Blood Honey - Comments

  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Chapter Twenty Four

    Paige suddenly experienced a stab of guilt. She had treated him so unfairly. - I hate to agree... but yeah, kind of. I mean, he's a big boy and he can take care of himself and he knew it was what it was and nothing more, but still. He admitted to liking her and she doesn't really feel the same (at least from what I can tell) and she still hooked up with him. But hey, I'm sure he'll be okay. Not like he's in love.

    "Because I'm a coward who runs from her mistakes," Paige muttered. Hurt flickered across his features and she hastily said, "It's nothing personal. This whole thing has been a mistake." - Naww, poor guy. But she's being honest. He will find another girl, I'm sure!

    I might be biased, but I just don't see what she's really doing to Tim? Okay, so she hooked up with John and he doesn't know that... but realistically, she has no obligation to tell him or feel bad about it. He is the one who has made it more than clear that they are only physical and it is not a relationship. She is doing her best to go along with that, even though she's falling head over heels for him. If he ends up hurt, I feel like it's by his own hand.

    She may not have been able to complete the thought, but I agree with Hadley that she needs to actually tell Tim she's leaving. He might suspect, but he still deserves to hear it directly from her. Honestly, how else was she planning to deal with it? Just walk away without a word?

    "Surely I've swept you off your feet before?" - Smooth... tehe

    I'm glad she's realised she has to tell him. Sucks she was interrupted, but I'm glad she's at least made the right choice!

    Chapter Twenty Five

    Sounds like she had a fun night! Although surprised she avoided Tim instead of spending it with him... I suppose it's easier, emotionally.

    "Damn," Manson said, lips quirking with amusement. "It's like musical buses around here." - Hilarious! But true... lmfao

    A fresh wave of nausea had engulfed her, and it had nothing to do with her hangover. - Shocked I hope that just means it was an emotional nausea... but then, I did wonder if they ever seemed to use condoms... Unsure

    I love that she's the first thing he goes to the second he leaves the stage... I know it's supposed to be a lust thing, but I feel there's more to it than that.

    "Do not make this into something it's not. We have already discussed what happens next." - way too late for that, Tim! Whether you admit to it or not... it is more than what you insist you want it to be.

    "I am not what you want. I have already told you. I don't know how to better explain this, how to make you understand. You just have to trust me." Tim met her eyes. "I am sorry, älskling." - I am frustrated by his excuses... they are far too cryptic and just... argh! Frustrating! It doesn't seem enough of a reason for him to reject her... is there more to it or is that really all it is? What other people may think? I guess I kind of get it... she is so young and green to the world and he is far from that. But I dunno. Argh. You got me all confused!! And second guessing everything!

    Hadley is a good friend. I'm glad she has her to offer comfort Sad

    Chapter Twenty Six

    She had been surprised by Manson pulling her into a tight hug. The gesture had caused her to cry, just a little. - Nawww!! Cute!!

    I like that by the end of the tour, she was actually friends with the other dancers. They were still bitches, but I'm glad they got over their jealousy.

    "You have no reason to walk away, Paige," Andrea retorted. "The only thing not going your way is your relationship with Tim. Are you really letting another man dictate your life?" - I know Andrea is not meaning to be hurtful...but damn. She's being a little bit selfish right now by not understanding where she's coming from and that this is what she genuinely needs to do for herself.

    "The best thing I can do is leave. I've changed since I first met Alex. I was only twenty then, and I didn't know anything. Now I do, and I have to find out who I am without a man defining me." - Yes, girl! As much as it sucks she's hurting and you know I want her with Tim... if he's not gonna step up, then she's doing the right thing. She's being her own knight in shining armor.

    I'm glad Andie came around. I get her reaction was born of hurt and not wanting to lose her friend... but I'm glad she realised it's what's for the best for Paige.

    Well that was a rollercoaster! But I loved it! Clap And now I've got the sequel! Dance
    August 20th, 2019 at 12:46pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Chapter Twenty Three

    Naww, she's so cute waiting for her parents and then greeting them. It really brings to attention how young and innocent she really is. Blowing off the boss for her parents... can't say I blame her. She's been waiting to see them for a long time now!

