New Way Out - Comments

  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ CharlieHunnam
    Right? Basically stewing yourself. And I never feel properly clean after one. Haha.
    August 30th, 2019 at 11:20pm
  • CharlieHunnam

    CharlieHunnam (100)

    United States
    @ Damsel of Darkness
    Actually I’m not a fan of baths myself. I don’t get the point and I get bored too
    August 30th, 2019 at 06:59pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Ignoring him was the easy part, however, and acting happy-go-lucky around everyone else was the rough part. - Naww, that would suck. Coz she surely doesn't want to bring anyone down, but at the same time, she needs to allow herself to feel her feelings. As shitty as they may be.

    I like the silent interaction between Taryn and Kira. That's true friendship when you offer comfort a friend in need with just a simple action and the understanding that she needs time to process. It sucks Taryn appears to be feeling guilty, because she shouldn't. People process heartache in different ways and if she needs to hibernate for a few days and sleep or whatever, then she should do it without shame. I don't blame her for feeling embarrassed with how everyone overheard her argument... but hey, they don't strike me as the judgemental type, so she really has nothing to worry about. I'm sure Matt just wants to give her a hug.

    Having said all that; I have to admit it pisses me off that Cooper has managed to taint her experiance with his douchebagieness! Asshole Disgust

    ...She texted me, telling me that you might want some bubble bath and possibly some company.” - Um.. just went to a really nice visual place of Matt in a bubble bath.. Happy face

    Whoa... Okay, I know she's in a bubble bath, but she's naked. And asking for company. Interesting. Hahaha.

    Matt shrugged. “Girls dig baths.” - Nah, I hate baths. I get bored. Hot tub, I don't mind, but not for a long time. Hahaha.

    Taryn noticed Matt starting to turn, looking at anything except for her. - Nawww... he's such a gentleman. Even if it's a little awkward. Hahaha.

    “Seems like a common thing that girls love guys’ hoodies. I thought maybe it would help.” - He is on fire! He is the ultimate man Swoon

    Nawww.. see? She doesn't need Cooper the Douchebag King. She has a real King right there on her bed... Dump the zero and get with the hero, kid File
    August 30th, 2019 at 04:24am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Can I have a Matt? That is seriously too fucking cute!!!
    I am with Taryn 100%, baths and alcohol are the shit! This is why winter is my favourite season! I even have the hubby trained so when I yell out, he tops my drink up :P

    She needs to talk about the entire situation with Kira, me thinks. She just needs to vent and get some stuff off her chest before she implodes! She got the chance to get a little bit out with Matt, but you really can't talk to boys about other boys. They just don't understand!

    Can't wait to see Kira's reaction to the snuggling pair!! :D
    August 30th, 2019 at 02:56am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    She caught the soft catcall in her monitor and barely suppressed a giggle. - That would be so weird.. to be playing (and singing!) and hear that in your ear. Hahaha.

    It had taken the entire set for the anger Cooper had stirred to abate, though Kira was still more than ready to beat the snot out of him. - I really hppe either her or Taryn does actually pop him one. Or two. Or three. Fuck it, just grab the guitar and bash him in the face with it!

    Naww, Taryn's got her back. Love how she's straight up, yet subtly tell her friend to go get her freak on. That's what true friends do! Hahaha

    She needed to be there for Taryn right now. Her best friend was hiding her pain quite well, but Kira knew better. - whilst this is true... I think Taryn would prefer the head-in-the-sand approach to things right now. There'll be plenty of time to talk it out and cry and yell and do whatever else she needs to do. Distraction is definitely best tho for now. Besides, I'm sure Matt will look after her... Mr. Green

    "I really hope I'm supposed to be seeing this." - I know now is not the time for jokes... but I still kind of wish she had have squealed and called him a pervert or something. Just for shits and giggles Laughing

    Phew! Well, I'm glad she went for it... and man, did they go for it! Naughty

    "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Taryn yelled, seizing Kira in a hug. - Bahahaha! You know she's a great friend when she gets that happy over her bestie getting laid! lmfao

    He greeted Kira with a kiss and linked their fingers. - Nawww... In Love

    Poor Taryn. But she will recover! Coz Cooper is a douche and not worth even a single one of her tears!
    August 22nd, 2019 at 12:45pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    I love that Taryn is 100% behind her friend getting laid. Above and beyond friendship, that is!! What a cutie!

    But damn, girl!! I have to fan myself after that one!! :P
    And then the end where they hold hands! SO CUTE!!!

    Also, now that song is in my head, thanks for that :P
    August 22nd, 2019 at 03:06am
  • Codikins5

    Codikins5 (100)

    United States
    Get it girl!!
    August 22nd, 2019 at 02:25am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    I missed an update Confused But it's okay, I'll catch up now!

    Chapter Eight

    If that meant a flirtationship with the hunky lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold, so be it. - Yeah, that would make me happy too... just sayin' Mr. Green

    Kira paused in the middle of folding a shirt and looked at the other girl. "Am I being stupid?"

