Unbound: The Wild Ride - Comments

  • Lilly_White

    Lilly_White (100)

    United States
    The time you spent on these chapters were well worth it . I could only dream of such great closure as bekah and brian had. aww
    August 12th, 2008 at 11:32pm
  • Faraway7

    Faraway7 (100)

    United States
    Yup, closer to the wedding, but IS it really the end for Bekah and Brian? I have a nagging feeling they may end up having an affair at one point in the future. I hope not, but what else would spell major drama? ;)

    Matt is so freaking excited! I love it. He is really going to flip when he sees her. Maybe Matt will shed some tears during their vows? That would be sweet!
    August 12th, 2008 at 10:52pm
  • i_love_rolo_cookies

    i_love_rolo_cookies (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *is sad* I don't know that I actually want this wedding to go through. I can sense a hell of a lot of drama about to happen done at the actual wedding. There isn't a hope in hell in there not being any drama. I don't know if Val will awaken half way through, maybe (rathe cliche though it is) when the minister asks for objections Matt's phone will ring...or Michi will turn up shouting that Val's not in a coma and everyone will leave the wedding. Who knows? I just sense there will be drama...
    I'm sad that Brian and Bekah said "goodbye" I don't think they needed to, if I'm honest. They as a couple died, really, when Matt changed his attitude and sorted his shit out. That's truly when Brian lost her. If he ever had her. I'm glad that they're still friends but I desperately wanted them to be in love and have millions of babies. Although, this way, with Allison in the picture, Larry's 'propehcy' comes true and that's a good thing. It's Larry's last connection with Brian; the last thing the great man was right about.
    I'm vaguely dreading the end of this story, because I still can't see how at the end of Part Four it's all going to be happy - ever - after / boy - and - girl - drive - off - into - the - sunshine. If it does happen it's going to be soul destroying before they get there. And couples will fall apart, friends lose each other and children lose sight of the ground. Thinking of couples falling apart; how's Tracey's cancer? Has it all gone and is all a - ok?
    This is something more like my usual comments, I've been so tired recently what with camp and the olympics and such. More soon?
    August 12th, 2008 at 09:48pm
  • Desert Moon

    Desert Moon (100)

    United States
    I.Love.This! :D :D :D :D :D xD :P :) haha! You kick ass, Tasha but I'm sure you already knew that. :)
    August 12th, 2008 at 08:00pm
  • Vengeance.x

    Vengeance.x (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeay!! I've caught up!!

    Heh! Sorry about that.. but I've been reading this story for I don't know how long...! It's awesome and the sequels you've done are just amazing.

    I can't wait to see how the wedding goes and what will happen with the "twisted sisters" as they were called XD
    August 12th, 2008 at 05:09pm
  • ravendove2007

    ravendove2007 (100)

    United States
    omg i was seriously laughing my butt off over that chapter! i mean seeing Matt and Brian freak out that much just because Tracey was coming over, so funny! :lmfao
    August 12th, 2008 at 06:09am
  • Red Riding Hoodie

    Red Riding Hoodie (200)

    United States
    I loved this chapter!!!!

    It def had me laughing alot more than some of the others had, mainly at the pranks played on Matt and them all escaping Tracey.

    That was hilarious.

    More soonish, Tasha?

    August 12th, 2008 at 02:02am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    LMAO. have i told you how much i love this story recently? because i'm not sure if i have. but i do.
    and the last few chapters (yeah i had to get caught up; stupid work blocking mibba and all that shit) are GOLDEN! seriously. lol. the guys kidnapping matt was classic. i loved it.
    yes i know i'm saying i loved it a lot because i do! there is nothing i do not like in this story =]
    btw, i laughed out loud at the part about matt scaring small children and bellowing like a bull. oh god i've had that conversation with a lot of people; i can just see matt ripping off his shirt and pounding his chest as he chases after little kids LOL.
    which makes up for what the guys did to him in the morning. although...i'm not gonna lie, i thought the honey that matt stepped in was something else...*ahem* awkward...ok. i'll stop with that train of thought...
    ROTFL with the make-up and all that crap. it was priceless, especially with tracey coming to do everyone's hair. johnny rocks my world though; after dealing with olivia all the time he's so nonchalant about all the other girls hahaha.
    bah! i can't wait for the wedding!!! and the wedding night ;] LOL oh geez that's just wrong on so many levels. god i sound like a voyeur. but it's ok, because leana, tracey and olivia were watching matt abd bekah in the ocean *wink wink*
    ok ok i'll stop. ive got a one track mind...haha. can't wait for the next update! and honestly, don't worry about not updating everyday. all your readers love you and understand when things are going on. plus, everything you put up is worth the wait!
    whoops. i meant this to be short and sweet; to the point. sorry >.<
    August 12th, 2008 at 01:08am
  • ontheedge91