    Mr. Eisen seemed slightly uncomfortable around all the half-naked girls, and his awkwardness increased with the appearance of John in nothing but his black boxer-briefs. - Literally snorted at that line! lmfao

    I like her parents. They remind me of my own. Hahaha. They're pretty open minded with my music... the only time the judge is when I'm listening to pop music, actually. Hahaha. I loved Mr. Eisen's comment: "He's just copying David Bowie and Alice Cooper." Hail - fun fact, my whole family is planning to see Alice Cooper when he comes out this year! I'm buying the tickets tomorrow. Hahaha.

    JD was particularly charming, bringing a huge smile to Mrs. Eisen's face and earning an eye roll from Paige. - Hahaha! Smart man Wink

    Instead of shaking hands with Mrs. Eisen, he brushed his lips across her knuckles. "Tim. It is a pleasure to meet the both of you." - Swoon

    "You have another reason to stay." - argh... I want to smack him. I understand he might know Tim better and might see in him the feelings he has for her (no doubt for me... he totally has feelings for her File ) but maybe he should be having a talk with him, not her. I get that everyone wants to help... but she's not the one that needs it. He is. Sexy bastard. Haha.

    "I don't want to be that person anymore. I have to accept reality, and my reality is back in Alabama. I have to figure my life out. The only thing I know for certain is that this..." She gestured vaguely toward the buses and the band members boarding them, eager for some sleep. "This isn't my life." - I'm so proud! She is so right... she needs space. Hopefully that space will make him wake up to himself.

    But I am glad she's going to Florida. She should at least see the end of this tour... end it right!
    August 20th, 2019 at 04:08am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Chapter Seventeen

    I don't blame her for thinking twice about going back to her room. As much as her friends would be looking out for her by wanting to know what happened, it's understandable she wouldn't want to talk about it. I think she had a right to be upset, but I can also get why she'd be embarrassed about what just went down.

    Oh jeez.. John's room does not seem like a great option right now. Granted, he's sweet for looking out for her and giving her a place to escape, especially since he doesn't even know what happened. But there's an attraction there and it will just complicate things so much more.

    "A soon-to-be intoxicated one. Cheers!" The second dose of rum rapidly pursued the first. - Whilst I find that funny, I'm still saying 'Uh-oh...'

    Oh! See?! I knew it! Argh, Paige.. no. Not the answer to your problems, girl! Facepalm

    Good man, John. I take back my earlier doubts of him... he's a good guy. Strong guy, too. He can see what these two can't/won't and doesn't want to get in the middle of it. Decent guy! Mr. Green

    Chapter Eighteen

    I don't blame her for wanting to ignore the world; at least for a few hours. But it's going to have the opposite effect of wanting to be alone... everyone will worry and want to know what's up. And I fear she's not a good enough actress to pull off the excuse of being unwell.

    Bingo... Andrea has it figured out. Sort of. She's good! Hadley is sweet, not wanting to push her friend and wanting to believe her over calling her out. I think if she talks to either one of them about it, she's probably the better choice since she's a bit more motherly and understanding than Andrea right now.

    Well, I have lightened my opinion of John, but I'm slightly disappointed he's the one to confront her and seemingly check in on her. It makes sense and would be unrealistic/unlikely for Tim to do that, considering what happened and how he's trying to create a wall between them... but the overly romanticized side of me can still hope, right?

    "You just want somewhere to put your dick. You're just like him." - I get she's trying to protect herself and wants to believe what she's saying, but that's a bit harsh Sad He was the one that pulled away and thought with his head and not his dick, so he didn't really deserve that.

    Tisk tisk... oh man. It was inevitable that he'd give in to his desire, but I didn't expect right then! I know they are both single and technically, they're doing nothing wrong... but man, this is just such a bad move! I dunno. Maybe I should be rooting for him, since he's treated her better than Tim has, hands down. But it's just not that simple... argh! Twitch

    Chapter Nineteen

    Oh, she's avoiding them? I can't say I blame her. I feel bad for John, though. He deserves better, he's trying to be her friend, despite the fact he likes her. Tim... well, of course he wouldn't seek her out. He would be making a point of waiting to see if she comes to him, I'm sure.