    "I need context," Taryn said, fully focusing on Kira.
    - Taryn is a nicer friend than me... if one of my besties asked me that, I'd be like "Yes. Why?" Hahaha

    Kira bit her lip, then she nodded. Taryn was right. They were living the dream. What was the point if Kira didn't actually, well, live it? - Wholeheartedly agree! I think the advice Taryn is giving her is dead on. She needs to just let go and have some fun. Be aware of the situation, sure, but don't let it hold her back from just enjoying herself. Screw what everyone else thinks, I say!

    Ben chuckled. "Don't worry. You're too pretty to kill." - Smooth Wink

    Well damn! That tension is intense! I'm glad she let go and let the kiss happen, she deserves to let loose! Especially with a sexy guy like Ben Wink

    Chapter Nine

    Love the girly catch up. We all need one of those at one point or another, and Kira certainly had some juicy goss to share!

    I laughed out loud at Matt's text about the scent of his bus... I can only imagine. And I don't ever wanna know for real. Yak

    “Are you singing one of our songs?” - That's adorable! And he got embarrassed! Hilarious! Very Happy

    Well the way they're sitting is also adorable! He's just a sweetheart... swoon!

    “Don’t worry,” his dimple appeared again. “I’ve got you.” - Oh, I bet he does... Lick

    Okay, I want to hear the fight between her and Cooper (who is a massive DICK but I'll get to that in a sec) but I imagine she wouldn't be cool with 5 people huddled at the door listening in on her conversation. I wouldn't be... I'd be kind of humiliated. I know they all know he's a dick, but still... give the girl some privacy!

    And Cooper! You fucking douche. She really needs to get rid of this guy. He is not worth anything, he's an egotistical, self-absorbed asshole! At this point I'm failing to see what she could have ever seen in him, to even begin dating him in the first place, let alone why she holds onto him. She deserves so much better.

    Matt's sweet for wanting to comfort her. But I'm also glad he knows when to back off... now that's a real man!!

    Looking forward to more! Smile
    August 15th, 2019 at 05:39am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Yes MAtt, you get in there and you keep her warm!
    I'm surprised no one bust down the door to chew out the asshat Cooper! He fucking deserved it! What a DICK!!!! URGH!
    Please please let him have a secret second life that will go down in flames as well as his relationship with Taryn, anything to really make him get the shit storm coming to him!
    Not that I am vindictive or anything...

    Another awesome update!! Always excited to see what these girls are getting up to! :D
    August 15th, 2019 at 12:58am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Oh man, sexual tension!!!!! holy shit, I give them both credit that they could walk away from that... i mean, they could always miss the start of A7x's set, right?! :P

    I love that Taryn was all for the fun times, trying to help Kira stop overthinking. What a good friend!!! Now if she could take some of her own advice... :P
    August 6th, 2019 at 02:51am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Fell behind!

    Chapter 6

    It's always that final drink that does it! Never mind the copious amount of alcohol consumed before that drink, it's totally the last one that creates the hangover. One too many, as they say!

    Y'know, the thought of getting up in front of thousands of people would be daunting enough, but screw also playing in front of musicians you admire! No wonder the poor girl is nervous!!

    Kira's stomach squirmed, not unpleasantly. - Can't say I blame her! Although, at this point, I'm kind of wanting her paired off with Brian. They're very cute together! I know it's not gonna happen, but I can dream... right?

    "Not exactly. He pointed out that we're touring to promote our music, not party our asses off. This is a job, K." - And partying and letting loose is a perk of said job! I quite frequently have a drink with my coworkers in the office on a Friday afternoon... hahaha

    "Seriously. Sexiest thing I've ever seen, besides footage of myself." - While amusing... he's not helping my desire for Kira to hook up with Brian!! Just sayin'

    Chapter 7

    Man, her boyfriend is such an asshole. I really hope this is the last night she stays behind alone for him, when clearly he doesn't deserve her sacrifice when he's not willing to make any of his own. I can't imagine what excuse he'll come up with to explain why he didn't call that would actually be good enough. Ridiculous.

    “I fell asleep. I’m so sorry.” - DOUCHE! Sorry, but that particular excuse really pisses me off. Especially if there's no valid reason behind it... like, did he do a ridiculously long day and pass out on the couch? Is he unwell? No? Then he's just a douche!

    Matt cares. Matt wouldn't stand her up. Just sayin'...

