The Undoing - Comments

  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Chapter Eleven

    Fiona wanted to seize his hand and drag him up the stairs, yet she wasn't quite that bold. - Pretty sure you wouldn't be doing too much dragging... I bet he'd be coming along quite willingly.

    "Jag vill ha dig," he said huskily. - Swoon

    In less than a minute, he had her out of her jeans and panties and on his lap. Her head fell back in pure bliss when he slipped inside of her... - Phew! Is it hot in here? *fans self*

    This, Fiona thought. Nothing else seemed to matter at the moment. - Yeah, I'd find it hard to make plans for anything else if I were in her position.

    "Is that why you don't wear normal pants at your shows?"

    "The 80's did teach me a couple of things," he replied, chuckling.
    - lmfao

    Chapter Twelve

    Despite the fact that everyone who had been there knew what she'd done the previous evening, it was Aria that Fiona called as soon as Tim left her apartment late the next afternoon. - Well thus far she has been the most supportive and lease judgmental of all her friends!

    "Bitch," Ashley grumbled just before she cut him off. - lmfao

    Aria is probably right. The less details she gives the guys, the more they'll make assumptions and the less chance they have to understand her connection with him. As I've mentioned previously, I get that they're protective of her and don't want to see her get hurt again, but I honestly can't blame her for her reluctance to let them pierce her happy little bubble.

    "Can it wait until after? - tehe I cannot say I blame her!! Priorities, right? Lick

    Chapter Thirteen

    They had gone to the beach and walked in the moonlight, the waves lapping at their ankles, Fiona quizzing Tim on whatever popped into her head. - Naww... that's cute! In Love

    She switched on the shower and waited for the water to warm, selecting a playlist that contained only music with which Tim was involved. - Ha! She's got it bad... Wink

    Love the text exchange. Their banter and general sexual tension is amazing! Although her final thought of him being perfect... I feel like this is setting up for the "if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is..."

    "I fail to see why his age should negate all that." - I agree.

    The chat with Ben was good. At least he appears a little more understanding and actually asks her questions about him with at least superficial interest. He's redeemed himself for me from the early chapter, I must admit. That's something, at least!

    Also, I also can't help but giggle at 80's Tim... Mr. Green

    Chapter Fourteen

    "I want one," Fiona stated, watching the trio of sea otters that were peering curiously up at their audience. - Rob hears this statement from me regularly. Every time I see a cute animal. He just smiles, roles his eyes and shakes his head. Hahaha.

    "I'm going to molest you and get us kicked out of here." - lmfao Yeah, again, can't say I blame her...

    After coaxing her to orgasm twice in the car, Tim basically had to carry Fiona up to her apartment. - Phew... well, he certainly delivered!

    "You are insatiable," Tim stated. - I know he said it, but I hear him singing it... Swoon

    I love that he is teasing her about not being able to wait... and yet he follows her into the shower. Hahaha. That man is apparently insatiable as well. Hahaha. Their cute little cozy night in on the couch is nice. Actually, all the time they spend together is sweet.

    I'm being led to believe they are becoming quite the couple, but I feel like there's about to be a spanner thrown right in the middle of it. By him? Not sure. But I do look forward to finding out!!
    September 13th, 2019 at 05:57pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Chapter Six

    Oooh, date on a firing range?! Love it!!! Lots of "innocent" physical interaction... he can teach me to shoot any day

    "So. You come here often?" - lmfao Smooth!!

    He was wearing a moss green shirt that hugged his torso and tight, faded black jeans with his usual combat boots. - Happy face

    Fiona was glad -- and quite pleased to discover that he was even better devoid of the glitz and glamour. - Couldn't agree more! He's just magic Whistle

    It would be so hard not to research someone you've met that is actually somewhat famous. Like, I commend her for sticking to his professional profile and avoiding the personal. Helpful that there's not much out there, but still. It would be somewhat hard to resist. Hahaha.

    "There are many things I can do with my hands, älskling, but that is not one of them." - Phew! Is it hot in here? Swoon

    Tim seemed unaware of the sexual tension he'd created with a single sentence. - Mmm... may have seemed unaware, but I feel he was completely aware of what he just did. He is one smooth and sexy man!

    P.S I appreciate the "Tim holding a guy" photos you added in the a/n. So thank you!!

    Chapter Seven

    Second date!! Woo!

    Cliff diving? That is a cool second date! Love her thinking out of the box to try and appeal to his interests.

    "I know a guy who can get you that record for free." - Nargh... he's just so smooth! I love it!

    Okay, he's a daredevil! He's sexy and all... but I dunno if he could get me up on the top cliff. Alright... that's a lie. He probably could tehe

    His blue eyes were bright, and the genuine smile that graced his lips caused Fiona's already racing heart to flutter like a trapped bird. - Beautifully written Hail

    "You have a gift for reading people." - I suspect maybe not all the time...

    I like that he's taking his time and easing into it... the whole gentleman approach is sexy as hell. But... I also fear that it's still kind of like a game. Is he genuinely interested in something real? Or does he just enjoy the subtle seduction that works by encouraging her to seduce him? Hmm... intrigued.