    "One girl who doesn't run like a newborn giraffe when she's scared," - Bahahaha! So true.

    The water wasn't entirely clear when she shut it off, but it was close enough. - I'm positive that I have never been able to rinse my hair clear the first wash after dyeing my hair. It's like impossible! Hahaha

    She was expecting John; therefore, she was more than a little surprised to see Tim leaning against the rail. - Welp! I must admit I expected the same! Interesting turn of events.

    I'm proud of her resolve... but sad about the encounter. He's still pissing me off, but this time because he's not being truthful. I feel like he was there for more reason than to get his dick wet. But as usual, he bowed out of being real with her. Argh!

    I'm glad she finally confided in the girls. She needed to talk it out, but man, I don't agree with their advice. I know they're trying to be comforting and help her, but I don't think just ignoring how she really feels and going back to being his fuck buddy is a great way to deal. It will just result in her getting her heart even more broken. I'd almost prefer they suggested she just start hooking up with John!

    Oh shit. Yeah, that's gotta sting. I know she's fooled around with John so she's not innocent, but I dunno. It's different seeing it... and she has clear feelings where as he makes a point of insisting he has none for her. But hey, surely now she knows how she really feels and can start dealing... right?

    Chapter Twenty

    Oh hell no! What is that douchebag doing back here?! Argh. He's a tool.

    "I love you," Alex said, breaking the silence. "We can start over. I forgive you. None of this matters. I just want you back. I want to take care of you." - I'm sorry, he forgives her?! What a tool. And I hate that he's shown up right as she's most vulnerable. I really hope she stays strong and doesn't go back to him... he is not the answer to her problems. He's another problem.

    She had to choose what was best for her. - HE IS NOT BEST! Oh Paige, I feel I need to smack you right now! Cussing

    Maybe he'd really meant it when he said she was nothing to him. - That's what he wants you to believe, sweetheart! But in actuality, it's clearly getting to him.. a lot.

    Manson is my favourite man right now! He is doing what needs to be done to rid that asshole from her life... I just hope she follows through with it!

    Alex is such an asshole. I have another word, but it's not suitable for use in the comment... it fits perfectly, but I won't say it. Haha. But he is one! And he needs to just fuck right off, back where he came from.

    Argh.. now I love him again! What the hell? I was happy being mad at Tim, but then you had to go and make him her knight in shining armor! And as much as I hate to admit it, I love that shit. Who wouldn't want it?! And he's doing it with such sophistication and maturity; which just serves to make him more attractive.

    "Do not even look at her." - argh... just... argh... Swoon

    Well, I'm happy that he didn't sleep with the red head. But at the same time, if he did... it wouldn't be so bad what she did with John. I know he wouldn't have the right to be pissed, but it's beside the point. He's being very sweet now and that's what she needs... I hope it doesn't make it harder later on though.

    Tim nodded. "Of course, älskling." - In Love

    Chapter Twenty One

    I like the explanation of the red head. I'm glad he was telling the truth, however as I mentioned earlier, this does kind of suck in a way. Oh! Jeez... nearly outed by the phone. I wonder if she plans to tell him or hide it away... I suppose she has no obligation to tell him, but clearly she feels guilty about it otherwise she wouldn't be so intent on hiding it.

    "Sorry!" Paige gestured to Tim. "Something came up."

    "YEAH IT DID!" Andrea crowed, winking suggestively.
    - Bahahaha! lmfao

    The girl talk is amusing. I love how she just sits silently while Andrea explains her love drama. Hahaha. And she did sum it up well.

    Elyssa snorted. "He's so full of shit."

    "What do you mean?"

    "He has a thing for you."
    - Finally! Someone else can see what I can see! I know she doesn't want to hear it, because he doesn't want to admit it so it just makes it harder... but still. I'm glad someone finally said it.

