The White Lies. - Comments

  • Heartswell.

    Heartswell. (400)

    I should read your stuff more >.>

    And that's my comment :weird

    Nahhhh :XD Here's the real review :weird
    Firstly of all, holy shit :cheese:
    Even though this piece isn't long but when you go and read it you get so engulfed and wrapped in every emotion and word that you feel like you've been reading it for hours; like you're actually watching a movie but unlike a movie it unfolds to you in every aspect where you don't even need to interpret their emotions. It's all out with its confusing and frightening clarity.

    It had that sort of... fragile violence; well from Bert's side at least. You can sense... this... this mirror-clear hate from his side, like he hates Gerard for Jepha's death but then again he can't help being broken over it and it's like this distructive cycle over and over; hating Gerard then punishing himself by throwing his body at Gerard and letting him do whatever he fucking wants because it doesn't matter anymore; the man he's with isn't Jepha and will never be Jepha.

    “Then fuck me because you hate me.” That line made me sick and fluttery at the same time; you can tell that Gerard has this hidden affection for Bert and basically... it's kind of this buried sympathy and sorrow. It -ironically- reminds me of the Sharpest Lives: You're the one that I need and I'm the one that you loathe. which perfectly fits because Bert basically loathes Gerard and partially blames him for everything that happened, along with hating him because Gerard was Jepha's shelter; the one who listened.
    And I -personally- think it's because of how they're alike that Jepha wanted both of them [even though I'm not sure of the nature of the relationship between him and Gerard; friends or more?].

    But I personally think they're bad for each other here >.> because with them being together -I noticed- there's always this air of memories because Bert can't seem to let Jepha go because of Gee.
    And I loved how you tied everything to white lies; how Bert was sure that Gerard is lying and that they fucked each other >.> but the truth is... I'm not even sure who to believe omgno:

    That was a really crappy review and I apologize. :shifty
    Your writing makes me feel like a n00b :weird Honestly :XD You did a brilliant job on this and I need to read and comment more of your stories >.> ily.
    July 25th, 2008 at 07:26pm
  • James Sullivan

    James Sullivan (150)

    United States
    Christ, Korynn.
    How do you blow me away so simply, so easily in so few words?

    That was amazing. Brilliant. Perfect. Fucked up.

    I loved it. I love how you repeat words too. Its really good for emphasis and direction and just...Its great for building the storyline.
    June 24th, 2008 at 06:24pm
  • Isis

    Isis (105)

    United States
    Very intense. All of the anger and hatred, betrayal and deceit, love and disgust, all of it is so real, so thick and so tense. At first, I was confused about who was who, obviously, until a name was dropped. A deadly, deceitful love triangle. I loved how it was described and the feeling behind the words, especially the mantra-like repetitions, like they're trying to convince themselves of something.

    I also loved how the differences and similarities between Gerard and Bert are stated. How no matter how different they are, and how much they hate each other, they're the same.

    My favorite lines are the last ones.

    “I love you,” a soft fleeting whisper, his hands cupping my face, his lips over mine again.

    “I love you too.

    The little white lies.

    I think those hit me the hardest because lately I've been trying to accept the reality in my own life that the one I love never loved me after all. And I also understand the distraction part of the story, with Gerard and Bert having sex to distract themselves from Jepha.

    I don't really know what else to say. I really enjoyed reading it. I love your style of writing, and the way things were revealed in it. The way I only got a piece of information at a time, not enough to digest it all at once. Great writing.
    June 24th, 2008 at 05:19am
  • Jepha Howard.

    Jepha Howard. (500)

    United States
    New Story,
    The pairing is twisted; I like it. This is one of my favourites, and I worked really hard on it. Feedback is sooo greatly appreciated, thank you. x]
    June 24th, 2008 at 04:58am