Headlights - Comments

  • Aww, baby..

    [ squeeze ]

    You're the best.. I don't have anything else to say..

    Amazing, amazing, amazing...

    November 8th, 2007 at 11:05pm
  • amazing
    November 8th, 2007 at 10:53pm
  • I just found this story and read it straight through. I feel like I have to comment... like I have to let you know what you've done to me... but there are no words. There are no words for the raw emotions that you've put me through. If there are words, if these feelings have names, then I never learned them and I'm not sure if I should be sorry or grateful that they are outside of my experience. Then again, naming them would make them seem too prosaic, too common, like they could be experienced by any one at any time. And that would be fucking tragic.

    I don't think I'll sleep tonight. I don't think I'll close my eyes for a while.

    Thank you for that.
    November 8th, 2007 at 01:02pm
  • You are fucking amazing. This story makes me feel every possible emotion and then leaves my stomach in knots. It is incredible. I love it.
    November 8th, 2007 at 10:31am
  • :cheese:

    ^ this is pretty much the face I always make after reading a new update of yours.


    Elizabeth, you leave me speechless. Really, truly, I can't find words to sum up how much I love this chapter, and the whole story in general.

    BUT, I do know that my favorite lines out of possibly this whole story so far were in this chapter:

    “Frankie-” I choked. “Oh god, Frankie.”

    “Wh-what?” he whimpered, shaking and wet.

    “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

    His sobs rattled his chest so hard that I thought his ribs might scatter as I fought to kiss the pain away again, and when he doubled over in awful agony, trying to pull away from me, I realized, inevitably, that it was now or fucking never.

    I had to show him there was more than the darkness.

    After I read those lines, I had to go back, and read them again, because they're just so fucking heartbreaking, and tragic, and beautiful.

    I loved it, I loved it, I loved it.

    :]] ♥
    November 8th, 2007 at 09:54am
  • There is a darkness blacker than the one imprisoned behind the ribbed, webbed insides of scarlet eyelids. There are pitiless shadows inkier than the ones that creep silently beneath closed doors and out of closets into bedrooms at night, suffocating terrified little children between their sheets; there is something deeper and harder and colder than onyx and patent leather and starless nights and fucking India ink. Blacker than the ocean floor, the sable Hawaii sand, the hollow, dead pupils of a corpse—

    That so amazingly sounded like something Gerard would really say.
    November 8th, 2007 at 07:39am
  • newreader: that was awesome!
    November 8th, 2007 at 05:16am
  • This is so painfully tragic that it hurts to read but I can't look away... every single word drags me into the plot, the way you write is just remarkable <3
    Your descriptions are just wooooah... too good for words.
    My favourite part of the chapter had to be:
    "And then I felt my heart stop like a bird shot dead beneath my ribcage, lungs failing, guts collapsing; layers of hot, wet flesh folding in on each other as bone weakened and gave way, knotted muscle slick and limp and sliding further, further down"
    Seriously... how do you write so well? I am well and truly amazed by how good every single update continues to be. You have so much talent ^_^
    Love it forever <3
    November 8th, 2007 at 05:11am
  • zomg!1!, someone concured me. That has to be the best thing that's ever happened to me- ever. lol.

    Yeh. So anyway, another wonderful chapter.
    I feel so much compassion for Frank, it's almost unbearable.
    Seriously, I almost cried.

    He couldn't even get off the fucking floor.
    That kills me.

    Seriously, I know how everyone always keeps on saying it like it's a bad thing, but this is almost too painful too read, except for it isn't.
    Everyone is reading it and loving it and wondering about it.
    It's just that good.

    Keep up the good works.
    November 8th, 2007 at 04:38am
  • Wow that was really good!
    November 8th, 2007 at 04:34am
  • wowowowowowow!!
    This made me happier.
    Such good description, and very well written :]
    Best story ever.
    [Well, next to Crash] lol
    November 8th, 2007 at 04:30am
  • okay the eye part freaked me out cause I have this thing about eyes. I almost vomited in the car whoile thinking about the opening of Saw two. WITH THAT SAID. Amazing chapter....I am kind of seeing that Frank and Gee are getting closer...happier. BUt Im scared you are gonna kill one of them...:(
    November 8th, 2007 at 04:12am
  • ^^ yes. I concur!
    I learned that word today.
    But your writing leaves me with no words to describe it. I can't express my loveeeee for this story by simply saying it was the most awesomely radd fan-fucking-tastic story i've ever read.

    ha. that made me think of the one episonde of Spongebob where everyone says Squidward's name wrong. Squidward Tentpoles. Squidward Tennisballs. Squidward Tentpoles. How does tentpoles sound like tentacles? [/spammed]

    Umm yea. More soon!
    This story is the best.
    November 8th, 2007 at 04:02am
  • I'm at a loss for words.
    As ever.

    But the basic line is that it's brilliant, as ever.
    It's almost too painful to read but heck, I'm loving every bit of it.
    I'm glad your writing came back to you,
    a talent this good shouldn't ever leave you and I personally don't think it will.

    November 6th, 2007 at 06:16pm
  • Wow ILY.
    November 4th, 2007 at 03:22am
  • ...God, don't stop there..

    I don't want you to stop,
    but I don't want you to continue either,
    because I know that this is ending..

    And that's just wrong. Just like the time Crash and KSC ended.

    ...but I love you.

    ..and i love ink and look straight, so...
    November 4th, 2007 at 02:52am
  • THANK YOU. &#9829;
    All of you. EEK. ILY.
    November 3rd, 2007 at 07:36am
  • aw my fucking god.
    that was so heart wrenching.

    i've missed your updates.
    nearly squealed when I seen this was updated.

    update soon?
    November 3rd, 2007 at 07:31am
  • GOD!
    Your SUCHH a good writter!
    Im in LOVE with your writing!
    And this story,
    wowowow!! :D
    I love it!!!!
    And I check about ten times a day,
    in all seriousness,
    just to see if youve updated!!
    Cant wait until the next chapter!!!
    November 3rd, 2007 at 03:52am
  • Wow..you consider that bad?
    The way you write is beautiful. You use contrasts that are so completely different from anything I've read. Everything flows and fits like a puzzle *for lack of a better word*. It works perfectly.
    I love how you describe everything in this story.
    It's so tragically beautiful and so full of emotion. It's amazing. I still don't understand how you consider this bad. I deffinately don't. I don't think I could ever write like this.
    :] I can't wait till the next chapter.
    November 3rd, 2007 at 01:31am