New Way Out - Comments

  • Jbarnett

    Jbarnett (100)

    United States
    I love this story. *sighs* :)
    January 14th, 2020 at 09:56pm
  • Brittt

    Brittt (100)

    United States
    aahhhh!!! terrible cliffhanger!!! i'm dying on the inside ahh!
    December 14th, 2019 at 03:52pm
  • Jbarnett

    Jbarnett (100)

    United States
    Loved the update! I really enjoy this story
    December 11th, 2019 at 03:47am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    Well don't I look like a fool? lmfao Although I'm glad he won't pop up. Hahaha.
    November 6th, 2019 at 07:34am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ Damsel of Darkness

    Just so it doesn't seem like a major plot hole when you read the next chapter... Cooper doesn't live in Alabama, so Taryn shouldn't have to deal with any of his drama *cough* Lol. Birmingham is the girls' hometown, but they all live in Cali now Cute
    November 5th, 2019 at 06:29pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Kira and Ben are so cute. I hope he's around a little longer... he clearly makes her happy!

    It's nice that they're hitting their hometown... however I worry about how Taryn will handle this. Especially if Mr. Douchebag is around. Coz she's just starting to come good from all that (not to mention sparks are really firing between her and Matt) so I'd had to see him knock her back down with his douchieness.

    "I'm not going to forget my responsibilities because of some dick, Bri." - Can't really fault him for assuming she might... lmfao

    He held Kira's gaze for a second, waiting until Ben's back was turned to mouth "Oh, my God. So. Dreamy," and fan his face dramatically. - lmfao Oh, Brian... I love you so much in this story!

    Oooh! Meeting the parents! Serious... ~~

    Love that her mother checked in to make sure they're being 'safe'. Her parental duty and care! Hahaha.

    Oh, Backstreet Boys is just all over your stories, Pheno! Next you'll just up and do a Backstreet Boys fic Wink

    Excited to see how Taryn's side of things plays out with any potential reunions... but I hope she gets through without one, honestly!
    November 5th, 2019 at 11:11am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Ben groaned dramatically. "A whole hour?" - lmfao Poor horny Ben... he'll probably go ahead and set a timer on his phone or at least keep a close eye on his watch. Hahaha.

    "Bitch," Kira mumbled so that only Taryn heard, noticing the surprised glances both Ryan and Boze sent her way. - lmfao Well, to be fair, Taryn isn't wrong... hahaha

    "Well shit." He chuckled. "I thought for sure you'd go after Gates."

    Kira smirked. "Who says I won't?"
    - YES! DO IT! Naughty

    "Only forty-five minutes of torture to go." - Bahaha! I knew it!

    It's good to see that Taryn seems much more comfortable with her break up with the douchebag. She's talking about it quite easily and seems to see it was for the best since he was, after all, a douchebag.

    Matt threw an arm around her shoulders as he continued his conversation with Ryan, who chose that moment to start smiling suspiciously. - Naww... looks like she's got someone much better than douchebag anyways!

    Once Kira was aware of her friend's steady gaze, a trace of pink colored her cheeks. She gave a little wave as Ben grabbed her hand. Taryn smiled as they slipped away, almost unnoticed. - Bahahaha! I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did. Gotta make use of the time together, after all! lmfao

    Naww! Aren't they cute?! I love that they just snuggle in and go to sleep. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have minded a lil bow-chicka-bow-bow, but I like that they're taking things slow and building something more real between them. It's sweet.
    October 23rd, 2019 at 02:10pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    So I am so out of it, I didn't even realise I missed an update when I was reading this chapter! URgh! Dumb Sas is dumb!


    I love Kira! She has the dark side we all do (wanting to send assface Cooper a pic of Taryn and Matt smooching), but knows that it would only make things worse for her bestie, so holds off. Best of both worlds! :D

    Hahahah, Taryn is saved by the Ben! Lucky girl! but you know that Kira isn't going to forget to ask her all the gritty details about the Matt hook up!

    Naw, Ben! A+ for effort, trying to get Kira to feel comfortable by telling her you are a fan, too! Sah CUTE!!!!!!

    Again, I don't think there could be much more danting things in this world than playing an A7x song WITH the band! She must have nerves of steel to actually go through with it! Go Kira!

