Dark Secret Love - Comments

  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Well it’s good the two of them made this arrangement work to benefit them both. And that it seems to be working. Bless Matt’s heart lmfao. Yay for a night out. It sounds like both girls could have used a night out with the guys in tow of course. Wooooooh visitors! I’m sure there will be lots of shenanigans lol. Loved it!
    September 4th, 2019 at 05:41am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    Hahaha, that's a little more clear. Good call :)
    September 1st, 2019 at 02:00am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ Damsel of Darkness

    @ kiss my sas

    I went back and added the distinction that she's barely willing to hang with Avenged "in public." That made more sense, given that she's at a cookout with them at Matt's house in a couple of chapters. Haha.
    August 31st, 2019 at 07:40pm
  • MsGates

    MsGates (100)

    United States
    Awww Matt was so upset (for good reason) I am also confused as to why she can't hang with her friends (assuming the rest of the band are her friends) as long as they are doing drugs and stuff. I can't wait to see what happens next. Will she call Till or will he call her?
    August 30th, 2019 at 07:19pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    It makes sense why she'd have an issue with hanging out with the rest of the band, but since Matt is so close knit with them and she is his fiance's best friend, it would also make sense that it would bother him. I mean, since he would live the life of "Fuck what people think" it would be hard for him to wrap his head around London having to be so concerned with her image and what the general public think of her, because it is so closely linked to her career. Plus to him, he wouldn't see his friends or his lifestyle as that bad, because he just wouldn't be used to being under the scrutiny that she is.

    It would be a hard way to have to live life, that's for sure!
    August 30th, 2019 at 05:02pm
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    I understand their reactions. She was out all night without letting them know where she was in a foreign country. Matt’s adorably dramatic. I think Raven’s angry drained slightly when she saw that Lo was okay and that she was with someone and not out and about. She has less of a chance of people finding out she was with Till because she’s not from there, than she would have at home with his guys. Yay! They’re engaged! I love how he is with her even when he’s mad lol. Loved it!
    August 30th, 2019 at 03:32pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    I think it makes sense! LIke I said, understandable, but it must be tricky keeping that balance of keeping Raven and Matt happy, while keeping appearances up.
    Sticky situation which I do not envy!
    August 30th, 2019 at 08:28am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ Damsel of Darkness

    @ kiss my sas

    I feel like I should acknowledge that London isn't bothered by having a connection to Matt, since Raven is her BFF and the press surely knows that. It's just hanging out with the other Avenged guys and being linked to their lifestyle is different from being seen with her BFF and Raven's boyfriend simply happening to be there. Lol.

    Does that make sense? I'm honestly asking for input :)
    August 30th, 2019 at 07:58am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Hahahhahahahaaha, I LOVE protective Matt!! He is the fucking sweetest rage monster! I would definitely not want to be on the receiving end of that, but looking past the rage, he is just worried, which is ADORABLE and I love it.

    ENGAGED?!?!! How freaking CUTE!!! URgh, as if Raven and Matt needed to be cuter?! I love them.

    Hahahahhahahahhahahah, I totally thought Rav was inviting her in for some celebrations!! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME! Thats EXACTLY where my mind went first :P

    Interesting how she doesnt want to be seen around Avenged, though. that must be nearly impossible being besties with Raven who is ENGAGED to Matt... I understand, wanting to keep her rep and all, but that would be tricky...
    And of course she goes off with Till. She is not in America. Chances of her being recognised are low, and she already knows he isn't going to go straight to the press about it. Realistically, it is actually a very safe way to have a little sexy time fun.

    Have an awesome weekend!!! You definitely deserve it!!! Enjoy all that football, and remember to give yourself some you-time, too :)
    August 30th, 2019 at 07:42am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ Damsel of Darkness

    On the bright side, every time football season starts, I get an idea for a new story. Don't know why... Oh, yeah. Because we always have at least one gorgeous player tehe
    August 30th, 2019 at 07:27am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Oh my... you're spoiling me today! Which I love In Love Plus it's Friday and I am being less than useless at work File

    "I left you about a thousand voice mails! I was worried sick! We didn't sleep at all, and Matt said if we hadn't heard from you by six this morning, he was going to call the cops!" - I know she's just being a caring and loving friend... but man, chill. Hahaha. She's gonna burst a blood vessel or something!

