My Strange Addiction - Comments

  • Yeeep, I should have heeded that warning and not read this update at work. Made for a very quick dash to the bathroom, errrrhhh Shocked

    I know he was being dominant in this scenario, or at least attempting to be, But he totally has the squishies for London either way. He made sure his needs were satisfied, but damn did she get her fill too and he would never ever let her go unsatisfied. He likes to be known as a good lover.

    Who was she even joking, trying to put up a fight, haha! She’d always want that man-mountain, whether it proves Chris was right or not. That’s something I am certain will plague her mind once the afterglow and company has passed.

    Because we all know: even if she doesn’t know what/who she wants, London is very quick in putting blame on herself. Crawling into that little shell of hers and then[/] snapping and feeling pressured by others.

    I am however surprised, that he is inviting her to “hide” for a while. That is rather out of character for him, seen that he usually prefers “clean cuts”. If they hadn’t fucked each other’s brains out just now, he may have done it to prove his friendship...but after this little spiel? Interesting!

    Assuming that Rhea or Richard/Kori will somehow get wind of it when she’s been MIA for a little while(especially with Rhea already tipped off) I do hope that there won’t be all too much judgement on their behalf...haha! Oh what am I saying, they’ll certainly have to “offer” their unhappiness!

    I feel drama is brewing in good ol’ Germany!
    June 29th, 2020 at 07:33am
  • Oof! I am extremely happy now. Happy face Sweet baby Jesus.
    June 29th, 2020 at 06:01am
  • She had avoided labeling what they were, and by doing so had been able to deny what he meant to her

    Well, I was surprised that she never corrected people calling him her boyfriend when she had been so upset by her friends "assuming" they'd be dating earlier on. Good to see that London is somewhat admitting that she wants Chris and wasn't just playing.

    "Would you like to see why I bought this property?" he said.
    "The sex dungeon was already built?"
    "Of course not. That had to be done to my exact specifications."

    Hahahaha...this has to be my favorite back-and-forth so! It is totally something I would say, as I roll my eyes, dismissively!

    He blamed me for breaking up with you?"
    Is it weird that I can totally hear him say this and imagine him quirk his brow? Like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth? Please, poor Chris had no chance from the start, no matter how Team Chris I was from the very very start. Till walked away from her whenever Chris was mentioned, he knew what was going on, had some kind of respect for his friend. It is interesting to see that he questions Chris' understanding of what exactly is happening, he is one of the few people knowing him and would know how

    Till had a short internal struggle, losing to his natural instincts.
    Ohhhhh boyyyyyy...imagine if he had not lost that to those instincts! I am hoping that maybe, in Part 3, he will somehow be a different man and realize that he wants more?

    Sorry for not reading this latest update before babe...but I am loving how totally human he is!
    June 26th, 2020 at 03:57pm
  • She had avoided labeling what they were, and by doing so had been able to deny what he meant to her

    Well, I was surprised that she never corrected people calling him her boyfriend when she had been so upset by her friends "assuming" they'd be dating earlier on. Good to see that London is somewhat admitting that she wants Chris and wasn't just playing.

    "Would you like to see why I bought this property?" he said.
    "The sex dungeon was already built?"
    "Of course not. That had to be done to my exact specifications."

    Hahahaha...this has to be my favorite back-and-forth so! It is totally something I would say, as I roll my eyes, dismissively!

    He blamed me for breaking up with you?"
    Is it weird that I can totally hear him say this and imagine him quirk his brow? Like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth? Please, poor Chris had no chance from the start, no matter how Team Chris I was from the very very start. Till walked away from her whenever Chris was mentioned, he knew what was going on, had some kind of respect for his friend. It is interesting to see that he questions Chris' understanding of what exactly is happening, he is one of the few people knowing him and would know how

    Till had a short internal struggle, losing to his natural instincts.
    Ohhhhh boyyyyyy...imagine if he had not lost that to those instincts! I am hoping that maybe, in Part 3, he will somehow be a different man and realize that he wants more?

    Sorry for not reading this latest update before babe...but I am loving how totally human he is!
    June 26th, 2020 at 03:57pm
  • She had avoided labeling what they were, and by doing so had been able to deny what he meant to her

    Well, I was surprised that she never corrected people calling him her boyfriend when she had been so upset by her friends "assuming" they'd be dating earlier on. Good to see that London is somewhat admitting that she wants Chris and wasn't just playing.

