Unbound: The Wild Ride - Comments

  • ProverbofHell

    ProverbofHell (100)

    I am refusing to comment. That's it! You have me in tears and I am having none of it!
    July 2nd, 2008 at 03:33pm
  • RuthieGates

    RuthieGates (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I do agree Brian needs time, they all need time.
    Just a week away from eachother, too see where things stand.
    They don't need to be on Brians case, but he did fuck up, big time, and he may have just lost it all.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 03:20pm
  • pinkgrapefruit

    pinkgrapefruit (100)

    United States
    "another asshole with a big ego" is Jimmy referring to Syn??? He is not an asshole…okay big ego…I can’t argue about that ;)

    ” Not only is he thinking of no one but his own damned selfish self, but he’s not thinking about his fiancée nor his fucking kid.” How could Matt not have known that? I mean we’re talking about Syn, right?

    Damn and I can’t believe that everybody is mad at Syn for doing that shit again…this is what makes people probably take more and more drugs…why does nobody understand him? Why is nobody helping him? Yeah, they send him to rehab…just get rid of him…because they obviously cannot handle him…and what then? What happens when he comes home…? Are they going to still blame him and telling him he brought everything over himself? He’ll feel guilty for the rest of his life…and guess what? Then he turn to the drugs again…

    And this behavious is exactly what makes drug addicts turn away from their family, cause they cannot expect support, what they really really need, but they only blaming them for stuff that is outta control…I mean they’re called addicts for a reason, they cannot stop it themselves…

    I mean I’m all for Team Sanders…I never really thought Brian and Bekah fit together, although they had a nice affair…but I cannot see Brian suffer, I just love him too much and somebody needs to be on his side ;)

    Brian really needs to get better. He has to be able to live on his own without Bekah and without drugs…I mean that was the mistake he made the first time, he got too dependant on Bekah…she leaves, he is taking more drugs

    And I so knew that Bekah would run away again...why can't you make her face her issues :( She needs to grow up...what if the baby makes problems, will she run away also???

    Raises arm…I’ll take two of your invisible brownies lol ;) In exchange you’ll get imaginary strawberry cheesecake…how does that sound? But only if you update…like soon! ;)

    Anyway…lovely update…I think I calmed down a little… ;)
    July 2nd, 2008 at 01:23pm
  • TwistedIllusions

    TwistedIllusions (100)

    United States
    Oh....I felt so bad for Becka I cried. Dude, this much drama can't possiably be healthy for everyone. lol Can't wait to see the next one!
    July 2nd, 2008 at 12:02pm
  • RavynBlu

    RavynBlu (100)

    United States
    I think her leaving was a wise choice. I just hope she actually comes back! It sucks how we all keep having ths love/hate relationship with Matt but I'd say at the moment, he's doing a really good job! And Brain is an ass!
    July 2nd, 2008 at 11:51am
  • Memories Remain;;

    Memories Remain;; (100)

    United States
    Wow, Tasha! This stories is insane in the best way possible!
    I can't believe they got married and Brian is in rehab!
    You my dear are a genuis!
    I just hope everything works out!
    Update when you can!
    <3 Sammi
    July 2nd, 2008 at 06:50am
  • RavynBlu

    RavynBlu (100)

    United States
    Somehow I have a feeling they'll be married for longer than they think. Once this Brian things gets out, I can only imagine it pulling Bekah and Matt, closer together. Or atleast pushing Bekah further away from Brian. But we'll see. The sooner the better. :)
    July 2nd, 2008 at 06:02am
  • ChristinaHelena

    ChristinaHelena (100)

    United States
    Oh boy... I'm almost scared to see what happens next.

    But not that scared!
    July 2nd, 2008 at 05:01am
  • TwistedIllusions

    TwistedIllusions (100)

    United States
    0.0!!!! Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude!!!!!!!! They got married?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm utterly speechless.....Damn......
    July 2nd, 2008 at 02:50am
  • That.Synyster.Smile

    That.Synyster.Smile (100)

    United States
    I just read the last four chapters (I got a little behind), and Oh My Jesus!!!