    She didn't need to, though. She knew she was right. Tim had meant to help her. Instead, he had only delayed her original plan of returning to her parents to lick her wounds -- and gifted her with another reason to do so. - As much as I'd hate to see her leave, she is making a wise decision. Her heart needs time to heal and she needs to get a clear head. She needs space to do that, if he's not gonna step up and give her everything she deserves.

    Chapter Twenty Two

    Her home sickness is growing stronger and stronger. I can't blame her, it would be hard and she is so young. It's no wonder she is craving her home comfort.

    I agree with Elyssa, the way he stood up for her and got rid of Alex was incredibly sexy, as I mentioned earlier. But I believe Paige went with him because she missed him... I believe her reasoning for wanting to be with him was way more emotionally driven than sexually.

    I'm actually really proud of Paige for making the choice to go home. Don't get me wrong, I want them together, but she's right. She does need to learn how to make it on her own two feet... and he hasn't given her anything real to hold her there. She's so young, she needs time to grow as a person and be responsible for herself. As much as it sucks she can't do that with him.

    Ouch! Her sprained ankle sounds painful. That is definitely a shitty injury, having had more than one in my time. Haha. Except I was never wearing heels, I'm just a klutz.

    I totally understand Hadley's frustration. She's trying hard to be a supportive and understanding friend, but Paige even suggesting she'll just bail and not even talk to her other friends about it is shitty. I know she's going through a lot and she's hurting, but that would be the cowardly way to deal with it. She wants to make it on her own and pull herself together, then that would not be the way to start.

    I love that he came to check on her and was so easily able to calm her... it was so sweet that it was just about being there for her, rather than looking for anything physical. It warms my heart but also makes it hurt a little, since the feelings are so intense between them, but he's still holding back from her for some reason or another. I want to know what he said in Swedish... but I suppose it was just comforting words.

    "We will be in Atlanta when you wake, älskling." - In Love
    August 19th, 2019 at 05:09pm
  • Lunch break reading!

    Chapter Sixteen

    "Nah. I drank the least, despite being the birthday girl." - it's funny how often that happens to me. I am usually far too concerned about if everyone else is having a good time or making sure they're okay and I end up the soberest person there. Hahaha.

    He had clearly noticed her thorough examination of his lightly defined torso and what he was -- or wasn't -- wearing. - Certainly can't blame the girl for staring... I would too. Hahaha. Who doesn't love a well defined V on a man? Wink

    I don't blame her for feeling shy. He is so guarded with his thoughts and what not, that she can never know how he may react--or not react, as the case may be--so it would be intimidating. He doesn't go out of his way to make her feel comfortable, so why would she?

    Naww! Then he goes and reads her emotions like a book and embraces her when she needs it most. Gah! This man is invoking so many emotions in me; the most prevalent being frustration! Hahaha.

    "Three weeks, älskling," he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Unless you would like us to--" - In Love Oh, the pet name... I love that. No matter which story, it just gets me every time.

    Tim quickly stubbed out his cigarette. "We are not doing this."

    "Doing what?" Paige said, watching him pick his jeans off the floor.

    "Getting personal." He yanked the jeans on and paced away from the bed. "You have been fine with this for months. Why are you prying now?"
    - Argh! I would not call it prying, it's general basic information... I get the idea behind why he'd want to keep a line drawn or whatever. And maybe she's dancing on that line, but damn... it wouldn't kill him to at least maintain a friend level of communication and respect.

    I hate that he's right about never forcing her or actively trying to give her the impression that she had to sleep with him to stay. I get why she felt that way, maybe subconsciously she used that as an excuse to explain away her powerlessness to him. The age difference is showing quite a bit through this scene... not that I blame her at all for her reaction. She's naturally hurt and confused about the entire situation and as she is so young, I doubt very much she's been through anything like this before. He is being so level headed with his argument... it's infuriating! Hahaha.

    Having said that, I don't believe him when he says that he believes there's nothing between them and at the end of the tour, he'd easily walk away...

