Dark Secret Love - Comments

  • Loved it
    December 31st, 2019 at 03:18pm
  • Naw, I love them sightseeing in their city for London!!! So cute!! Even if Richard is grumbling about being a tourist, I love that he still came along :P London has them all wrapped around her finger!

    Ive said it before, I will say it again, I LOVE RICHARD AND KORI!!! They are so damned CUTE! Urgh!!!!!! I love them.

    Can Paul be any cuter? I mean, really! Holding hands, sheltering her from the wind? SO CUTE! He is a much better choice ;P (I kid, I kid! Put down your pitchforks!!)

    SEE, ADORABLE! London is totally comfortable around him, it is like they are the comfort level of relationship, where you are 100% about chilling together, where as London and Till are the passion, fucking phase :P

    Ohhhh, Mutter would be an amazing addition to the set! Good choice, London!!! :D Imagine the crowd chanting Mutter in the chorus?! Urgh, so good!! I really need them to tour here again soon!!!!!!

    BRING ON THE BIRTHDAY!!!! I am sooooo keen to see what happens!!!! :D :D :D You have been teasing it for so long, so excited to finally see what is going to go down!!! :D
    December 29th, 2019 at 11:40pm
  • This was really cute! Richard's grumpiness about them acting like tourists was funny and I like that London was making an effort to get to know someone other than Till and Richard. Speaking off Till...I wonder what he was up to while London was sightseeing.
    December 29th, 2019 at 10:14am
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    ...not even gonna fight that one! I know you would.
    December 29th, 2019 at 08:15am
  • @ ProverbofHell

    I would gladly lay my head in Richard's lap... Shifty tehe
    December 29th, 2019 at 07:40am
  • Oh London...all chummy with your fuck buddies bandmate! Move over Paris: Berlin, the city of love!

    I love how at home she feels in Germany with Kori & Co., she allows herself to relax and simply be like a normal tourist. And Paul is certainly very open in offering those little cosy gestures: holding hands, sheltering her from the wind...nawhh! The subject of age yet again rears its ugly head. But at least he sees it not as "nothing" like Till usually does. Almost seems like Paul is worried about it, as he may persue her for real!

    Falling asleep on his lap, him playing with her hair. Definitely puppy love right there. Richard probably mentioned that they look a little bit too chummy, but then again: Paul probably countered that he would do the same if their new addition to the "family" would have been seeking comfort on his lap, too, without a second thought.

    Till would so not like seeing this, no matter how much he tells himself that there are no strings attached!
    Loved this little, heartwarming update...cannot wait for that storm they call Till's Bruised Ego to make its downfall!
    December 29th, 2019 at 07:37am
  • I just realised, that I didn’t comment after reading this last update but we talked about it!! Bad, bad girl!

    It’s interesting to see how Till is questioning things all of a sudden: did he put too much distance between himself and Lon, was she not as besotted as he had feared her to be, did she move on to Paul, things wouldn’t have worked out between them with his new tour and her filming...we all know that there is something beneath the surface that is aching for her on more than just that carnal level!

    I am in love with her being able to give back as good as she received, two weeks have made her resolve a little stronger; not just the little, willing girl anymore that would crumble under his stare.

    Kori is very accomodating in deed! I mean, what friend wouldn’t want to help two of her friends get their rocks off?!

    That sex scene- as I told you twice before- is DA BOMB!!!! Just so full of lust and need and complete lack of care for whatever is going on around them. Though his question for how long she’d stick around...I am expecting him to chain her up somewhere to ensure he’ll get his fill for the next few weeks/months that he’ll be touring, not sure if and when he’ll see her again!

    Absolutely loved this one(though if I was her, I would have totally accepted that tequila!).
    December 27th, 2019 at 12:39am
  • @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    Mission accomplished!! Holy shit, they are just inevitable. I mean, no matter what, there is always that tension between them, whether it is light and flirty like London was being in the dressing room, or intense (and slightly cruel :P ) with Til''s choice in setlist.
    I freaking loved it!!! Worth every second!!!
    December 24th, 2019 at 05:59am
  • Oh my lort. Swoon I don't even know how to begin. Most likely with an icy cold shower after that, lol. Till is such a devious bastard, knowing exactly how to draw London back in. Fucking loved this as usual!!!
    December 24th, 2019 at 05:52am
  • @ kiss my sas

    I literally just wanted a chapter where they burn off some frustration after being apart and not speaking for a while, but I needed the rest to set up what happens later. Lol.

