Headlights - Comments

  • ^ In Love
    March 3rd, 2008 at 02:11am
  • I've always had this weird thing of incoherency come over me whenever I read this, but that last chapter just left me speechless, honestly. You know (or should know by now) how much I adore your writing, and it's just...arghaoirga it's so amazing. I still don't know how to describe it, it's just so beautiful and disturbing and scary but it's so uplifting, that maybe things can be okay for once. That last line brought tears to my eyes, after everything they've been through, after what they started as, just that idea that true happiness could be within their grasp...argh it's just so beautiful.
    March 3rd, 2008 at 02:00am
  • BWAAA.

    I love you guys all SO much.
    There really aren't any words to say how much, but thank you thank you thank you.

    March 3rd, 2008 at 01:35am
  • this is amazing <3
    March 2nd, 2008 at 08:48pm
  • You are amazing.
    So fucking talented it hurts.
    The ending was magnificent as per usual.
    Mention on my page much?
    C xoxo
    March 2nd, 2008 at 08:47pm
  • That was by far the most amazing story I've ever read all the way through.

    "We'll run, Frankie," I choked desperately, gathering his sweaty body into my arms - all twisting ribs and spilling rubbery limbs - and pulling him with me off the tearstained bed, twining our fingers tightly together. "We're gonna run now."

    That made me feel loved, in a weird way.

    The ending couldn't have been more perfect. I thought Frank was dead, and that everyone was loosing hope, but then right at the end, it's like a light shines through, and you're thinking, fuck yeah, it's a battle, but it'll be alright.

    It's weird how just a mere work of fiction could create such amazing emotions within minutes of reading each string of words.

    But I guess that's talent, hey?

    Amazing job.

    March 2nd, 2008 at 08:18pm
  • :O
    This is like one of the best stories I've EVER read!.
    I'm so fucking speechless that anyhting I saw will probably be unbelievably lame.
    I loved it!!!
    March 2nd, 2008 at 07:11pm
  • I just finished reading the last chapter.
    I can't really say anything that people haven't already said about this story being amazing and you being unbelievably talented. I can say ":cheese: ...Whoah..." though.
    In any other hands, all the bloody imagary and analogies (and thier amount), could quite easily have been too much, but you... bah. You just carry it off and then some.

    If the world wasn't so squeamish about gratituously violent, homoerotic 'murderotica' that still tugs at the heart strings until they snap, you could get published and make millions.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 07:06pm
  • that was the most confusing story i have ever read in my whole entire life.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 04:56pm
  • March 2nd, 2008 at 04:08pm
  • Wow.

    It's the end?



    Man, it was so good. You're so good!

    I love you.... and hate you at the same time:P.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 04:08pm
  • I think this is offically the best story I've ever read on Mibba.
    Possibly the best story I've ever read, period.

    There are no words I can find right now that can do this story justice.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 12:47pm
  • AHH!!! understanding!
    its such an amzing end to this story. i really think this is something people should be paying to read. but i shouldnt say that, cause im broke XD
    March 2nd, 2008 at 11:12am
  • ohhh.... thats so sad. but so good... but so confusing. lol. ill read it again. and THEN come back with co herent thoughts
    March 2nd, 2008 at 11:09am
  • I thought you had given up on this story. I am so glad I was wrong. It was amazing. Truly amazing. You are an excellent, excellent writer. This story was heart-wrenching to read. How something could be so horrific yet in the end uplifting is quite a feat. I cannot say enough how wonderfully written this story was and how much it meant to me as a reader. Thank you for sharing it.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 10:18am
  • Oh my gosh.
    That was brilliant.

    No kidding.
    By FAR the best story I have ever read on mibba.
    The only story that's made me cry in every single chapter.
    Blahhhhh. I'm going back to read it all over again. =[[

    March 2nd, 2008 at 08:32am
  • I'm always amazed when I read this.
    The description was just overflowing and overwhelming.

    Most striking ones:

    Day after day after day after fucking day I had my bloody hands buried deep inside his chest, fighting to piece the sharp, sticky edges of his shattered heart back together with my fingers. Trying to touch every inch of his slick, liquefied crimson insides

    Suddenly he was crawling onto the mattress, landing practically in my lap, and then the room was filled with horrors that I couldn’t glimpse and couldn’t kill, pallid vampires licking his cold toes

    “I’m trying to keep you from fucking falling,”

    Slam. Bone! snot! teeth, flying out of my skull like silly-string and confetti to splatter a shitty imitation of a Jackson Pollack canvas on the white bedroom wall.

    His pale, hot lips tasted like the softest shadow of blood.

    My numb fingers felt like dead cells as I twined them tightly with Frankie’s warmer ones, bone grinding against frost-white bone.

    I thought he was dead, skin shimmering eyeshadow-blue even in the hazy glow of morning sunlight.

    The fever had broken.

    “F-Frankie…” What could I fucking say to him? “Frankie, I lo-”

    But I choked on the words as he clenched his pearlescent white teeth, dragging our faces roughly together by his grip on my shirt and silencing the words that he had been waiting so long to hear as our cold, numb blue lips melted together into a moist, icy crush of saliva and heat and the ever-present whisper of copper sugar.

    Gut-clenching, stomach-churning, heart-wrenching, rib-snapping love, the kind that leaves you screaming

    It leaves me speechless.
    Don't ever forget how much power you have with your words.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 05:11am
  • wwow, i just read the intre thing, and that was simply amazing. your writting style is beautiful and the imagery u use is simply magnificent. the last chapter really made me cry. it was so real. so raw. so emotion. You're amazing and i worship you. *bows down*
    March 2nd, 2008 at 02:35am
  • Oh. My. Fucking. God.
    I'm speechless. Really, I am.
    Your writing is pure poetry, emotions as words, feelings.
    It's just...jvkhsdgdsuhst.
    I loved it. Every single fucking part of it. You ended it so goddamn perfectly.

    Just...wow. That's all I can say.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 02:14am
  • Christ, baby.. you finished it.

    I am so proud of you.
    You have no idea.
    I look up to you a whole fucking scary lot.
    And the lot keeps growing.
    Like, when you write things like this.
    Or when you don't even do anything, still does.

    Oh, man, I love you..
    You're my biggest, and close to only inspiration in this fucking world.
    So I love you.

    God, Frankie killed me..
    I love him in this story.
    He reminds me of me a little..
    Painful, painful.

    But the most painful and striking part of this was probably the last line,
    where I though to myself "you can see, Frankie."
    It's an illusion, but I loved it.

    I love you.
    March 2nd, 2008 at 02:07am