I Will Sing You Lullabies - Comments

  • Haha, I don’t even remember giving you the idea for this story.

    He was still shaken by the lifelike images of the nightmare, though he could not recall what had scared him in the first place. Most night, he was able to repeat every detail back to Patrick when he woke up in a violent fit of sobs and screams, but some nights, his mind drew a blank.
    I liked how he couldn’t remember it. It leaves the nightmare to the imagination.
    And you should know, I have quite the imagination.

    Silence, and then an enthralling sound fills the air. Pete peeks through his fingers again, only to see Patrick’s delicate fingers dancing across the neck of his acoustic guitar, belting out a familiar tune – giving it all the energy a person could possible possess at 3:47 in the morning. Pete’s eyes are wide again, like when the chilling nightmare had first made him stir, but soon he finds that his eyelids are far too heavy and droopy to keep open for long periods of time.

    Blink. Blink. Black.

    I like how you put “Blink. Blink. Black.” instead of “He fell asleep.” It made it eons more interesting.

    “Damn straight. Every night,” And on that note, Pete softly presses his lips against Patrick’s and then begins to mumble a distorted “thank you” into the crook of his neck.

    That showed a bit about Pete. Its like “I’m too manly to really say thanks, so I’ll just mumble it to you quietly and hope that counts.”
    I view Pete in that way. He seems like a guy who’d do that.

    D: sorry this one is so short, the story was short, too.

    But I indeed loved it (:
    July 25th, 2008 at 04:15am
  • Awww! :arms: SQUEE! That's just so cuuute! =D So definetly not shit.
    June 13th, 2008 at 03:10am
  • oh my god. So not shit.

    I loved it. It was so beautiful. All of it. I loved how Pete totally didn't expect it to work, but it did.
    Awwwwww. It was so totally cute. I smiled so much.
    June 12th, 2008 at 11:25pm