    Glad you liked it! Hope it was worth the wait Wink
    December 24th, 2019 at 05:44am
  • Holy... wow....
    I am dead. My god! I mean, I have nothing. that was just...
    oof! So god damned SEXY! URGH!!!!
    December 24th, 2019 at 05:42am
    ITS HERE!!!
    Diving in now, more comment later!
    December 24th, 2019 at 05:33am
  • Loved it
    December 20th, 2019 at 03:13pm
  • @ ProverbofHell

    @ kiss my sas

    Take it however you want, my dears Arms
    December 20th, 2019 at 06:40am
  • @ ProverbofHell

    Yes, this is what I am telling myself now to make me feel better :P Bloody autocorrect!
    December 20th, 2019 at 06:36am
  • @ kiss my sas @ PhenoBarbiDoll

    I am sure she meant to write "attractive" but somehow auto-correct changed it into active"...shit happens?

    It's so nice to know, that at least someone in the US is running after Sas', Danni's and my schedule. Normally speaking, you people are living in the past Wink

    I still don't understand why London is holding back so much when it comes to letting Adam know of her plans. She is a grown woman, they are NOT actually together and he seems to be doing whatever he wants to do with close to no notice period and doesn't seem to feel all too bad about it. I think she has to swallow that bitter pill and realise, that ending this "agreement" is the best she could do for herself. If her publicist likes it or not!

    I don't think Till usually worries about photographers being around and snapping photos of him, but he will be aware that Lon will see them and not giving her a heads-up shows that he is strictly business with her. There are no real emotions attached to her. I am sure that he knows that she has feelings for him, the last jealousy fit proved that. No matter how stupid she is for being jealous, if it was anything more than just carnal desire for him, he would watch himself in public at least a little.

    Germany trip for her birthday, fantastic! But boy...I just don't think Grumpy Old Man is the kinda guy that likes surprises of the non-sexual nature! So fuck him, she needs some quality time with Kori & Richard...maybe that threesome will eventuate after all. Kori, London & Richard. I mean: crazier things could happen!

    Christmas Eve is only 4 days awayyyy...yeay!
    December 20th, 2019 at 06:22am
  • While that was perfect timing it still might come back to bite her if he decides to come back just for the day. Though I’m sure Raven would cover lol. Uh oh I see a ver drunken birthday lol. But it’s good she’s getting to hang out with them while she’s off. Loved it!
    December 20th, 2019 at 05:25am
  • Us Aussies will bring you to the dark side yet!!
    This was a perfect thing to get through the 3pm Friday slump, SO THANK YOU! I love you!!! :D
    Also, I did read the AN as 'attractive' not 'active' readers. I was very flattered for a second before I realised what my brain did... Clearly hubby needs to pay me more compliments or I find my own in places they aren't :P

    Anyway, back to the chapter!
    I love that her going to Germany was a complete surprise! This makes me happy! I cannot wait to see how Richard reacts, and how Till does...

    The publicist can eat shit. Be careful my ass! Richard is sweet, and no different to the Avenged boys (though she does keep them on the outs, so that isnt surprising that the publicist freaked out...

    Till and Sophia is still happening... hmmmm... this will be VERY interesting... I wonder how she will react. Does she know anything about London??

    Oh man, Ada is going to be absolutely sideswiped when the time comes! I mean, she didnt tell him she was going to Germany, something is gunna go wrong! I can feel it!

    Hahahaha, that is the best description of Lindemann... Till, but in English. Well, the first album, anyway. Still a bit unhappy album two was in German. that is a discussion for elsewhere, not the comments :P

    A grin suddenly spread across Kori's lips. "We're going to make this your best birthday ever."
    Hells yes she is! Go Kori!!!! I cannot WAIT for London's birthday! It is gunna be huge, and I am living for it!!!!

    Thank you for my Friday treat!!! You are the greatest!!!!
    December 20th, 2019 at 05:16am
  • Um, exsqueeze me! I'm in America! I feel so unloved right now. Anyway, at least Richard was excited to see her, lol. Very devious of Kori to keep it from him. Still waiting for London to tell Adam to kick rocks. Hopefully before the sequel!? Mr. Green
    December 20th, 2019 at 05:04am
  • He’s such a dirty guy lol, trying to get her all hot and bothered in public knowing he’s the only one to really satisfy her. Time to end things with Adam. All these engagements are gonna give ideas. Loved it!
    December 18th, 2019 at 06:20pm