:38am
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    Ahhh, this was so amazing. The imagery was my favorite part, especially in the third paragraph. The way you described the blood running through his veins and perfusing to the surface of his skin was my absolute favorite.

    The way you kept the blue theme throughout was another thing I adored about this, as well as the tiny smile. This was such a beautiful piece!
    July 26th, 2017 at 04:40am
  • delicate.

    delicate. (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    This is ridiculous. So good. First off, I love the simplicity of the layout. And the IMAGERY. So vivid that I could see and feel everything you were describing. Stylistically, I love how each paragraph lined up with the summary. A small detail, but it just makes it flow that much better.

    My absolute favorite line had to be, "He claimed it was never going to come off but he always said it with a tiny smile, as if he was happy that a piece of you would always be with him. " Bless you for coming up with that. Even though this has an icy blue theme, that line made me warm and fuzzy inside.

    Well done!
    July 5th, 2017 at 03:41am
  • Ghoul Scouts

    Ghoul Scouts (165)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    I completely agree with the comment below. It is incredible how you made the color a feeling. It ran through me the color blue. I loved the details and description you added to the story. It was beautifully written.
    July 4th, 2017 at 11:54pm
  • n. josten

    n. josten (1270)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Are you aiming to hurt me? Are you aiming to RUIN ME? because you did so GOOD JOB LIZZ Grr

    But no seriously, you're so good, I don't even understand. Like how the hell do you manage to make a color a feeling? I feel blue. I feel cold and sad and blue—not like how when people saying they're feeling kinda blue. Sad and 'blue' were not the same thing at all when I read this and I don't understand how you made a color a feeling in my heart. It's not fair. Also, I really loved that little bit of anatomically correct stuff. I actually associate that with you because you always give that little bit in your drabbles (and okay, tbh it also reminds me that you love anatomically correct hearts but shh). It's a Lizz thing, ya know? And I feel so sad because this entire piece was so bittersweet. Something is wrong and yet something is right, and I JUST WANT WARMTH but it was cold but lovely. You actually balanced both of these things in such a way that I'm sad because of the vibes and how the entire thing was tinged blue, but there was a certain kind of love in it and under it all too that I can't quite put my finger on.

    lmao this whole comment is just actually me yelling at you for being great and babbling incoherently about blue and feelings?? I hope you managed to take away from this awful comment that I loved this so much and you're so fantastic and ily very much In Love ok bye
    December 1st, 2016 at 07:07pm