Immortality Carcinoma - Comments

  • TeenCadburyDream

    TeenCadburyDream (100)

    Turks and Caicos Islands
    This is amazing! i love how detailed it is- I can't wait until the next chapter!
    September 5th, 2009 at 01:49am
  • helen

    helen (415)


    Okay, where do I start? With the title that redefines 'amazing' or with the chapter itself?
    No seriously, the title is quote possibly the best part of the story- not that the story's bad, I mean I liked the first version too- but the title was what I first, well, read and I'm still pretty much impressed.

    Immortality Carcinoma. :cheese: It's lrigjieguhigutiguhtuhgorgijhogihtot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stars gazed down onto her softly, shimmering soothingly in all their pearly comfort.
    Lazy strands of humid mist formed quietly and dragged across the solemn alley, emphasizing the solitude of the lingering body lain onto its pavement.
    :cheese: Speechless.

    My favourite:And today, much like every time she found herself in immediate danger, she thought of him, thought back to the youthful exuberance that once coursed through her veins and then remembered the toxic pain that ensued. The way it took over her ratio like a drug, the way it nearly destroyed her body – like cancer.
    Why? In all honesty, because of the cancer comparison. They've always been the most powerful comparisons- the ones that would really hit your conscience, so to speak. But then again, when it comes to your stories, every word seems to reach out to you, somehow convince your senses to give in.
    Really, you make me experience words on a whole new breathtaking level.
    And you had better continue doing so.

    In Love

    The layout is awesome too, btw!

    EDIT: Hm. I'm not sure, but I think I like this layout even better.
    June 23rd, 2008 at 01:44am