    Chapter Eight

    She hadn't mentioned this to anyone except Aria, but there was no point in lying to keep it hidden. - Can't say I blame her. She's excited and wants to stay in her happy little excited bubble without hearing negatives or being warned to be careful. We've all been there.

    Hey! Mest! Fun fact: first band I ever wrote fan-fiction about... I have a Tony story on here I still need to finish. Hahaha.

    "Her beau," Juliya said, affecting a Southern accent. - lmfao

    "Are you gonna be all high-school-crush and like Motionless because he does?" - Okay, he's kind of rubbing me the wrong way... he's coming off really douchey!

    "It wouldn't be so bad, but he keeps doing little things that are so damn seductive." - ~~ Whistle

    Chapter Nine

    Both men were humble and sweet, and Fiona had the tiniest crush on Mark. - I bet... ~~

    I love that he has to cancel... but still wants to see her. It's nice. Hard not to swoon over that... even if I'm feeling suspicious, I am still swooning!

    His voice had a husky quality when he sang, adding a hint of sex no matter the lyrics. - Nailed it!!

    "That I am very attracted to you, and I hope it's not a mistake," she admitted. - Mhm... File

    Oh... I just. I love the seduction, he is perfection... but argh! Nobody is perfect! So what is coming?! Is she going to get her heart broken?! Argh!

    Chapter Ten

    Uh-oh... meeting of the friends. I'm not worried about the girls, but I am concerned about the boys...

    "You didn't tell me you were bringing my future wife." His English accent was the only thing that saved the line from being totally lame. - I like the line... the English accent would kill it for me. I am not a fan. Hahaha.

    "Andy. This is my girlfriend, Juliya, and the Cocker Spaniel is Ben Bruce." - Cocker Spaniel lmfao

    "What. The. Fuck?" October hissed, tugging Fiona a few paces away from Tim, Christian, and Jinxx. "How is he that hot?" - Girl... it's magic File

    Tim squeezed her hand. "It is fine." - I expect nothing less from the suave prince tehe

    "Mr. Bruce needs to chill. I wouldn't want Tim to get the wrong impression." - Argh... really dude? Harmless or not, bit of a dick move.

    Tim rested his chin on her shoulder and Fiona smiled, opening her eyes. She saw that Ben was watching them. Noticing her attention on him, the grungy guitarist smirked. - Yeah, she's not hot for you, dude... she's hot for the guy with a genuine sexy accent Snob

    Welp! Four more to go until I've caught up!! I shall read them tomorrow Cool
    September 11th, 2019 at 01:30pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Here I am. Ready to catch up on this one!

    Chapter One

    Well, that's a lot of characters to wrap my head around! I'm not familiar with Black Veil Brides, so forgive me if it takes a couple chapters for me to get the hang of who's who.

    With that said, I like the introductions to the characters. And I like how Fiona and Tim have met, even though it was a brief introduction. He's very smooth, which is super appealing. Haha. And I like that Fiona found herself feeling disappointed when she realised he'd disappeared Wink

    Chapter Two

    Have to say, the description of the garden and view of the ocean is beautifully done Very Happy

    Tim Sköld. What was it about him? - A question I've asked myself a few times recently... hahaha

    After a long silence, she decided to just go for it. "Tiffany--"

    "Is my band mate," he said immediately.
    - I love that she straight up asked him about his date and he was quick to understand her train of thought. Clearly doesn't want her to get the wrong idea Wink

    Her reaction to realising who he is was funny. Poor thing was definitely caught off guard!!

    Tim chuckled. "It has been years, älskling." - Swoon

    He is very smooth and suave in this one and I love it. She is instantly intrigued--as am I--and probably has no idea she's seemingly being drawn into what appears to be some sort of game. But hey, looks like she'll have fun playing it!

    Chapter Three

    Girls night is always fun. Love that her gossip involved Fiona... that's hilarious. Best way to confirm gossip is to go to the source, after all.

    Hahaha! Love that they all want to crash the event with her... but I agree, it's would probably send the wrong message if she rocks up with all the girls. Doesn't exactly imply interest or offer a chance for her to speak one on one with Tim. Of course they mean well, but yeah, she should at least do this one solo. Haha.

    "You were lying," Ashley stated. "Because you thought he was still standing there." - Haha, well isn't he perceptive?

    "Christ, we're still in high school." - Hahaha! So her apparent interest in a man is hot gossip amongst the group? How fun. Hahaha.

    "Why don't we start looking Saturday afternoon?" he suggested. "And I'll help you get ready for your date when we're done." - Sounds like a fair deal. Hahaha.

    Chapter Four

    Ring shopping would be so full on... especially for someone else.

    "He won't be seeing my undies," she said distractedly. - Hahaha, I feel I couldn't say the same... tehe

    "I wasn't aware you had a daddy complex, but whatever." - lmfao

    I give her props for waiting at the bar alone with such ease and comfort. Personally, I'd feel super awkward about waiting to see a guy that could potentially not show up. It'd be completely nerve-wracking for me.

