Dark Secret Love - Comments

  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Oh good lord Till’s in town. Adam is quite a persistent guy. He shouldn’t judge her friendship with Kori and then but something tells me he probably will if he ever gets suspicious of her connection to Till. Loved it!
    September 19th, 2019 at 04:50pm
  • MsGates

    MsGates (100)

    United States
    I am not an Adam fan..... Really rubs me the wrong way.
    September 18th, 2019 at 06:49pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    She was ready for another day in the company of two people who didn't judge her and permitted her to be real, not Hollywood starlet London Elliott. - Completely understandable. It would be an exhausting life having to have an image to uphold all the time.

    "Why don't we show them around some of our favorite places? They can visit the tourist attractions whenever." - I get his motivations and all, but he's very pushy. I mean, they're her friends, maybe she doesn't want them involved in the tabloids and what not. Surely he understands wanting to have a separate life from the limelight?

    "I'll follow you to their hotel, then I'll chauffeur everyone around the city. We'll keep a low profile." - See? Pushy. I'm not sure if it's about being seen... or wanting to spend time with her and meet her friends. I just see that he's pushy. Hahaha.

    "Richard and Brian are in the studio," Kori said, starting down the hallway. - I get a bit of a cold breeze off of Kori... like she's not got much of a care factor when it comes to Adam Think

    "My husband, Richard Kruspe," Kori told Adam. - I don't know why, but that just seems so cute the way she introduces him. It comes off like she's super proud. Adorable In Love

    "He fucks other women, I fuck other men. It works for us. Besides, you said yourself that the night with Till didn't mean anything." - Blunt, but true!

    Till smirked at her. "This is a pleasant surprise. Hello, puppe." - Oh, shit! Don Crazy

    Kori hesitated. "He flies out twice a year to visit a...friend."

    The way she said friend caused London's eyes to narrow. "A girlfriend?"

    "An ex."

    "He comes to LA for a transatlantic booty call?"

    - Well... shit just got super complicated. OMFG

    "It would be rude not to," she said instead. - Call me a sadist, but I hope he attends... awkwardness and discomfort = delicious entertainment for me!!

    Well, I knew he was coming eventually... but I genuinely did not expect him to show up in that moment and I also did not suspect what his reason for attending would be! Is this other woman a genuine reason or just a cover coz he wanted to see London again? Hmm... only time will tell!
    September 18th, 2019 at 02:20pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Oh man!!!! I didnt even comment through this chapter, I just went right ahead and read through because I couldn't stop myself!!!!

    First up, props to her for keeping her word and spending time with Adam. It would be the LAST thing she would want to do, but they are friends, so well done to her for not losing her head amongst the chaos.

    I thought it wouldnt be too bad having Adam accompany London, Richard and Kori. It would be a low profile outing, just doing the sites and what not, but them BAM!!!!

    I cannot wait to see the sight seeing/dinner now!!! The tension is going to be SO THICK and I cannot wait!!!
    Much like Insatiable... more please?! Please, please update this week?! This is as much of a cliffhanger as I can stand!!! :D

    Also, just thought... imagine being good enough in Till's eyes to warrant a transatlantic booty call... I mean, you must be made of pure magic, right? :P
    September 18th, 2019 at 06:56am
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    I would love to see them being fanboys lmfao. Yay! Everyone is getting along. Poor Johnny lmao he needs a bodyguard when he goes out. Atleast she knew and can still acknowledge what that night was. Loooooved it

    Oh my I can never bring myself to listen to those tapes. I would be wrecked for probably a week Sad
    September 14th, 2019 at 05:17am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    London looked up at the sound of simultaneous excited squeals. Danni Bentley, who had been dating Avenged rhythm guitarist Zacky Baker for five years, was hurrying toward her. - Oh... if only that were true...

    Brian, Zacky, and Johnny were standing off to the side, smoking. London noticed all three of them peeking over at Richard. - Nawww... they're kind of adorable.

