Heart to Get - Comments

  • strawberrylegs

    strawberrylegs (100)

    United States
    I'm absolutely shocked this doesn't have any comments.

    Everything about it is so satisfying to read. From the layout, to the formatting, to the way you describe the characters and their surroundings, it all looks and sounds so G O O D. Trevor is my favorite so far; cigarettes in churches and flowers in books. How can you go wrong?
    Maybe I'm biased because this is actually a bad habit of mine; I tend to fall in love about 3 times per day with complete strangers I'll never talk to again. So I completely relate to the narrator.

    If I was forced to critique this I'd just point out there are one or two run-on sentences. I only noticed because that's one of my biggest problems in my own writing so I'm hypersensitive to it :c

    I know this is two years old but possible update?? Maybe? Please? Cute

    Side-note: The Heathers reference at the end of the second chapter made me so happy
    April 18th, 2019 at 12:34am