    "What the fuck did I miss Thursday?" Matt said. - Oh, honey... a lot! lmfao Again, love that they're concerned, but considering how scrutinised London seems to feel at times, she doesn't need the third degree from her friends. Yes, they were worried and they had right to be... but jeez, guys... take it down just a notch. Hahaha.

    "You're barely willing to be around my band mates because of your precious reputation, but you run off and have a one night stand with Till Lindemann, of all people. The man is twice your age, the singer of a metal band, and if the rumors are true--" - Ohhh... well that's interesting. She won't hang out with his band mates because of her reputation? That seems to be a sore point for him... and a good reason for him to be a little mad right now.

    Raven rolled her eyes. "Drama king," she muttered. - Oh, c'mon... she was worrying about the same thing not even 30 seconds ago... hahaha. Does Matt need to chill? Yes. But I think everyone does. Maybe they should all go back to their corners and take a breath. Hahaha.

    AWWWW!!! They got engaged! That's so cute. So explains why they were looking for her when they got back... they wanted to share the exciting news.

    "Are you asking me to take part in a threesome? Because I love y'all, but..." - Not gonna lie, the second Raven asked if she wanted to celebrate with them, that's where my mind went... especially with the context of London's previous comment lmfao

    1. Isn't Matt the cutest? - Yes. He's protective nature is incredibly endearing... even if he does need to the chill the fuck out Mr. Green

    2. I don't know when the next update will be because I have a lot going on this weekend. The college football season is starting and I have family coming for a visit. I will try my best to update Sunday or Monday, but I can't promise it'll happen. - my official answer to this is "That's cool, family is important! Hope you have a great weekend!" but my unofficial answer is "WHAT?! I refuse to accept that I have to wait extra days for an update because you're having a life outside of Mibba. Unacceptable! I will now throw a tantrum and roll around on the floor while pouting and shouting 'It's not fair!'."

    Until next time... Mr. Green
    August 30th, 2019 at 07:24am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Loved this chapter!
    August 28th, 2019 at 01:02am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Loved this chapter!
    August 28th, 2019 at 01:02am
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Holy smokes that chapter. Yep she definitely made the right choice by going to that show and deciding to go with his offer. I like that he’s direct instead of skirting the subject. Loved it!
    August 27th, 2019 at 08:44pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    I'm such a perv... I get excited when I see the Sexual Content warning on your chapter subtitle. I'm all like "YES! SEXY DIRTINESS TO BE READ!" Crazy

    Biting her lip, London nodded. She reached for his hand and tugged him toward the exit. - I love her mixture of shyness, but also confidence. It's cute and super realistic.

    She wasn't sure what she expected -- maybe that he would jump her as soon as they were alone -- but Till surprised her. There was a car waiting at the curb behind the venue, black and nondescript, meant to not draw attention. He guided her to it and opened her door for her. - He is a gentleman! Nargh... Love that. Makes him 100 x sexier In Love

    Till chuckled. "You watched the video?" - arghhh... I am imagining this deep, velvety sounding chuckle... phew! Swoon

    "Are you wet, puppe?" - And even still... he has a class about him that does not make that sound as crass as it surely could. He is so suave and mature and... just sexy. Damn you, woman! If I end up with another freaking crush... Disgust at least he's closer to my regular type, but still!

    "This is unusual," she remarked, gently tugging on his dark chest hair. - I'm such a sucker for chest hair... not like gross, gorilla like chest hair.. but I do like it a lil more than the clean shaven. Hahaha. But she has a very fair point that it's only fair that a man be well groomed if he expects her to be.

    He laughed. London was visited by the thought that he had a nice laugh, but she quickly dismissed it. - I knew it! Argh... sexy.

