The Moon. - Comments

  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    Flawless beauty.
    In Love
    October 16th, 2008 at 03:47am
  • villain.

    villain. (160)

    United States
    Here's your review, hoe. :coffee:
    It's going to suck though, 'cause y'know, Danielle is phail at leaving reviews.

    Well, first off, I loved the opening lines. It reminded kinda of Chuck Palahniuk, dare I say? What I also liked how was friend never had a name, so it could be anyone. It let's the reader use their imagination, which is quite fabulous.
    But I couldn't use mine, since I already knew it was you. :finger:
    I keed, I keed. x)

    One thing is that I don't think S in she should be capitalized, or the F in friend. But hey, that's just me, and I could be wrong. Do what you like, man.
    And that, was my attempt at quoting Mr. Durden on his little rant about the things you own owning you, but I'm 90% sure I failed.

    And boy never gets a name either, which is great. All mysterious and anonymous and wonderful. Even though I already know it's Frank. Or at least it was supposed to be Frank. Like, I could totally be snuggling with whoever the hell I want. (x
    Or like, it could totally be a ryden. She = Brendon. He = Ryan. Friend = whoever.
    Moving onnnnnnnnnnn.

    "I'm fine." You could practically visualize a lie-detector flipping out as the two words poured from her lips.
    That was probably my favorite line from the whole thing, I can't quite tell you why, because even I don't know. It reminded me of the Simpsons actually; Homer was hooked up to a lie detector and they asked him if he understood. He said yes, and it exploded. :lmfao
    I know you don't care, but seriously, that was my favorite - or one of my favorites - from this.

    The low "Ding-dong" of the doorbell was enough to give her a heart attack. She slowly stalked down the pink painted hallway of the apartment ahe shared towards the door.
    It should be SHE not ahe. xD lolz.
    But anyway, I loveloved this part for obvious reasons. Because this will totally be like our lives in a few years, after school and all of that shit, living in our shitty, pink apartment in Asbury Park. I indeed enjoy real life refrences. Bar you won't be a drunk, fuck up. Or at least you won't be a drunk fuck up by yourself. xD

    And for some reason, he just wanted to hug her more. The way she was so seemingly unwanted, made him want her more.
    This was indeed another part that I loved. It's just so flawless. And in case you were wondering, I'm hella proud that I've only used the word flawless once in my shitty review.

    It was insanely hard to review this; to pick bits and pieces that I love and tell you why, because honestly, I loved the entire thing. The only issue I have with it is that I want moar. 'Cause I am an intense, selfish hoe. :file:
    It's hard to explain why I loved each part too, but I tried.
    Hopefully this will suffice, princess Arianna. :coffee:
    July 25th, 2008 at 03:19am
  • villain.

    villain. (160)

    United States
    Sad Again.
    Is it selfish of me to want more?
    Write me another story.
    I practically know every word to this one
    July 3rd, 2008 at 03:48am
  • villain.

    villain. (160)

    United States
    In case you were wondering, I'm pretty sure I've read this 100 times and it's still not getting old to me.
    You are magical. End of story. Period.
    June 15th, 2008 at 08:15pm
  • villain.

    villain. (160)

    United States
    Arianna, I can barely type this, my eyes were blurred with tears.
    Tears because it was so perfect, so well-written, the best birthday present anyone can give. And tears, because it's over. It's the kind of thing you never want to end, I never wanted it to end, I wanted to read it forever.

    Even if this wasn't about him holding me close and telling me that story, I'd still love it, because it was so so so well-written.
    I loved how you kept saying "in case you were wondering", that flawless repetition, it reminded me of Palahniuk.

    I'd like, leave you a comment worth reading, but like I said, my eyes are all blurry and my smile is about to rip my face in half.
    And that friend, she's perfect.
    And Danielle is too stupid to come up with a good adjective for the friend besides perfect, because she's better than perfect.
    Perfection ain't got shit on her.

    I love you.
    Nothing can top this.
    :arms: In Love
    June 15th, 2008 at 06:56am