    "So we discussed it as we left the stage," Matt said, accepting a shot of whiskey from Lilly, "and we would like to officially invite you to replace Zee."
    Hahahahhahahahahahahahha! Love it!! No one can replace that left handed, green eyed beauty for me, but I love that line!! :P

    Almost Kings! Those cuties!!! :D
    My god, do I feel bad for their internal organs, but fuck that! You only tour with Avenged once, may as well live up every day if you can!!! :D

    Cannot wait to see how this pans out! So much tension with Taryn and Matt, and now if Ben hops along, with Ben and Kira (and Brian? :D )
    October 10th, 2019 at 12:38am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Kira wanted to catcall and act a fool when she saw Taryn and Matt liplocked at the bar, but she restrained herself. - Honestly can't say I blame her. I want to as well! I'm actually surprised she found a way to restrain herself. Hahaha. Although I'm glad she didn't take a photo and send it to Cooper. I mean, I hate that guy, but that would just bring around more drama for Taryn than she needs.

    The blonde raised her eyebrows. "I can take a hint. See ya." - Bahahaha! Good call, Taryn.

    It's nice that Ben has shown up for a visit! Kira needs some loving, I'm sure... although I would've been happy if she got it from Brian... just sayin' Whistle

    "So we discussed it as we left the stage," Matt said, accepting a shot of whiskey from Lilly, "and we would like to officially invite you to replace Zee." - lmfao Ahhh... look, Kira is great and all, but is she as hot as Mr. Vengeance? No, sorry... they need to keep him. Even if it's just for his looks. Hahaha.

    Play and party seems to be the whole plan for this tour. I do worry for their health... but hey, you only live once, right?
    October 9th, 2019 at 02:13pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Taryn barely stifled a giggle remembering the time she almost got arrested for puking in front of an officer somewhere downtown after a concert. - Fun times! lmfao

    “Sold!” Johnny proclaimed, holding up a hand. “We ride at midnight!”

    “I plan on already being two sheets to the wind by then,” Taryn said, glancing down at the bassist.

    “We ride at nine!” he amended, throwing his hand back up.
    - lmfao I love Johnny... crazy lil bassist!

    She kept sneaking glances at Matt. - Oh, I bet she is... I would be too. Coz, y'know, it's ridiculously hot!! Swoon

    “Winner gets...a kiss.” - Well, that seems like a fair deal... although I fail to see how there's a 'loser' in this scenario Whistle

    “That’s how you deserve to be kissed every time.” - Swoon Man's got a point...

    I'm so glad Taryn finally let something eventuate! There's so much sexual tension between them, it was bound to happen! Although not sure if this eased the tension or just created a whole lot more... looking forward to finding out!
    October 3rd, 2019 at 11:54am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    I can see how that would win you over. Hard to resist!
    September 19th, 2019 at 01:33am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ Damsel of Darkness

    I didn't really appreciate Ben until I watched the movie American Satan, then saw Asking Alexandria in concert, like, three days later. Ben was in front of me and he was adorable, all energy and dancing and singing to me. Yeah, that won me over In Love
    September 18th, 2019 at 06:38pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    However, Kira was also worried. Taryn was obviously burying the hurt Cooper had caused, and Kira wasn't sure what would happen once she could no longer hide from it. - It's a tricky situation to be in. I mean, she obviously wants to see her friend doing better, but since she knows her so well, she'd be able to see it's a facade. Hopefully when she is forced to face her feelings, she handles them better than Kira expects.

    Personally, I'd prefer the snow view than the pool. But that's just me!

    His voice made her stomach do something funny. - Ahh... new love. It's the best feeling! In Love

    "Is this one of those things where you put yourself down so I'll compliment you?"

    "No. This is a thing called honesty."
    - lmfao I believe it's honesty on her part, but doesn't mean the compliment isn't appreciated! Hahaha

    "So, about that encouragement you were offering..." - ~~ tehe

    Kira sighed. "I'll deal with Cody later." - lmfao I bet she will Wink

    The idea of performing an Avenged original in front of a crowd made up entirely of Avenged fans was more than a little daunting. - Uh, yeah... screw that! lmfao

    "Nah. You'll be in charge of Zack's part, and no one cares about that." - lmfao Naww! Poor Zacky...

    I see similarities between Ben and Brian in the picture you posted. Now I get it. Hahaha.
    September 18th, 2019 at 12:51pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Ah, this chapter was awesome!!
    First off a very complimentary, flattering Ben to wake up to? Could think of worse things first thing in the morning :P Just the accent alone *brain fries with sexiness overload*

    How freaking intimidating would it be to play a A7x song WITH a7x?! I would die of nerves.
    But can we just appreciate Brian's line here
    "Nah. You'll be in charge of Zack's part, and no one cares about that." Soooooo funny!!!!
    September 18th, 2019 at 05:08am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Psst! I think the link to your banner is broken!

    She could feel the tip resting against the top of her thigh and she silently groaned. - Phew! That would be impossible to ignore... and not react to. Like... hell. They're alone and all!