    "Relax, puppe," Till said huskily. - Lick

    Holy shit! That was intense! And so NSFW... but I couldn't wait until I got home to read it! Hahaha. He certainly knows what he's doing and she has definitely reaped the benefits of that Naughty I love that he wanted her to stay... and she was all happy to do so! I feel like after a night like that, no woman could be satisfied to just walk away with only memories... distance be damned!

    More, I say, more!!
    August 27th, 2019 at 06:30am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)


    I love this:
    "I didn't have time. I had almost twenty years of Rammstein to catch up on." This is exactly what I felt like getting into Rammstein, except it was about 15 years worth! It is overwhelming, but SOOOOOO worth it :P

    London is so right, the straight forwardness of Till is just so... refreshing! I would be light up as red as the street in Amsterdam with shyness and awkwardness, but it is nice he isn't fucking around, just getting straight to the point! Amazing!!!

    "You prefer the lady-boys in America?"
    Cue LadyBoy by Lindemann to start playing in my head! Thanks for that ;P

    Okay... well the song quickly flew from my brain when all that started!!!
    hot damn!!! That was a hell of an introduction to Till, holy shit!!!
    Again, I think I need to fan myself off after that!!
    August 27th, 2019 at 06:03am
  • MsGates

    MsGates (100)

    United States
    That was....man. I too went to go Google all things Rammstein and dear lord I would have gone too. I can't wait to see where this goes. One night huh? Methinks not
    August 27th, 2019 at 05:41am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ kiss my sas

    I only looked up the translation to "Ich Tu Dir Weh" after I read that Germany forced a censored re-release of the album it was on because the lyrics were so sexually explicit. Lol. You know I'm curious whenever Till writes dirty songs Wink

    Oddly enough, in 2010, Germany apparently decided fuck it and allowed the original uncensored album to be released. They have an index of inappropriate albums and Liebe ist für alle da has now been removed from it.
    August 26th, 2019 at 04:09am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    I love that the first thing London does is Youtube Rammstein! 'Just in case' my ass :P You know you are going to the show :P

    Oh, that video clip! I love that it made its way in here :P Ahhhhhh, the discussions we had :P

    Oh London, that lie was very easy :P Checking emails, hey? :P

    SEE, TOLD YOU SHE WAS GOING!!! And so sneaky, picking the envelope up before Raven got to the lobby and could grill her about it! Smart and sneaky. What a handy trait ;)

    Oh Kori, what an awesome girl! Warning her about Till, but no judgement. How perfect! and tellng (or maybe, warning?) London about Till's....prowess, amazing! Heheheheh

    I have never read the lyrics of Ich Tu Dir Weh... holy shit, i didnt realise they were that... graphic!!! God damn :P

    Gah, this story is so amazing!! Cannot wait for the aftershow :D
    August 26th, 2019 at 03:57am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    She wanted to familiarize herself with their music at least a little, in case she attended the show that night. - Yeah, just in case... Shifty

    "I saw you by the pool yesterday and wondered what you would look like naked."

    Now London was wondering the same thing about him.
    - yeah, she is... Naughty

    I love that Raven and Matt have a date. Excellent! She has plans to go to a concert... she just hasn't admitted it to herself yet. Haha.

    Accepting Till's invitation didn't mean she was accepting his offer, but she knew Raven would view it that way and try to dissuade her from going. - Mmm.. it kind of does. And I know Raven would only have her best interests at heart, but hell... girl deserves to have a bit of fun! And I'm pretty sure Till will give her quite a bit!

    "You can do whatever you want, but be aware that it will be meaningless." - Kori is sweet. I like that she's looking out and just giving her a heads up, but not in way that she's deterring London. She obviously likes her and wants to just give her a friendly warning.

    It made sense; most men were only as cocky as Till if they had reason to be. "He looks like he would break a girl in half." - All very true! Hahahaha

    London's decision was made in that moment. Suddenly, she couldn't wait for the show to be over. - WOO! Go girl! Do it!

    Can't wait for more!
    August 24th, 2019 at 12:48pm