    First Brian freaks out on Bekah while he's high, now he's gonna have to go thru rehab, and Bekah and Matt are married!

    First off, why was Brian on the pills? If he's been on them the whole time, couldn't someone notice. Let's just say i have some experiecne with that, and even the best hider will mess up at some time. I don't know how he hid it for that long. And then he went crazy on Bekah, which is definitely not good since she's pregnant. Just a little too much stress can send her over the edge.

    And this time Matt was the one to pick up the pieces. Normally it's Brian, but everything's backwards now. I still can't believe they're married though. I never saw that one coming. lol.

    Despite everything though, I'm still Team Gates. Brian's just screwed up, and it is his kid, whether Bekah and Matt stay together or not.

    This story's like my heroine. lol.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 12:51am
  • Bree.Kiana

    Bree.Kiana (100)

    United States
    I believe that this part of the story DEFINATELY lives up to its title. That's for sure. Hopefully, Matt will remind Bekah to take off her ring and he switches his ring back to the other hand....

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Olivia for once. BRIAN should be the one to tell Bekah what happened and that he's (going) in rehab. That would be for the best and it will seperate the band members/ spouses from each other. It's been stated so many times that they're all tangled up in each other...but that's for Tash to decide....

    All I can say is that there will be major drama to come...
    July 2nd, 2008 at 12:24am
  • x.Kris.x

    x.Kris.x (100)

    damn, it is a tangled web.
    i bet u any money that bekah's gonna forget to take off the ring again, and everyone's gonna find out about them getting married.
    nice touch with the three hearts on the ring though; that was classic. lol.
    oh no jimmy and leana are leaving sullivanland =[
    and poor zacky and tracey...sigh.
    but it's ok, because johnny and olivia never fail to amuse me!
    great updates. can't wait for more!
    July 2nd, 2008 at 12:10am
  • VengeanceXChickX

    VengeanceXChickX (100)

    United States
    Crap!!! They're in for it now.
    July 2nd, 2008 at 12:04am
  • ChristinaHelena

    ChristinaHelena (100)

    United States
    It's not really about being divided to me... Brian offers certain in a relationship that Matt does and vice versa. But to me, as I read, I don't think that Brian is actually in love with Bekah... My feeling is that he's in love with the way he makes her feel. I mean, I don't NOT like Brian, that's just the way I feel about the relationship.

    I believe that Matt loves Bekah for who she is, not how she feels about him... That's why I said what I said earlier.

    Either way, Shadows or Gates, the decision of who,if anyone that Bekah endsup with, is up to Tash, so I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy Unbound for what it is... A Wild Ride!!

    Alawys looking forward to more!
    July 1st, 2008 at 11:09pm
  • RavynBlu

    RavynBlu (100)

    United States
    I am shocked! Never did I expect this story to take a turn in this direction! How will everyone recover from whats going to happen? I think she's an idiot for calling Matt, what was that about? And then Matt asking her to marry him. And don't get me started on Brian! Can't wait to see how this unravels.
    July 1st, 2008 at 09:14pm
  • Bree.Kiana

    Bree.Kiana (100)

    United States
    and pray tell, Mr. Sanders, whatever happened to "I want a big traditional wedding"??!!!! Like, hell! I was expecting one of them to be like "Sorry, this isn't right" but it never came!!!!!!

    And as for Brian, he's a complete idiot for using again. I mean, I can slightly see where he's coming from....but goddamn!

    I don't think I've ever been this addicted to a fan fic before....
    July 1st, 2008 at 07:58pm
  • Joey Jordison

    Joey Jordison (100)

    United Kingdom
    I feel sorry for Brian right now. I mean, its a hard thing learning about your significant other being pregnant. Its not easy. Still love him tho.

    Zacky, piss orf. Just, enough said. Tell your wife too!

