The Pain I've Grown to Know - Comments

  • WHAT!!!! She fucked Brian?! I can not believe it! That child better not be his!!! Hell, I'm not sure I would even want to know. Better safe than sorry that way. Just think and believe its Matt's.
    July 10th, 2008 at 07:04am
  • =O You sure know how to change the whole thing. Wow I feel so bad for Brian now, he's gonna get his ass kicked =D ...I mean *Tears* Oh well he deserved it.
    July 9th, 2008 at 08:47pm
  • lexikitten12:
    hey i have another change in events for u if u want it to happen Naughty lol well ith shat the babbie is not matts or brians but its zacks because of the night they were in florida before matt came down and kicked zack out of her apartment Clap :lmfao
    I think I'd cry. :cry:
    July 9th, 2008 at 04:41pm
  • hey i have another change in events for u if u want it to happen Naughty lol well ith shat the babbie is not matts or brians but its zacks because of the night they were in florida before matt came down and kicked zack out of her apartment Clap :lmfao
    July 9th, 2008 at 04:18pm
  • Driving drunk Matthew is never a good thing no matter what you have to confess or say. I think I'll kick your ass now...

    UH>>>>WTF? Who in the hell is she talking to? Brian I'm guessing. It has to be that damned snake. I don't see her talking to Zacky like that, just the way the conversation went it wasn't Z. So she knows already about Ebony--good. She doesn't seem to care--good. other than the fact... that the baby may be a result of a one night stand with an eyeliner wearing I-gotta-drug-this-woman-to-screw-her prick. Just by powers of deduction, he has to be it. Here Matt is all worried on how she'll take the Ebony news when she already knows and in addition fucked around on him after she found out. Two wrongs do not make a right, people!! Jesus. Will any of these people ever fucking learn? It's like one giant orgy around them. Maybe they should just move to Utah and share her? Sounds like a plan...have a little Baker, little Sanders and little Haner running around under one big roof with a weekly schedule planned out on who gets Lea on what two nights and a free night for her to rest up and shit. (in that case, please make me Lea in real life becuase that would be great!! lol) Jesus. Okay, continuing now...

    Fuck!I WAS RIGHT!!!! I knew it! I knew it yesterday! What a cocksmoker! Wait...him screwing her wouldn't make him a cocksmoker. Hell you get what I mean! F that noise! F Brian. He can go to hell! Especially since she was once again upset by something. Can the man not get some pussy that he actually has to work for? I mean really, he is the great Synyster Gates after all....Jesus.

    Kick his ass! I want blood this time!!! I didn't get it last time and I want it this time!

    *snicker* Brian trying to get he can at least try to get laid by someone who isn't upset and that he'll have to work for? Amazing...sounds like it'll be a challenge for him.

    DAN!!! didn't go there! LOLZ I love it. It made me gigglesnort and then laugh out loud so that everyone stared at me.

    And, calling Zacky and Jimmy...hell, Johnny, too. Stroke of genius on Matt's part.'s what I think: It's a twist and it had better work out...there's not a damned thing I can do if it doesn't.

    One thing I can tell is that there are genuine feelings between Matt and Lea and maybe they can overcome all that shit and the cheating and remain faithful unless the baby is the dick's...then it might cause a slight problem.

    Okay no hate. I actually liked it. It spiced it up even though the story didn't need spicing up.
    July 9th, 2008 at 01:12pm

    the baby might be Brian's?? Oh hell no, I did not see that one coming!
    If I didn't love ya, I could hate you so bad right now.
    July 9th, 2008 at 10:50am
  • That wasn't really nice of the guys but hopefully Matt comes clean.
    July 8th, 2008 at 09:58pm
  • Here's what I'm saying: Matt's an ass for asking Zack to do that stuff for the engagement party! I partially blame him for what's about to happen because if he hadn't been pushing all this stuff in Z's face then he wouldn't be so vindictive.

    All I know is that he better tell her before Z does because that's not gonna end up well in either situation...
    July 8th, 2008 at 08:33pm
  • As for the whole fact that Matt asked Zacky to organise the potential engagement dinner party? Not cool! Talk about running it in his face! Just lame.

    Poor Zacky. At least he gets the chance to go through a baby's growth and everything, but its not fair. Bittersweet.


    Ok, so Zacky. You're jealous. You want Lea back. Matt, you were lonely during tour. Completely understandable, but to do it again after getting with Lea? No need for it matey!

    Zee. Lea's pregnant. Stress is bad. And do you honestly think that this will drive her back into your arms? God, she can't go with any of these guys without getting screwed over. Not right. She deserves to get told this, but the timing is just crappy. Matt ebtter bloody tell her before Zee does. Nicht Gut!!
    July 8th, 2008 at 04:45pm
  • *shakes head* Matt asks Zacky to help him organize a night out so he can propose to Lea? Damn, Matt...have you no sense or feelings? Jeesh.

    Okay, glad that Zacky is going through the pregnancy with her, but at the same time I can see where it's bittersweet for him becuase he feels that it should be his baby and not Matt's. Are you trying to pull on my hearstrings here, beotch?