    "I'm more impressed by the fact that Till Lindemann gave you tickets to a show for no other reason than you're hot," Vaniti commented. - Haha, I'm not so surprised by this... I feel it would happen a lot. Hahaha

    Reputation aside, it still sounded sleazy to admit she had more or less slept with Till for concert tickets and backstage passes. There was more to it than that, but London could imagine how her friends would view the situation. - I have issues with this for multiple reasons!! She didn't sleep with him for the passes... they were given to her first. They weren't a reward for banging him, so if anyone was to think that, they're dumb. Also, as her friends, I would hope they would judge her for her choices! She's a grown ass woman. And hey, they're dating/married to musicians, so if anyone is gonna understand, they should!

    Australians unite! We do rock after all... Punk

    I find it easy to imagine Zacky as the brawler of the group. He looks like he'd be scrappy. Hahaha.

    I've witnessed that, London thought, involuntarily recalling how he'd thrust into her with such urgency. Her cheeks burned. At least he made sure I got mine first... - I love that she's having internal thoughts that make her blush... Ha Ha Although I can't say I blame her!

    I'm unsure of Kori's opinion of Till. Her comments are quite frank and I'm failing to get a clear read. It feels kind of like she's not approving of his behaviour... but I'm not sure if that's the case or she's just telling it how it is about him. It's interesting. I look forward to seeing interactions between them so I can figure it out!

    I am all for her "using" Adam for her release. I agree with her thought that it's not using, it's utilising their agreement. I doubt he hasn't done the very same with her at one point or another. Girls gotta get hers and since she can't have the object of her arousal, then why not Adam? Naughty

    That would've been absolutely gut-wrenching to listen to those recordings Hug. I honestly still remember the moment we heard about what happened... it was so devastating. I did think of it myself on Wednesday... I was actually surprised to see no mention of it on my Facebook, honestly.
    September 13th, 2019 at 09:50am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ kiss my sas

    Someone said the clip of "Steh Auf" on Loudwire (I think) reminded them of "Fish On." I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow. At least I got new Alter Bridge today, which totally makes up for it. Cute

    Thank you for the sympathy. It's just something that will forever cause a reaction. Watching the planes fly into the towers and the resulting collapse -- over 100 floors fell in only 13 seconds. And knowing that the passengers of United 93 rushed the cockpit and prevented the hijackers from reaching their intended destination, sacrificing their own lives... The whole day is so heavy. And I understand so much more now that I'm older. It makes me sad and angry all over again.
    September 13th, 2019 at 03:15am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    YAY! More women in the mix!!! :D

    I love London's dry sense of humour - this actually made me laugh out loud at work... Lucky there was a meeting in the boardroom or I would have got some weird looks
    "It was fine. What about you? Did you have fun in Washington?"
    "Have you ever been to Washington?"

    She is so sassy and I love her!

    Hahahahahahhahha, Bri, Zacky and Johnny just being creeps, eyeing Richard. That made my fucking day!!! Hahahahahahah!!!!

    London is really going to have to watch herself if she wants her secret to stay secret. Rammstein and Till are likely to be heavy in conversation, so she needs to watch herself what she will reveal if she wants it to be on the DL.

    Hahahahaha, poor Kori!!!! I can imagine having to be bilingual for you husband would make a HUGE impact on your normal accent.
    Also, any excuse to tone down the Aussie accent is a win :P
    "My accent is fucked," Kori said. "I've been speaking German on a daily basis for so long."

    SO MANY GOOD LINES in that scene talking about fighting. Johnny not being able to fight his way out of a paper bag, Raven's sarcastic remark to Till being the brawler in Rammstein, Kori's description of Till's lady for the evening... just so much!!!

    Hey! This is what we were talking about!! "Our fans are cool, though. Especially now. They respect us as people and respect our relationships and are there for the music. I haven't been hit on in a while."
    It is also very true. As the band grows up, the fans grow up, and can respect their partners.
    But then this. This made me snort again "Bri has," Johnny said. "It's not safe to put him within grabbing distance."