    Fuck, now I'm dying to read the next chapter but I need to get back to work! Argh!
    August 19th, 2019 at 06:03am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Chapter Eleven

    I love the girls dancing around outside the bus. It's good they are able to amuse themselves and have some fun, since obviously they all love to dance... or they wouldn't do it for a living! Hahaha

    "We can borrow them, right?" Fieldy said to John and Ginger. - Bahahaha!

    I can't help but agree with the boys sentiments about the Backstreet Boys... I know you love them, but it is such a weird song to pop up in amongst this crowd. Hahaha.

    I love her teasing Tim! The man deserves it... and loves it. Hahaha. Go girl!

    Tim straightened to his full height. Right before she hopped down, he leaned in and said "I win." - He really did... bastard. Hahahaha. I hope she tries the game again and finds a way to be victorious! I wanna see him squirm... hahaha

    Argh, I'm annoyed that he cut the conversation short. I get that he seems to clearly want to keep his distance emotionally and even mentally, but shit... it's just conversation. She's not asking him to bloody marry her for christs sake! Butthead.

    Chapter Twelve

    "Would it be terribly stupid to say that you are a very talented woman? I watch you most nights." He blushed faintly, voicing this last fact. - Adorable... I like this guy!

    Whilst I like she's getting attention and actual conversation from other men (mostly because it's really showing her what she's not getting from him... regardless of the fact that they're not dating, she still deserves more respect; or any at all) I don't feel that John's intentions are strictly innocent. I feel like he doesn't really care about her entanglement with Tim... I think he's trying to steal her. I could be wrong... that's just what I'm feeling right now.

    Argh! You have me wanting her to go with Tim... but also hating that she does it so willingly and quickly. I hate the power he has over her... regardless whether it's because she is drawn to him or feels like she doesn't have a choice. I'm dying for her to take back some power... but at the same time, I like the intensity between them. Argh.

    I like that he's finally giving her a little bit more about his life and his past. It's a small gesture, but hey, it's a start. And the pet name was cute... even if she didn't know what it meant. I'm glad he let his guard down a little and I hope he continues do so!

    Chapter Thirteen

    That's cute that they play whatever song the birthday girl/guy wants!

    "Was it something I said?" Manson asked Hadley. - Argh... Finger

    I like John's concern for her, but I honestly have this feeling that she shouldn't trust him 100%. I could be wrong--I hope I am. I hope that there's at least one guy that will treat her right and not fuck her over...

    I feel Tim following her after the bus is another example of him laying claim. Which is hot.. but I'm still mad at him. Hahaha.

    Tim shot her a look, rolling his eyes. "I am not after sex." - he can't seriously blame her for assuming that's what he wanted. I assumed it! Haha

    He is really leading her down a dark path, isn't he? I don't have a negative opinion of the drug use... but she clearly hasn't been interested in it until now and even so, it feels a little peer pressure-y. I hope she doesn't regret her choice.

    Noooo... he wasn't after sex at all... he had no idea what he was doing or how she'd feel... butthead File

    Chapter Fourteen

    Well shit... he is a tease. He really loves playing with her (pun totally intended) and messing with her head. I like that she can't seem to tell if the situation is the way it is because of her weakness or his talent... I say it's both. As much as I like the intensity of things between the two... I do wish they had more intimacy or even just connection. But I get the dynamics and why they are the way they are... But a girl can hope, right?

    "--Tonight, we celebrate the birth of a young lady I have come to know well, though not as well as Tim." - lmfao

    Tim had to be different, didn't he He also had to be more intimate... which I actually like. Is it stupid that actually seemed more respectful, on some level? I dunno.

    Chapter Fifteen

    Argh! Okay, I get why she goes to him every time... but fuck. I really hate that he just walks out and she follows... I dunno. She's so damn submissive and literally easily led... he doesn't even have to try or make any real effort. She just deserves better. I know she's gonna have fun and she's enjoying herself, but this only gonna get messier...

    So I feel that way, then you go and have him be sweet with her and completely unselfish when they're in bed. The small amount of intimacy is exactly what I wanted to see! But now I wanna see more... coz they're cute together. And the age difference is nothing. Hahaha.