    WHAT IN THE HELL DID MATT DO? Okay...*continues to read*
    Matt's eyes hardened and he ground his teeth.
    Shouldn't be shivering, but I am. That is one sexy as hell glare when it's not directed at you....but in this case, I know it brings bad news.

    EBONY returns? WTF, mate? Uh, hell no. Way to go you stupid shithead! HER of all people? Okay, the first two months of the tour I can rationalize, but, I can't. Then he tells Z and Jimmy that he didn't fuck her after he got home from FL? What the hell do you believe? I'm confused and I don't even want to begin to try and understand how Lea will feel.

    What I do know is that Matthew had better be opening his mouth before Zacky goes and fucks everything up yet again...not acting in jealousy my ass. Whatever, dude. Then he had to bring Jimmy in on it, too, to even things out my ass. Whatever. He just didn't want all the heat on him to make the blackmail that much more believable.

    Does Zacky really expect the stress that this'll cause Lea while she's pregnant will be good for her and the baby? Does he? Has he not thought of that? Really, I mean, okay, she deserves to know I will admit that, but does he think this will drive Lea straight into his arms? If I were her, I'd run straight the other fucking way or to Johnny--he's not really been in the story and something tells me he'd be the greatest darkhorse to ever come in and save the day making Matt and Zacky look like blubbering fools as he raised their kids.

    No, I can't hate you because I love you too much, but as far as how you've done this story...just a smidge hate. Just a smidge. I'll wait and you had better not make me wait too long. This is a novel sized comment after all. That deserves something, right?
    July 8th, 2008 at 04:13pm
  • Wow. Okay, like Zacky I started to do the whole math on the fingers thing. It had better be Matt's, that's all there is too it unless there's some other sordid affair between Zacky and Lea that happened between that four month time jump that we and Matt don't know about. F that noise. It has to be Matt's. He's so damned tender I just want to hug him and pat his head telling him that he's such a good boy and then slap the back of his head for initially being an ass.

    It had better be Matt's...that's all I'm sayin'.
    July 8th, 2008 at 01:10pm
  • That must have felt so horrible for Zacky. Poor thing.

    Matt, you may lurve each other, but good god man! Slow it down.

    Loved it =]
    July 8th, 2008 at 12:15pm
  • Matts really outta it. Zacky's taking better care of her.
    July 7th, 2008 at 07:30pm
  • OMG NO!!!!
    Talk about an update!
    July 7th, 2008 at 02:01pm
  • WTF, mate?!?!?!??!?!?! Jesus, that was a hell of an update! He wasn't excited? They had a 'fight' about the baby? She's in the dang hospital over the baby? GAH! This has thrown me for a loop. I didn't see Matt being anything but excited over the baby and there he was acting like Brian in my story. Fuck Sanders...he needs to pull his head out of his damned ass and like now or I'll come and yank it out for him. I don't think he'll like it if I do it.
    July 7th, 2008 at 01:31pm
  • Oh snap! She may be carring Sanders baby! Lucky bitch. I wanna mother Zacky and Matt's children! Lol! :D
    July 5th, 2008 at 11:00am
  • Why do I have this mega niggling feeling that it's Zack's kad? Cos from what I know about preggers people, they get morning sickness about 3 months into it, and it takes only a couple of days for the egg and sperm and shizz (sex ed lesson! woo!) and you generally know about a month I think its Zack's. This is what I think anyways. How difficult would that be for the groupl then? Jesus.

    You have more of this written? Gah! I need more!! I saw I had an update and nearly cried!!
    July 5th, 2008 at 12:40am
  • What in the hell is she sorry for? She shouldn't it takes two, dang it. And, it's four months later so there should be no WAY in hell that it's Zacky's baby. It has to be Matt's, and if it isn't I'll fly to Aussie so quick your head will spin. Seriously.

    I think at the moment she's taking his reaction wrong...obviously if he's that good with Zion and he's that close with Zacky's kid a kid of his OWN will thrill him.

    Short, sweet and almost dang surprising, sis. Loved it. That kinda whetted the appetite, and I guess it'll do.

    P.S. Bri is secretly a girl. It's a strap-on, it has to be. =p
    July 5th, 2008 at 12:12am
  • Well, you know what I want to have happen. I mean, a little boy running around with Matt' s hazel-green eyes and dimples would be awesome if you're getting my drift. Or a little girl with his dimples and Lea's brown eyes and some fly-away sun-bleached blonde hair....either way, they would make some beautiful babies.

    And in doing so with the baby, you know they're going to have to stick together and so forth.

    And...if you have some of it written, why is it not posted? Huh? I saw update in my email and about cried in joy since I've having a string of no-good-very-bad days lately with moving and work and all...damn it, it wasn't right!

    Okay, I'm out. Disgust
    July 4th, 2008 at 09:00pm
  • Well, I wasn't expecting Matt to find out so soon but I'm glad he took it well. Now I can't wait to see how things go when they're back in the HB.
    And I totally forgot about the previous threesome. Yeah, can't say I'd do that again. But your right in saying, that after 2 years, who wouldn't wanna Zacky in their bed!
    July 3rd, 2008 at 09:55pm