    The reactions and things are going to be epic. But OMG!! Just too much to process. But I tell you what, if it was possible, I would have climbed in this screen and slapped those bitches up!!!
    July 1st, 2008 at 07:27pm
  • pinkgrapefruit

    pinkgrapefruit (100)

    United States
    And here we go again…so Zacky is blaming Syn again…why’s nobody supporting Syn? So that’s called friends…let’s see Bekah was the only one who supported Syn all the time, now they fight, there isn’t anyone who supports Syn anymore and Syn becomes a wreck…DAMN!

    I have the slight feeling that Brian might have been in the same situation before…he knocked up a girl and then everything went down the hill…and he’s scared something like that could happen again??? It’s just some guess and explanation why Brian might be acting like he is…

    Tracy is so unsensitive…I mean even Zacky is more sensitive towards Syn than her…what is wrong with her??? Brian is her brother, god damnit!! And she’s acting like he’s some drug addict from the street, she barely knows

    OMG…Bekah just did it? I can’t believe it…she really did…I…I just don’t know what to think or say…Brian is going to kill himself now…gosh she’s probably not even going to tell him cause he’s in rehab and doesn’t want him to be worse than he already is…

    I wonder how the others are going to react…obviously Jimmy and Leana were always on Matt’s side, so they’ll probably be happy…Johnny and Olivia…neutral…Zacky and Tracy…???...Val…drama, drama, drama

    And voilá we have a patch work family…I mean if Brian doesn’t do anything stupid…he’ll be the daddy, Matt’s the husband…and Bekah the mom and wife…The End…

    Please, don’t let Brian suffer anymore :( Matt…that’s something else…he can suffer…but not Brian!!! You’re breaking my heart…I suffer with him *tear* and you don’t want me suffering, do you? :shock:
    July 1st, 2008 at 07:02pm
  • RuthieGates

    RuthieGates (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Although I feel bad for Bri, he only has himself to blame, he reacted wrong and in trying to make it right he screwed up even more, he did exactly the same as Matt and he's paying for it.
    Oh my shit is really really really going to hit the fan.
    I would hate to be the one to tell Brian she got married while he was too busy trying to kill himself.
    You did tell me I would like this one, hahaha so ture
    Team Sanders all the way!
    July 1st, 2008 at 06:37pm
  • my.bella.muerte

    my.bella.muerte (100)

    Ok, so I've been M.I.A for a bit... just a lot of crap to sort out, but i'll be putting it in my authors notes on my update that i'm typing up right after this.

    So i've just caught up with the ending of AE and the start of this one.

    OMFG!!! Ok everyones having a go at Brian for how he acted, has anyone stopped to actually think how he's feeling right now? Think about it. The person you love and think your going to have to go through a lot of shit to get pregnant suddenly comes out and tells you she is? Now add to the mix the fact that Bekah likes to bounce between men... a point clearly proven by her spur of the moment wedding to douchebag Sanders.
    The drugs, yeah i'm a little disappointed but given my history I don't think i'm one to judge. Sometimes things just get too much and the temptation gets too great.

    Sanders... GRRRRR, by now we all know my hatred for him probably rivals Liv's, meaning she's starting to get over it whereas I'm letting that fire burn extra strong. Yeah good one asshole, take advantage of someone who's hurting right after a fight with the person she actually should be loving. I swear I'm gonna fly over there and kick your ass. Ok maybe not being as this is fiction and you're a lot taller and even more built than I will ever be... ok imma hide in a corner now.

    Bekah... tsk tsk. This girl needs a serious talking to. Of course thats too late now though isn't it?? Why, why, why marry someone like that? Running away from your problems never solves anything, again I can't judge but I can speak from experience.

    Tasha, girl you've made it another shit fight. Damn... I have a niced PURPLE bruise on my leg where I made it go dead when I started punching it in frustration. Can't wait for the next update.

    Oh and by the way... despite recent developments in the story, I'm still a very strong supporter of TEAM GATES BABY!!!
    July 1st, 2008 at 06:34pm