Quarter-Life - Comments

  • halcyondays

    halcyondays (100)

    United States
    Love this. So unique.
    January 2nd, 2018 at 08:52pm
  • keigo takami.

    keigo takami. (205)

    United States
    I got so excited from the update, I had to keep rereading the chapter, haha. I loved it!! I feel like Danny is so relatable, not just with myself but he reminds me of so many people I know, it’s unbelievable haha. I liked the little encounter Niall and Layla had, definitely wishing for more of this, yessss.

    When they were talking about Anna, I felt a little weird once Layla was there? Like, I can imagine myself being put into that position and I can imagine the awkwardness. But I like that, at the same time, it wasn’t all that weird. Layla didn’t make it weird, she kept her cool and tried to help Harry. Layla is too cool for all of us.

    I feel like we’re closer to a Layla/Anna encounter, I can feel it, hehe.
    December 22nd, 2017 at 06:31am
  • keigo takami.

    keigo takami. (205)

    United States
    In my sociology class a few days ago, my professor was like, "Did I forget to tell you guys about how we're all from Africa??" and I just imagined Harry barging into the room and being like "No." I don't know, I just thought of this story and I've been craving an update. :3
    October 26th, 2017 at 08:33pm
  • kinglouis

    kinglouis (100)

    United States
    So glad someone rec’d this on Tumblr! Definitely the most interesting backstory for a Teacher!Harry that I’ve read. Excited to see the slow burn run its course!
    October 11th, 2017 at 08:10am
  • keigo takami.

    keigo takami. (205)

    United States
    This comment is a bit late, my apologies, but the hype remains so it's all gooood.

    First of all, I love the way Harry imitates Niall. I feel like after that brief moment and him reflecting back on their relationship, my heart grew bigger. It's really nice to see, or at least get a sense, of the intimacy in their friendship.

    ANGELO HAS A CRUSH ON LAYLA. BOY, ME TOO, SHIT. Hahaha, but really, I just love how casually he brings this up with Harry. But when Angelo asks what her type is, I really like the things Harry notices about her such as the way she smells and what colors she wears, the little things. I think that shit is cute, like he paying attention to all the little details about her. I'm sure he doesn't mean to notice these things, but he does. Either way, it's cute. Also, I just love the observation Angelo points out; Harry and Layla hanging out often during the morning and lunch. Gotta keep an eye out for his homie, aye?

    I don't know if it's just me, but I really like the relationship Harry has with his students, and obviously with Angelo. As I was reading this, I never realized how nice it is communicating with his students and having a bond with him. Like the casual conversations on Halloween costumes from a previous chapter and now the topic of Layla, it makes him feel more real and reminds me of one of my favorite teachers from high school (who taught a class in which we pretty much just watch movies, one of them being the Graduate, ayye).

    "You can't revoke infinity, my man." Best quote ever.

    This jar man, I relate with them on this jar. Poor Niall though, he just wants a pint but it's just difficult to get that jar open. And then Harry getting all excited about Niall meeting Daisy's parents, I totally feel Harry on that one, haha. It's so cute that Harry is like a fanboy for their relationship, I live for that shit. I just hope that her parents like Niall, especially since he doesn't have a filter.

    Of course, Niall is the one to be impatient and drop the damn jar on the floor, I get it.

    Anyway, I love the chapter and so happy you updated!!! <3 <3
    October 3rd, 2017 at 03:49am
  • keigo takami.

    keigo takami. (205)

    United States

    I love this story, okay? I really, really fucking love this story. I want to protect this story at all costs. It has now become one of my babies. I just really love this story, you have no idea.

    This story is slow, I'll admit, but god damn it, I think that's what I love about this story. I love the fact that this story seems realistic and the story doesn't feel rushed. I feel like it's going to build up so well because of this, and the hype for this story is just so...ugh, it's so good.

    I love the way you write, especially the dialogue. I live for that shit, yo. I think you write this so well and I love both Harry and Niall's conversations/dialogue. Harry just comes out as an unintentionally smart ass all while Niall is just great overall. I feel like Niall's character just completes this story as well.

    I love Harry's character as well. I adore his personality, it's so relatable and so me sometimes. It makes me want to protect him because he just deserves to be protected. I especially love him as the history teacher. I feel like people always write him as a music teacher or an art teacher, sometimes even an English teacher and it just gets so old and boring. But I love him as a history teacher, I personally think it suits him much more. Also, Rhiannon must be protected too. If you wrote this fic as just Harry and Rhiannon, I'd still read it.


    Layla is so chill, like, I would love to have a Layla like that in my life. She's so mellow and nice, she definitely comes off as someone I would like to hang out with and talk about random shit like cheese or life, you know? I love the way you write her. I JUST LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE AND I LOVE YOU AND THIS STORY, OKAY??

    I don't like Anna and her character, not the way you write her but she just seems like the kind of person I would hate breathing the same air as, you know? As soon as said she looked like Thylane Blondeau, I was like "yep, that's definitely Anna." Anyway, I really didn't like her when her and Harry first met. From there, she kind of just rubbed me in the wrong way with her attitude. I know Harry wants to shag her and all, but I'm just screaming to myself, "HARRY NO, YOU CAN DO BETTER." I'm sort of warming up to her, but we all know Layla is meant to be Harry's boo thang.

    Anyway, I'm so excited to continue reading this and I hope you update soon because this story is S O G O O D I T H U R T S
    September 27th, 2017 at 12:08am
  • wakinguptired

    wakinguptired (100)

    United States
    OH MAN a kid invaded my personal space and said all sorts of suggestive things to me for MONTHS before i was able to get him out of my class... bless harry's principal for having his back. i'm still pretty worried that this thing with angelo is gonna go south because you should really never initiate a hug with a kid... speaking of, wtf is niall doing having children??? (love this story thank you for writing it you're the best)
    September 17th, 2017 at 05:21am
  • mikala_79

    mikala_79 (100)

    loving this story so far!!
    September 3rd, 2017 at 08:03pm
  • Unluckyinlove

    Unluckyinlove (100)

    United States
    It's just one chapter in and I'm already enjoying this! I love Harry's personality as a bookish, homebody history teacher. Love the idea of him as a teacher as well, like I can see him being everyone's favorite! It'll be interesting to read more and find out about the women with the tide pen!
    July 12th, 2017 at 04:41am