    Okay, almost 1am and I have work tomorrow. So I will have to continue tomorrow night Smile
    August 18th, 2019 at 04:41pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Chapter One

    Okay, Alex is a douche and I'm really glad she left him. Yes, she did just fuck another guy, but she's right... it was over the second he stormed off in a tantrum. She doesn't need to feel guilty, he's not worth her emotions. He's just an asshole.

    Chapter Two

    Well, that's a chance meeting that worked out well... maybe fate played a hand in that one. I like that Tim invited her to the press conference as his date. Clearly she made a pretty huge impression on him, which is awesome.

    She'd had to endure nearly two hours of him tracing aimless patterns along her thighs, the occasional brush against her panties forcing her to swallow the whimpers that wanted to escape. - She has some hella good self-control! I don't think I could handle that for that long without losing it. Hahaha.

    "Pardon the analogy, but you're the bottom bitch." - Not the worst thing to be in the world in this situation Naughty And fuck the other girls... jealousy is not very becoming!

    Chapter Three

    Plus, Tim had told her that she was a distraction and basically forbidden her from attending soundcheck. - Hahaha! Love that.

    The conversation between mother and daughter is nice. I can't say I blame her for having not shared the piece of information that she was sleeping with one of the band members. If they're already a little wary of her touring life as it stands, I can't imagine they'd like to know she's also entangled with one of them... even if it's just sexually. It's a parents prerogative to worry, so best not to give them any more reason to than necessary.

    Ooof! Catty bitches... like I said before; jealousy is not very becoming! Whores. Except Andie, she's amazing. Glad she has another friendly face!

    Chapter Four

    Phew! Hot sex in a back alley... I'm jealous. Hahaha.

    Tim smirked. "That is how everyone knows you're mine." - I know it's a possessive thing, but still... it's hot. Hahaha.

    I find it amusing how Hadley has to constantly clean up the mess Tim leaves behind on her. Her frustrations just make it all the more amusing. Mr. Green

    "You cheated on your boyfriend with a rock star and skipped town with the band?" Her expression shifted, her full lips curling into a brilliant smile. "Holy shit. You're my hero!" - Not gonna lie, she's kind of my hero too... hahaha

    Chapter Five

    I like that the girls have bonded so well. A situation like Paige has found herself in, she definitely needs the company of good friends to deal with it all. And I like that Manson has more hotel nights for the comfort of the women on his tour... suggested by Dita or not, it is very thoughtful.

    Haha, I love Andrea's obsession with how Hadley isn't overly interested in any of the men she works around. I get her skepticism, but also commend Hadley's resolve. The man at home must be worth it Wink

    Chapter Six

    Now, though, she realized she missed having a connection of some sort with the man who sought pleasure from, and bestowed pleasure upon, her body. - that would definitely get weird after a while. It's all well and good having sexual encounters with someone, but it would definitely feel strange to have no--or very little--interaction outside of it. I understand the purpose of creating a clear definition of what's happening between them is just sex, but a conversation here and there doesn't really break that or make it more intimate.

    Now burning with anger and humiliation, Paige yanked open the door and stomped inside. - Oh... poor girl! I don't blame her for being angry or embarrassed, that was not cool Disgust At this point I'm unsure of his motive... I mean, if it were guys that saw them, I'd get it. But the girls... is it an ego thing? Or does he enjoy that she's hated by the other women? I suppose he may not even know. I dunno. Hahaha.

    Then, his breath tickled the base of her neck, cool on her burning skin. The lightest kiss sent a shiver through her, the graze of teeth sparking a response at her core. - Well he doesn't play fair, does he? Lick

    Chapter Seven

    Paige's cheeks burned hotter, yet her reply was bold. "Why, John, if I didn't know better I would think you were flirting."

    "What if I am?"
    - Ooooh.... playing with fire. I know she's technically free to do as she pleases, but I can only imagine this is not how Tim sees it; fair or not.