    She was determined to make this a good day. - And with Matt by her side, I believe it will be! She's just gotta ignore her phone if the Douche calls. He'll ruin it.
    July 29th, 2019 at 08:24am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Fucking Cooper. Seriously. He's an asshole, not worth a single second of Taryn's time!
    And that isn't even including his 'excuse'. That dude is so shady! I don't know what he is up to, but I call bullshit on all of it!!
    I am glad she is relaxing for the day and actually exploring Vegas, even if it is in daylight.
    Matty for the win!!
    July 29th, 2019 at 03:39am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Okay, I LOVE In This Moment. Solid song choice!! Lyrically and just because I like it :P
    Oh Taryn, what bitch-ass bf doesnt know won't kill him! Go out anyway!! :D
    Ohhhhhhhhh, that whole end discussion with Ben made me happy :P So modest, but most importantly, he is following their tour ;) Whether he wants to admit it or not :P
    July 23rd, 2019 at 05:31am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Late to the party, but I made it!

    Chapter 4

    "Your mouth says no, but your eyes say please," Brian retorted. - I don't know about hers, but mine certainly would. Even with that cocky mouth. Hahahaha.

    Kira sighed as she found herself between Matt and Brian - It's sad times when you find yourself jealous of a fictional character... but alas, that is what I am. Hahaha.

    Hahaha! I love the depiction of the fight scene photo! Very playful and fun, sounds like the bands are gonna get along very well Wink

    "We're not models," Taryn piped up, absentmindedly twirling a drumstick between her fingers. "We're a band." - I'm not so sure I'd be quite as casual with the assumption they're just models. Maybe it's said in jest, but still!

    Matt has certainly set his sights on Taryn! Boyfriend be damned, right? Hahaha

    "You're kinda dirty," Kira said, not considering the words first. - HAHAHA! Interesting description Wink

    "Slow down, darlin'. I'm not that easy." - Damn right, girl! Make him work for it. Hahaha.

    Chapter 5

    "You better get your girl before I destroy her." - your girl... interesting! Apparently his band mates have already paired them off. I wonder how much he talks about her when she's not around... hahaha

    They were officially two days into the tour, about to have their second show the next night, and she'd only really talked to him once. - argh... I don't trust that guy! I feel like he's got someone on the side or something.

    Oh, so when he finally does call, he's a jealous and controlling douche. Fuck that guy. He is a shitty boyfriend and just a generally shitty person. I get insecurity and worrying, but when she's given him no reason to feel that way, he needs to find a way to deal with his issues before she tells him to fuck off. Hopefully soon.

    Matt... pops up at the most appropriate times; sent or not!

    Inside, he felt his stomach do a flop at the thought of her with someone else. - Naww, poor Matty Sad

    "Does he feel the same about you and this tour?" - well, if that isn't the mic drop of the evening!

    Love the updates and can't wait to see what happens!
    July 21st, 2019 at 03:10pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Cooper is a douche. No point calling just to get into an argument! And he can't have expected her to sit at home, waiting on him to call, right?
    Instilled values or not, thats fucking bullshit...
    I think I feel strongly about this :P
    July 18th, 2019 at 05:56am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    this was a cute update!!! From the photoshoot to Kira getting Ben on her hook :P Their interaction was perfect! Enough to let him know that she isn't just going to give it up, but also enough to give him the chance :P
    Love love love!!!
    July 11th, 2019 at 01:40am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Loved this <3
    July 10th, 2019 at 09:56pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Y'know, I couldn't imagine the rush and adrenaline a musician must experience when they get up on stage and play their heart out. Let alone in front of thousands of people. Personally, the idea of being on stage in front of that many people gives me heart palpitations, but still... in another life, it would be an amazing experience. Haha.

    Matt's dimple made itself visible and she found her eyes drifting down to it. - Yeah, no one would blame her for that. Hell, it's just a dimple... not like she's staring at his package. Although even if it was, again, no one would blame her Wink

    Argh, yes. The mullet. I hate that hairstyle on anyone--including my partner. He's had it for years and every week I threaten to attack it with scissors Thumb down

    I'm with Sas, Cooper is so up to something. Is he leading a double life? Does he have a wife and kids that she doesn't know about? Or at the very least, a bitch on the side? Or is he just a selfish asshole who apparently can't seem to muster up a bit of happiness for his girlfriend? Only time will tell...

    The interactions with Matt are cute. I enjoy that they seem to have just automatically clicked and she's getting more and more comfortable around him.

    Looking forward to the next update!
    July 8th, 2019 at 12:57pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Cooper is up to some shit, and I cannot wait for it to come to light! I can just FEEL it!!!
    Also, yay that the first show went well!! Go girls!!!
    I love that Matt keeps popping up when she isn't expecting him, and she is 100% herself, not trying to make herself cooler or anything. Love it!
    July 8th, 2019 at 06:48am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ Damsel of Darkness

    I had Kira have that knee-jerk response to Zacky because I do in real life. Lol. And the thing that most people hold against Alter Bridge is that three of their members were formerly of Creed. BUT I know for a fact that Brian respects AB's lead guitarist, Mark Tremonti, because a friend of mine met Brian while wearing a Tremonti shirt and it sparked a discussion. Cute

    Anyway, thank you for your comments! Two chapters in and I'm already excited for your take on our updates Mr. Green
    June 20th, 2019 at 07:32pm