A Goddamn Moskal - Comments

  • @ Divided
    Thank you for your kind comment, I have about fifteen more episodes done, I just need to do some polishing and such. It makes me really happy you seem to like it!
    January 29th, 2017 at 08:19pm
  • This is just so unique and daring that I love it. I'm glad that we're slowly being taught more about the relationship between Artiom and Markov. I'm so eager to learn more about Artiom's past. tehe

    Your description makes each "work of art" and each journey that Artiom makes so captivating in either a sickening or beautiful way. The quotes are a really nice touch.

    Good job with this! I continue to look forward to more. Cute
    January 28th, 2017 at 03:29am