    And she had to admit his compliments were enough to weaken her resolve, if only because Tim rarely said such things to her. - Argh, I can totally understand her position. Again, I get that it's just sex... but damn, girls often need a lil more than that to be truly satisfied.

    Argh. Waxing... that shit sucks! And to have to do it because of your job? Argh. Even worse!!

    "We were talking and I was kinda drunk, and I just told him 'I like your face, let's fuck'."

    "Who says romance is dead?" Hadley quipped sarcastically.
    - Bahahaha! Best lines of the chapter, hands down!

    "You don't think letting other people watch is kinky?" - Argh... no. I knew it would come back around to bite her in the ass, but damn. Poor Paige! Sad

    Chapter Eight

    "Get in the back." - Uh-oh...

    Yes, he had humiliated her, but did she have any right to call him on it? And did she want to risk it? He could send her home. - Argh! I get her apprehension to voice her annoyance... I do... but fuck that! She has a right to call him out and tell him that was a dick move. That shit should only occur if they're both okay with it. That's basic respect... which right now I'm feeling he doesn't have for her.

    Okay, so I get why she gets lost and gives in to the sex... it would be pretty impossible not to. I don't judge her for that. But I do hope she starts speaking up and voicing her feelings! I know she feels like she owes him or something, but right now it's starting to feel he's no better than that douchebag Alex!

    Chapter Nine

    I like the conversation between Paige and Manson. I like that he's taken the time to chat to her and that she has intrigued him, at least enough to consider her choices and wonder about the motivation for them.

    "Hell, if I wasn't happily engaged I'd give you something to scream about." He looked over and smirked. "I appreciate getting to watch that ass every night." - At least he's honest! Hahaha. And I agree with him... she surely could have more than one member if she chooses to. But part of me hopes she doesn't, unless she kills things with Tim. She doesn't strike me as the type to have multiple guys going at once... I mean, she already thought she was a whore for hooking up with Tim! She's not, but I can't imagine her mental state could handle bumping it up to more than one dude going at a time.

    I'm totally feeling Andrea's frustration. She's basically saying to Paige what I just ranted in this comment!

    Paige's curiosity surrounding who Tim really is, is totally justified. Hell, I want to know more about him as the reader, let alone how she must feel being the girl he's nailing. And Andrea is totally right; she does need to talk to him and at least get to a level where she can convey her feelings when she's not happy about something. There needs to be at least a basic level of mutual respect.

    Chapter Ten

    Whoa... the scene of her playing up to Manson on stage was fabulous. I love her confidence to play up to his comment and that he of course was fine with it. It's all an act, after all. But when Tim came over and put a stop to it.... holy shit! For such a brief moment, it was so intense. He really is possessive of her... but I honestly already suspected that he wouldn't like to share. But still, it's good to see it confirmed. And for him to make it obvious in the middle of the show is quite telling... his jealousy was so strong he couldn't even maintain it for even one song.

    Annoyed, Paige hopped down to the pavement. She made sure to slam the door as she set off after him. - Argh... I wish she slammed the door after going back inside instead of following him! Respect, girl! You need respect!

    "There's no need to be self-conscious," he said, watching her hesitation. "I have seen it all before. Multiple times."

    Paige threw a glare in his direction. "That's not the point."

    "Would you like me to cover my eyes?" he asked in an amused tone.
    - Y'know, Tim is so not my type.. but the way you portray him (in this and Insatiable), I can't help but find him attractive. Right now though, my thoughts are that his a sexy jerk. A big one. Hahaha.

    I feel that she just got fucked senseless by Tim (as she so mentioned herself) but will now have the pillow talk/heart to heart with John.

    Paige blushed. She vividly remembered his hasty apology and retreat the time he'd walked in on her and Tim.