    "Would you like to see why I bought this property?" he said.
    "The sex dungeon was already built?"
    "Of course not. That had to be done to my exact specifications."

    Hahahaha...this has to be my favorite back-and-forth so! It is totally something I would say, as I roll my eyes, dismissively!

    He blamed me for breaking up with you?"
    Is it weird that I can totally hear him say this and imagine him quirk his brow? Like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth? Please, poor Chris had no chance from the start, no matter how Team Chris I was from the very very start. Till walked away from her whenever Chris was mentioned, he knew what was going on, had some kind of respect for his friend. It is interesting to see that he questions Chris' understanding of what exactly is happening, he is one of the few people knowing him and would know how

    Till had a short internal struggle, losing to his natural instincts.
    Ohhhhh boyyyyyy...imagine if he had not lost that to those instincts! I am hoping that maybe, in Part 3, he will somehow be a different man and realize that he wants more?

    Sorry for not reading this latest update before babe...but I am loving how totally human he is!
    June 26th, 2020 at 03:57pm
  • Of course we want a third!!!
    June 23rd, 2020 at 05:15am
  • @ AlcoholicCasper

    I love that y'all like him even when he's an ass. Maybe especially when he's an ass. Lol.
    June 22nd, 2020 at 06:55am
  • I am 5,000% sure that I need a third installment in my life. Also, Till not being a caring human being for five mintues Happy face I'm fucking dead.
    June 22nd, 2020 at 05:54am
  • I’ve been waiting for this moment!!! Although it made me sadder then I I thought it would.
    June 15th, 2020 at 04:30am
  • Amazing update!
    June 15th, 2020 at 03:05am
  • Awwwww! Poor Chris! But I'm glad he finally put his foot down. He doesn't deserve to be treated like that.
    June 15th, 2020 at 02:51am
  • I’m dying for Till and London to ways. Damn London and her will power.
    June 10th, 2020 at 05:16am
  • Oh man, poor Rhea! I totally forgot she actually needs to leave to run her own life back home! There is only so long a job will wait for you.

    HAhahahahahhahahahahah, I'm sure Paul would just LOVE to hear all that
    "You can recount the neverending sex for Paul later,"

    Naw, I love the girl time!!! I love that they all make room for catching up, it isn't just a vague 'how was the trip?' 'Good to hear' and then on to other topics.
    I Love those girls!!!

    And freaking Till! he is to London as a cockroach is to a nuclear bomb - fucking INDESTRUCTABLE! forever coming back when you least expect him.
    But HOLY SHIT! I could cut that tension with a freaking SPOON! Urgh, cannot wait to see what happens now! Is the decision soon? Will she finally decide enough is enough and cut out Till, or cut our Chris?
    I cannot wait to see!!!
    June 9th, 2020 at 08:50am
  • Oh hells yes!! I finally like Sophia! I am SO GLAD she didn't let Till drag her down, but found someone worth her time.
    EVERYONE deserves to be more than just convenience.

    But Lo, you are on a getaway with the worlds sexiest vampire, get your head off Till!! At least enjoy Chris while you have him!! :P

    On to the next chapter!
    June 9th, 2020 at 08:37am
  • Sadly the topic is going to come up the closer the day arrives but atleast for a little while longer no ones really broaching it. Oh man times up for both the girls but Lo has a bigger decision to make. Yay! Girls night! Sounds like something they all needed. That Till is so frustrating lol. But I wonder if he showed up cause he was secretly hoping she would be there. Loved it!
    June 9th, 2020 at 05:21am
  • I think Rhea feels bad for needing to leave. She loved the people she’s met through London. And London is a good friend, so the prospect of leaving her behind? Poor duckie!

    Bloody Till! He just pops up from outta nowhere! Whack-A-Mole! Haha! The little things have her more on edge than him being straight out. Also: she still hasn’t corrected the “boyfriend” title that various people keep bestowing upon Chris. Just saying!

    She’ll probably do a runner, far far away from Berlin if only to put distance between Till and herself. That the same distance will also apply to her friends is an undesirable side effect
    June 9th, 2020 at 04:22am
  • Right? Sad Till is my Kryptonite Happy face
    June 9th, 2020 at 03:38am
  • @ AlcoholicCasper

    Oh, God yes! I'd have jumped him about ten chapters ago, at least! lmfao
    June 9th, 2020 at 03:33am
  • Loved it
    June 9th, 2020 at 03:32am
  • Her will power though, stronger than mine lmfao
    June 9th, 2020 at 03:29am