    ontheedge91 (100)

    United States
    Disgust ugh...im never going to get caught up...
    August 12th, 2008 at 12:03am
  • Faraway7

    Faraway7 (100)

    United States
    Sweet! I cannot believe how the guys got Matt! Man, I had so much fun picturing a naked, feathered, sticky, and sandy Matt jump in the ocean. I'm sure ALL of us wished we has some pictures of that!

    It's so like the guys to fuss over what cologne to wear and what make up to put on. Why the hell Brian always runs away from his sister's attempts to fix his hair is crazy. She is the most skilled hairstylist around. I wish she was mine! My hairdresser never gets the back of my hair layered enough!

    I like how Matt locks himself away to deal with his pre-wedding anxiety. He can handle himself, he just needs to give himself a personal pep talk. Cannot wait till the wedding!

    Congratulations on the wonderful personal developments! I hope they're lasting. My fiance of 2 years JUST got me a real diamond engagement ring. It's beautiful. If it weren't so damned thunderstormy, I'd be watching it glint in the sunlight.

    Looking forward to more!
    August 11th, 2008 at 08:59pm
  • i_love_rolo_cookies

    i_love_rolo_cookies (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Just focus on her and it'll be easy. Keep breathing and thinking of her, that's all you gotta do. Ignore the fuck out of everyone else, it's just you and Bekah.
    More soon?
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:50pm
  • TwistedIllusions

    TwistedIllusions (100)

    United States
    Eeee!!! We're getting closer to teh wedding!!!! I'm so damn excited!
    August 11th, 2008 at 06:03pm
  • Faraway7

    Faraway7 (100)

    United States
    Oh man...wow, just so much happened in chapter 62 it's hard to make sense of it. I don't know what to think about Michelle's "truce". I don't want to believe it. I'm still really suspicious about her. If she actually did change, what the hell did it? A good 'ole healthy injection of Thane? Hmm...;)

    I loved the guy's fight, but I really can't believe the stupid slut and her jealous boyfriend seemed to get out of all that shit scot free, THEN pressed fucking charges. Did they not know they were messing with fucking rock stars? Pshh.

    I really loved how Allen got into the fight too. Matt and Allen will definitely make perfect father-and son-in-laws.

    A barrel of freaking JD?! Wow, that's amazing. I can't even fathom how long that would last!

    Can't wait for the wedding...man, I love weddings.
    August 11th, 2008 at 02:11pm
  • bloodravyn

    bloodravyn (100)

    United States
    not the end!!!!!
    August 10th, 2008 at 07:58am
  • pinkgrapefruit

    pinkgrapefruit (100)

    United States
    I so saw that coming…the guys in jail…although it does surprise me that Bekah’s father went with them. And Matt didn’t have a chance…either he tried catching the girl and “accidently” grabbed her…or he let her fall and would be accused to have pushed her so she fell…either way, there would have been a fight…

    Anyway I would have been dissapointed if Matt’s bachelor party did not end up in jail…for whatever reason…and it was so smart to have the bachelor party two days before the wedding…most bachelor parties happen to be a week before…because of hangover and stuff which should not interfer with wedding preparations…Bekah should have done that also…so there wouldn’t be any stress…lol

    What happened to Brian? Where is the cocky bastard we all love? He’s getting boring…did he really made a 180° turn??? I cannot believe that…I’ll just wait for him to explode…he cannot simply change like that…he is not that guy he seems to be now…he doesn’t mind waiting? Who did the brain washing???