    "Shit." John grimaced. "I'm sorry. I didn't... I wasn't referring to the bus incident."
    - Oh, awkward.. hahaha

    I apologise if this comment has been disjointed or rambling. It's 4am. I really want to keep reading, but I feel it's time to get some sleep. Hahaha. I will back tomorrow to keep reading, though! So expect more comments Mr. Green
    August 17th, 2019 at 08:09pm
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    I see where he’s coming from but it shouldn’t matter if he has feelings for her. He let the world dictate what he had with her. I’m really glad the girls took it better than they could have. I can’t wait to start the sequel. Loved this story!
    August 17th, 2018 at 08:43pm
  • CharlieHunnam

    CharlieHunnam (100)

    United States
    First and foremost... how DARE you end it like this.
    you shedevil.
    but it's cool. I've already ready the first chapter of the sequel.
    and I still hate you :D
    August 15th, 2018 at 11:14am
  • CharlieHunnam

    CharlieHunnam (100)

    United States
    you kinky bitch with tie. lookatcha.
    ..just kidding.
    moving on. i'm going back to reading.
    August 15th, 2018 at 09:48am
  • deathbatXcookie

    deathbatXcookie (100)

    United States
    I'm hurt he didn't try to have her stay but I get why and I'm glad she had the courage to not stay anyways. Heading over to the sequel right now!
    This was amazing<3
    August 14th, 2018 at 05:54pm
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ xxoomwauhzxxoo

    Thank you so so much!!!!!! Mr. Green I really hope I do justice to older Paige. Lol. I love writing her character, and Tim's as well. I hope y'all love the sequel too!
    August 10th, 2018 at 04:56am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ kiss my sas

    I was so tempted to have Andie and Paige part ways in anger, but...I just couldn't do it. Plus, this made the beginning of the sequel much easier to write!

    Thank you for the birthday wish! Arms And you're welcome for the shout-out. You're the best!
    August 10th, 2018 at 04:53am
  • xxoomwauhzxxoo

    xxoomwauhzxxoo (100)

    United States
    Yay I get to be comment number 100! I have enjoyed reading the story! I do like that she is going home to really get to learn to stand on her own! And from reading the synopsis of the next sequel I'm super excited that they're going to meet later! I know older Paige will be a total badass!
    August 10th, 2018 at 04:48am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ Mzmelodramatic

    Thank you!
    August 9th, 2018 at 06:07pm
  • Mzmelodramatic

    Mzmelodramatic (100)

    United States
    Happy birthday!!!!
    August 9th, 2018 at 12:28pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    I will type out my comment in 4 installments if that helps :) I did a little happy dance when I saw the email saying that this story was updated! What a perfect way to end my shitty work day than finish up with one of my favourite couples (even if this chapter was technically no Tim)!

    It was a shortie, but a goodie!
    I loved that ending. There was the tension there from Andie while she was saying goodbye to the other dancers, and then the acceptance made me happy!
    I think we can all follow her words of 'there is nothing in this world that you can't conquer'.
    As sad as I am to see this story end (and believe me, there is A LOT of sadness), I am soooooo keen for the sequel.
    Also, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have an amazing day tomorrow, and a wonderful weekend full of fun!
    And finally, you're so sweet with your shout out! and you bet your ass I am excited to see your future wizardry!!
    August 9th, 2018 at 08:17am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    Well I can't wait to see your wizard work ;)
    Ahhh, they should day a huge role!! But any amount of avenged is a good amount :D
    And you're welcome for the support - it's all because your writing is phenomenal!
    August 5th, 2018 at 09:15am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ kiss my sas

    I'm a wizard when it comes to putting bands together in stories. Lol. Now I'm just trying to decide how big of a role Avenged needs to play :D
    Thank you for the continued support! Your comments really keep me going!
    August 5th, 2018 at 08:31am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Ok, so I said I love you last comment, but you managed to fit in A7X?! My god, woman, I love you even more now :D Already subscribed to the new story!! That pic though *fans self*
    I am so glad she told Tim, even if it was sad, and bittersweet... I just wanted some emotion from him, but he is so stoic, and too damned calm and smart for his own good!
    I feel like telling the other girls is going to be INSANE!
    Can't wait for the last chapter
    August 5th, 2018 at 02:49am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    But at least I am now warned, and I can try to come to terms with it... *sniffles*
    I am so excited there is a sequel, it makes it all better!
    August 3rd, 2018 at 04:38am