    Oh man, gotta love that FWB arrangement for London and Adam. She is getting herself all worked up, luckily she can have an outlet for all that... build up :P

    It's times like this I LOVE being in Australia. Steh Auf is released today for us, so I listened on my way to work.
    It's a lot less Lindemann though. Being all in German again, like Mathematik, but less.. rappy/techno-y. Kinda more Rammstein, but stripped down Rammstein, if that makes sense...
    Still good though! Any excuse for some Till!

    I am sorry that there is still such an emotional reaction to 9/11. I am sorry that even 8 years later, the actions of selfish assholes still create such chaos and pain. Wish I could be there to help you get through it! Thinking of you, and the victims of such a selfish crime.
    September 13th, 2019 at 02:48am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Loved the update!
    Know what you mean about yesterday. It never gets easier. Arms
    September 13th, 2019 at 02:28am
  • MsGates

    MsGates (100)

    United States
    Penis cannon! I audibly snorted lol
    September 11th, 2019 at 04:12pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Update!! Kicking

    "Hi." London noticed a young guy in a Slipknot shirt shooting covert, curious glances in Richard's direction. "Let's get out of here." - Bahahah! I would've thought she might have had more dramas standing around an airport without getting recognised and bombarded! Guess she got lucky this time.

    "As subtle as a penis cannon," Raven retorted with a smirk. - lmfao Hilarious! I hope one day someone makes a similar comment when I get a rock on my finger!

    "And I apologize in advance. His band mates are also fan-boys for Rammstein. But there will be alcohol and good food." - Oh... I'm dying to see them fan-boy over him! I'm sure it will be hilarious!!

    Richard chuckled. "As long as they feed me."

    "That's how I seduced him," Kori joked.

    "I think that's literally how Dee snagged Zacky," Raven said, making London giggle.
    - Bahahaha! Love it!! lmfao

    I have to say, I love Kori and Richard already. They are the best mix of adorable and amusing... they're the perfect couple!

    She was never lonely if she didn't want to be, but there was a huge difference between physical companionship and having your emotional needs taken care of. - Naww, poor London. It would be a lonely life, in regards to emotional connections. I assume it would be hard to make them, always worried if the other person was genuine or if they just wanted something from her for selfish gain.

    Btw, I agree with Sas... I'm disappointed the adorable couple did not pack carry on in the form of a certain vocalist! Dammit!!

    "Could it possibly have been from a certain burly front man we both know?" - Smart girl, that one tehe

    Occasionally he came to mind, like a few times when she and Adam had been getting intimate, and this one restless night when she'd been alone... - Oh, nobody could blame you, hun! lmfao

    He was in a black wifebeater and silky basketball shorts, his hair glistening with droplets of water. - Um... how do you make something so simple sound ridiculously appealing? Happy face

    She hesitated only a second before opening YouTube and typing "Mein Teil" into the search bar. - Oh girl... you got the itch for another round bad!!

    Okay, so, loved the update... one major issue. It's over. I need more! Crazy
    September 10th, 2019 at 12:20pm
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Yay they’re there! Poor Richard lmao having to face more fanboys. It’s good her big house will have some company for her. Of course she’s gonna know where London heard that but it’s nice she didn’t push her for more info. I can’t wait for more. Love it!
    September 9th, 2019 at 07:22pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    YAY! An update!!!! This makes my Monday very happy!
    Also, excuse any errors, I have a new computer and I am totally not used to the keyboard yet!!!

    Yay! Kori and Richard are back! Unfortunately without taking an oversized front man in their bags... way to let the team down, guys!!!

    I literally snorted at "As subtle as a penis cannon," Raven retorted with a smirk.
    I'm such a lady...