    Does Bekah have second thoughts now? Thinking about Brian’s proposal? And what does she mean with “I’ll always wonder what might’ve been.”??? If she really had married Brian? If she didn’t get pregnant with Matt’s baby? If she didn’t run away ( like always) because Brian couldn’t handle her being pregnant just right now? What????

    I liked the conversation between Bekah and Michelle…although you cannot help how you feel and with who you fall in love, Michelle has some valid points about Bekah’s behaviour…if Bekah hadn’t been that undecesive, much drama hadn’t happened…

    I presonally think Michelle isn’t playing games with Bekah…you still could prove me wrong, though…but I think she finally realized that she lost everything…she may even loose her twin…and if she didn’t get along with Matt, she never will be able to see her twin’s kid…and since Bekah will or better already is a part of Matt…she cannot really do anything else than having a truce…I think she’s tired fighting

    ” I’ll be so glad when this shit is fucking over, I swear to fucking God. It’s been one thing after another since I asked her to marry me!” I so would kick Matt for that comment…he’s lucky that Bekah hasn’t heard him…she’d definitely did it also…I mean whose fault is it that everything is so chaotic, huh? Yes, Matt’s…it’s all his fault…lol…he should just shut up and take it like a man…;)

    I can’t wait for the wedding to come…we’ve been waiting for it since Strenght Of The World now…and I just hope this time we’ll be lucky and get the wedding :)

    Loved it…although it seems to be dramaless…I liked it…more soon?

    P.S. Are the Sullivan twins in the wedding???
    August 9th, 2008 at 07:25pm
  • i_love_rolo_cookies

    i_love_rolo_cookies (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *makes an overdramatic pose of despair* NOT THE END!!! *le gaspeth*
    Anyways...I'm too tired to comment properly but you know that I love it and I want to know what Thane got up to with Michell. I have to admit I'm a Thane - esque person.
    Meh, I really can't think of what else to type, my mind isn't fully functioning about what happenend it's still reeling from 24/7 awakeness for 7 days. *yawns* more soon??
    August 9th, 2008 at 05:28pm
  • Red Riding Hoodie

    Red Riding Hoodie (200)

    United States

    I think it's great Michi and Bekah put water under the bridge.

    the whole touching her belly thing is funny cuz my friend is almost four months along, so obviously, we all rub her belly constantly.

    She's always like, 'Quit touching my stomach!'

    EVERYONE does it!

    We go to the mall baby-shopping, and people just assume her stomach is public property!

    It's pretty funny watching her try not to freak out. :D

    And also, the whole touching her belly thing tween Michi and Bekah had me like, wow...it's very friend-ish.

    and dare I say it...I almost feel bad for Michi and Val...-shrugs- sorry. How I feel.


    Zacky gagging cuz he had to look at Bekah's junk...lolz! Had me rolling! :lmfao

    Now, back to pizza, Sprite and Joe Strummer...-sighs- Joe, You're liek...my idol...and why I just thought of Billy Idol, I'll never know...

    Showing some love!!!!

    More soonish?

    August 9th, 2008 at 03:47am
  • DaniSayWhat?

    DaniSayWhat? (100)

    United States
    Yep...Michelle is on crack. That's got to be the only explanation for it because there's no way she'd just give up that easily to Bekah...I don't believe it for one second.

    I hope they can get married without anything happening cause it would be just their luck that somone comes in and intentionally screws everything up. If that happens, I think we should just do it old school mafia style and tie them to a cement block and throw them in the ocean...they are right there...
    August 8th, 2008 at 09:45pm
  • RavynBlu

    RavynBlu (100)

    United States
    This wedding better go down with out a hitch!!!

    Plus, I hope that Michelle said what she needed to say and thats the end of it. But for some reason I don't see that happening. I still think she has tricks up her sleeve.
    August 8th, 2008 at 08:39pm
  • Raevengeance

    Raevengeance (100)

    United States
    well - hell - i've read this so many times, but it keeps amazing me how Michi seems to think Bek intentionally tried to steal Matt & Brian from the twins - Matt, ok that one may have been an intentional steal although he wasn't WITH Val when they hooked up to begin with so it's not stealing :p the whole Bri thing - just sorta happened...the truce was a nice gesture (hope it stays in place) ;)

    anyways - looking forward to more as you get it :)
    August 8th, 2008 at 06:46pm