    I love the ease of the back and forth between her and Tim... it's just effortless and I really like the no nonsense approach they both appear to be taking.

    It suddenly occurred to Fiona that Ashley might have been right; Tim could very well be introduced to her undergarments later. - lmfao Yup, don't blame her.

    Ahh! The video I watched! He did look super hot in that... tehe

    She was definitely in trouble. - Yeah, I'll say!! phew!!

    Chapter Five

    Dizzy with the certainty that his mouth was finally going to find hers, Fiona frowned when he merely brushed an innocent kiss across her cheek. "God natt, älskling," he murmured. - Ooh... he really is playing a game with her, isn't he? Almost like he wants her to chase him... seduce him. And the tension you have already built between them is amazing!

    She had a while longer to daydream about Tim. - I bet!! Wink

    "Could the peanut gallery please shut the fuck up?" October snapped, sending a silencing glare in the guys' direction. - Haha, not one for patience when there's gossip to be heard. I relate. Hahaha

    "You're swooning, Fi." - Uh... can you blame her? File

    I understand her friends concern and want to ensure her wellbeing and what not, but damn... they're coming on a bit strong! She's had one evening with him... and she's an adult. I can see she's had a rough dating history, but damn... the nature of their concern is coming off as aggressive and that's just not cool.

    Alright, back to my own writing... but I'll return!
    September 7th, 2019 at 03:46pm
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Oh my that was such a hot but partly sweet chapter. I love how their relationship is unfolding. Can’t wait for more!
    July 25th, 2019 at 05:56am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ kiss my sas

    Too bad he didn't seem the dominant one Sunday lmfao That was all Nero... tehe
    July 25th, 2019 at 03:04am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Okay, I never tire of those photos. Please keep posting them! :D
    Also, damn, girl!!! Things got so hot and steamy!! Phew!!!! I need a shower after that!!
    Also, I like the little show of his dominance there... not always a sweetheart, hey? :P
    July 25th, 2019 at 02:57am
  • Charnas;

    Charnas; (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Love the updates darling! Can't wait to see what comes next.
    July 25th, 2019 at 02:49am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ deathbatXcookie

    I hope everything is okay! You know I'm around if you need to talk Arms
    July 18th, 2019 at 04:29am
  • deathbatXcookie

    deathbatXcookie (100)

    United States
    Oooooooh much sexyness!
    And the setup with Ben was funny and cute.
    I'm all caught up again on this, I'm sorry im dealing with personal issues and it's hard on me right now. I'm not ignoring you on purpose or anything I promise <3

    Looking forward to the next update! <333
    July 18th, 2019 at 02:08am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Hahahhah, the set up was hilarious... oh Ash, you are going to have to get on board, buddy!! :P
    Also I enjoyed the little flirty texts... I love Fi having the upper hand there for a change! Go, Fi!
    July 18th, 2019 at 12:56am
  • Codikins5

    Codikins5 (100)

    United States
    July 18th, 2019 at 12:06am
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Ash should just be happy for her cause that did seem like a set up. Lol at least Ben was willing to listen even if he was a bit dramatic at parts. Loved it!
    July 18th, 2019 at 12:00am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Loved it.
    July 17th, 2019 at 11:34pm
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Well they can’t really blame her for wanting to spend time with him Wink . She has someone now so she deserves some alone time with him to get to know him and other things lol. Loved it
    July 9th, 2019 at 11:09pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Okay one, lucky that you're getting to meet him.
    Two, loved the update and I can't wait to see more
    July 9th, 2019 at 04:21am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Sorry about the double comment! My internet is clearing having a problem today!! Grrrr
    July 9th, 2019 at 03:20am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Sorry about the double comment! My internet is clearing having a problem today!! Grrrr
    July 9th, 2019 at 03:20am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    I am glad that at least she has one outlet that can let her chat about anything, free of judgement! Go Aria!! :P
    Ash and Jake need to get on board! I mean, I know it isn't the typical relationship they would expect Fi to be in, but let the girl be happy!!!
    I loved the phone call, too!! The good old reception excuse gets them every time! :P Love it!!
    Sorry to hear that you are feeling blocked on this story!! Always here if you need an ear or someone to throw ideas around with :D
    July 9th, 2019 at 03:20am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    I am glad that at least she has one outlet that can let her chat about anything, free of judgement! Go Aria!! :P
    Ash and Jake need to get on board! I mean, I know it isn't the typical relationship they would expect Fi to be in, but let the girl be happy!!!
    I loved the phone call, too!! The good old reception excuse gets them every time! :P Love it!!
    Sorry to hear that you are feeling blocked on this story!! Always here if you need an ear or someone to throw ideas around with :D
    July 9th, 2019 at 03:19am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Okay, I am dead!! Between this and Spade... you have killed me.
    God fucking DAMN!!!!
    I cannot wait until they get girl time. There are going to be SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!
    That and I can only imagine how Ash is going to behave :P
    July 1st, 2019 at 06:23am