    Richard is right, men are mostly easy to please as long as there is food. Or baked goods. There is usually one food that is their weakness...

    I like the subtle way to bring up Till :P Kori has a point, there is a magical thing called Google that could have told her the answers :P
    And her drifting off into la la land mid convo definitely paints a slightly...wanting picture. Like London said, not a crush, but definitely wanting a repeat of their... sexy time

    Oh, ending the night with Mein Teil? Apparently another restless night, hey London? :P

    Man, I cannot wait for the next chapter :D So in love with this!!
    September 9th, 2019 at 07:47am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    I really loved this update and the others! I can't wait to see more Arms
    September 9th, 2019 at 04:04am
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    @ PhenoBarbiDoll
    Sorry Sorry lol. Apparently I hit the button twice when I was commenting lol
    September 4th, 2019 at 06:25pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Update! Crazy

    Ooh, Adam, eh? Sounds like a good guy... so far. Hahaha.

    Within a year, they had started having sex on a fairly regular basis, although Adam still dated other women casually. - Sounds comfortable and easy enough. I mean, as long as they both know what it is and they're comfortable with it, then why not?

    London hadn't been out with any other men because no one had been able to gain her full attention.

    Except Till, she mused now.
    - Well of course! He is the exception to a lot of rules, I imagine Wink

    She wasn't necessarily ashamed, it was just better for it to stay private. - Understandable, considering her lifestyle and all. Besides, it's nobody else's business who she has hot, intense sex with! Snob

    In general, she was a stay-at-home-and-watch-movies kind of girl. - Totally relate to that! I wish I was at home watching movies now... stupid work Grmml

    "I want to shake my ass with my hetero life partner."

    "Aren't I technically your hetero life partner?" Matt said.
    - Fair call, he is obviously not quite as inebriated. Hahaha.

    Ooh, a visit from Kori and Richard! Nice! Will they be bringing along a friend, perhaps? And is London wondering the same thing? Sure, she's excited to see her friends... but the prospect of seeing Till might still linger in her mind. Along with the memories of their last encounter... tehe
    September 4th, 2019 at 06:22am
  • PhenoBarbiDoll

    PhenoBarbiDoll (150)

    United States
    @ Vixyn of Shadows

    I felt super popular for about 2.5 seconds lmfao Three comments that fast?!?!?! And then it was just a double post. Lol.
    September 4th, 2019 at 05:49am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Ahhhh! The mysteriously brushed past Adam makes an appearance. Keen to learn about him!!!
    And thank you for explaining! That is totally the full Hollywood starlet experience - fake romance and all! ITS SO GOOD!!!!

    The photo gallery from the Moscow show!!!! Kiss and all ;) Gah, I freaking LOVE those boys!
    And I mean it is only natural to check up on the band. Well within her stalking rights!

    YAY! Go Raven!! You get that girl out and about, grinding up on bodies and enjoying life!! Will be interesting considering how she tries to avoid public outings with the boys. But maybe its just Raven and Matt?
    Came back to this bit. It is just Rav and Matt :P

    This bit of dialogue made me actually Lol
    "Germany is lovely in autumn."
    "No, it's not!"
    Kori sighed. "It really isn't."

    I just love how London sees through her shit, and Kori fully admits it. It makes me super happy! :P

    YAY!! Kori and Richard are coming to town!!! :D

    Thank you for updating in your 4 seconds of down time!!! We are not worthy!!!!
    September 4th, 2019 at 05:48am
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Did not mean the double comment lmfao
    September 4th, 2019 at 05:42am
  • Vixyn of Shadows

    Vixyn of Shadows (100)

    United States
    Well it’s good the two of them made this arrangement work to benefit them both. And that it seems to be working. Bless Matt’s heart lmfao. Yay for a night out. It sounds like both girls could have used a night out with the guys in tow of course. Wooooooh visitors! I’m sure there will be lots of shenanigans lol. Loved it!
    September 4th, 2019 at 05:41am