    None of the guys would’ve let anything happen to Kira, Taryn was certain. - Certainly not BFF Brian... who Kira should jump.. even just once!

    “Come back to bed,” she heard from her left. - Who could argue with that? I certainly wouldn't!! tehe

    As much as I agree with Kira and I'm all for Taryn jumping some sexy vocalist bones (well, one in particular.. ~~ ), I totally get her reluctance since her relationship with Cooper (which I assume is done... I'm not honestly sure) is still a bit complicated. And her emotions are super raw... I mean, she did love the douchebag. And we don't want Matt to be a rebound!!

    “I think you’re not really ready to talk about it yet. I think you’re not telling me the full story and I’m ready to wait. So for tonight, why don’t we just enjoy the fact that it’s the first time we’ve both been single at the same time?” - Hear, hear! Drunk Oh, and that settles my confusion... she is single now. But does Cooper know that?

    “I’ve got you,” Matt promised, his dimple now appearing. - Oh, I bet he does...Naughty
    September 10th, 2019 at 11:16am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Can we just take a second to appreciate Taryn and Kira's friendship? This line is just beautiful, and I love it:
    I think you’re not telling me the full story and I’m ready to wait.

    But I am VERY interested to see how the rest of their night is going to go! I mean, two 'kinda' single girls on the town? A group of sexy men escorting them? This can only end up with insane fun!!! :D
    September 10th, 2019 at 02:54am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    She frowned as she tasted nothing but fruity water. Damn. - Argh, I hate that... and it always seems to happen when you actually need a drink.

    She felt stupid for the emotion because she knew their fling probably meant nothing to Ben. He had gotten what he wanted, and there was every possibility she would never see him again. - Okay, I feel I must point out that clearly it didn't mean nothing to him, or he wouldn't be still constantly texting her and he definitely wouldn't have called! But hey, as a woman, I get the need to hold yourself back from hoping for him to want more... it's a self-preservation thing.

    Brian's eyes stayed on her while she downed several swallows. "I can't stand it. You're too pretty to be sad." - Well isn't he a little charmer?! In Love

    "You're wearing a sleeveless shredded shirt in eighteen degree weather because it belongs to him." Brian sipped his beer, arching his eyebrows challengingly. - I might be reading it wrong, but that sounds a little jealous Think

    At least Brian agrees with me and is being the voice of reason about Ben's intentions!

    I do enjoy the friendship between Kira and Brian. Now, coz I don't know Ben, I am partial to lean towards these two pairing off instead... but I'll try to fight it. Try. Hahaha.

    Nawww! Taryn and Matt are adorable! Glad they weren't disturbed In Love

    She was relieved there were two beds instead of one, like in her and Taryn's room. - Bummer... I mean, no! Good. I swear, I'm fighting to not ship these two! Whistle

    The guitarist emerged in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. Kira's gaze lingered on the view a second too long, judging by Brian's smirk. - Oh, c'mon, now! You're making it difficult for me not to want these two to jump each other!! Swoon

    Things are definitely getting interesting on this tour! Look forward to more.
    September 4th, 2019 at 07:14am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Naw, Brian is a fucking champ! I love him *swoons*
    First he gets her a drink, tries to take her mind of the love-sickness in his own unique way, then lets her crash in his room? Gah, what a guy!
    Not even mentioning the dialogue between them! It's like BFF's with a very, very slight undercurrent of naughty. I mean, that current can definitely come up a little further ;)
    September 4th, 2019 at 05:55am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ CharlieHunnam
    Haha, damn technology failing us!

    I have a bad track record with books and baths. They usually end up a soggy mess. I don't even have a bath at home, just a shower, but when I have to go away for work, I pick a room with a spa bath and take my speaker and my iPad and watch tv shows while I'm in the bath Smile

    Hahaha! Well, I feel I would also be more excited about a bath like that!
    September 2nd, 2019 at 12:26am
  • CharlieHunnam

    CharlieHunnam (100)

    United States
    @ Damsel of Darkness
    there was actually a lot more to my comment but my phone decided to delete it, i guess.

    anywho -- i get excited about baths and i'm like "i'm gonna light candles and i have epsom salt and bubble bath and a bath bomb and yadda yadda" and five minutes into it i'm like "...what do i do now". normally i try to do like a face mask or those under eye masks that have to sit for like 30-40 minutes and i take a book or my phone and i'm good for a while. but i immediately take a shower after.

    i think if i had this huge covers-everything-but-my-face tub then i'd be more excited and i'd like swim around lol but..
    September 1st, 2019 at 06:36pm