Drunk in Paris - Comments

  • Why Becka?
    Just when things were looking so perfect, something bad happens? In this case, Charles gets sick and requests our Heroine's company one last time; even near the brink, men are trying to get thier jollies, LOL.
    Woe is me...will Billie and Ava get through this or non? Cant wait to find out. Im kinda sad its all coming to an end though.
    Loved it.
    xoxo. Nat.
    June 1st, 2007 at 05:07pm
  • AVA!! How could you say something so rude?! *looks gobsmacked* I've never met such foul language... lol.
    This is awesome... keep it coming, I'm glad she's got the earrings :D:D
    May 31st, 2007 at 04:00pm
  • Ok, way to go on the Goo Goo Dolls. Am I the only one who loves 'Iris'?
    Youre right, it was very appropriate. And your justification of why Billie would sing it or even like it, was spot on.
    A beautiful chapter, Becka, it brought a tear to my eye and made me go all mushy inside and utter the loudest 'Awwww!' I could at work without people thinking Im a few chips short of a Happy Meal. Obviously, I loved it.
    xoxo. Nat
    May 31st, 2007 at 10:44am
  • Ridele:
    I would like to mention that I'm not a Goo Goo Dolls fan! haha
    But I was trying to think of a song and it came on the radio and I just went, "ooo, hello, that first verse is very approriate"
    I kinda figure that he likes the lyrics but hates the musician who sings it!
    So yeah, and plus Ava won't have a clue who they are in the first place so his front of "I have the coolest taste in music ever" is not damaged.
    Mushy chapter, but you gotta love The Billie Mush.
    Who doesn't love the Billie mush? :)
    Yeah, I think we all have to let our inner hopeless romantics out for a walk on a moonlit beach every now and then... or in this case, in Paris...

    And I'm sure I don't need to tell you again how much I am in love with this story... ;)

    May 31st, 2007 at 01:50am
  • Slap Happy Bullet:
    billie joe is indeed a crafty bastard, huh?
    i think it was all really crazy cute.
    and yes it was incredibly mushy at how he played goo goo dolls. for some reason- i thought about him learning the lyrics and memorizing the song. what would possess him to learn it even before ava asked him to play? suppose he knew it was coming? haha..
    it was really cute and i could hear billie singing it. maybe it's because i know every note to his voice so i have it programmed in my head on how he would sing certain things.
    it was a good choice of song. it fit the moment perfectly- no matter if it's goo goo dolls or not. obviously he has a guilty pleasure.
    the beginning was funny... all of paris hearing ava's love for billie. the scratch marks on his back- i can really imagine him saying those exact things.
    I would like to mention that I'm not a Goo Goo Dolls fan! haha
    But I was trying to think of a song and it came on the radio and I just went, "ooo, hello, that first verse is very approriate"
    I kinda figure that he likes the lyrics but hates the musician who sings it!
    So yeah, and plus Ava won't have a clue who they are in the first place so his front of "I have the coolest taste in music ever" is not damaged.
    Mushy chapter, but you gotta love The Billie Mush.
    May 31st, 2007 at 12:42am
  • billie joe is indeed a crafty bastard, huh?
    i think it was all really crazy cute.
    and yes it was incredibly mushy at how he played goo goo dolls. for some reason- i thought about him learning the lyrics and memorizing the song. what would possess him to learn it even before ava asked him to play? suppose he knew it was coming? haha..
    it was really cute and i could hear billie singing it. maybe it's because i know every note to his voice so i have it programmed in my head on how he would sing certain things.
    it was a good choice of song. it fit the moment perfectly- no matter if it's goo goo dolls or not. obviously he has a guilty pleasure.
    the beginning was funny... all of paris hearing ava's love for billie. the scratch marks on his back- i can really imagine him saying those exact things.
    May 31st, 2007 at 12:36am

  • That chapter was just great...no brilliant...I got goosebumps reading the way Ava felt, it's so amazing how you can put a bunch of simple words together to make it actually mean something so deep. Update soon!!
    May 31st, 2007 at 12:18am
  • I loved that last chapter. Scratch that, I love your whole story. The perfect blend of romance and drama and scenes that make your spine tingle make this one hell of a good read. Update soon!
    May 30th, 2007 at 10:29am
  • this is one of those chapters that reminds me how much i hate being a girl.
    for that's all we truly want- no matter how silly it sounds.
    just for a man to pull us to the ground and say something he truly means- and just kiss us.
    that's it. it's truly not a whole lot to ask, but guys don't seem to get it. i will forever wait for the one that'll act exactly as billie has in this story.
    damn you for making me expect too much from guys.
    May 30th, 2007 at 04:08am
  • amazing! who can't give in to Billie Joe? He can talk himself out of anything...and that Sarah....who knows what she'll do to Ava....(by the way: i love all your stories!!!) keep up the awesome work!!! =]

    May 30th, 2007 at 02:31am
  • Billie could talk the birds down from the trees right about now.
    Ava is blinded by the love; I wouldnt have let him get off that easy, I would have made him wait another what?...30 seconds, lol. This Sarah's gonna be a royal pain in Ava's ass though...Brittany too.
    Its excellent as always, sweetheart. I need not say anymore.
    May 29th, 2007 at 07:37pm
  • Billie ALWAYS gets what he wants... dammit... lol. I would be very interested if for once Billie did not get some when he wanted it. I think that would make whoever he was with his frickin soulmate... the only human being on the planet capable of resisting him... lol.

    And see? My evicting Sarah from the story worked... he's gonna end it with her... and of course that has nothing to do with your own plans for it or anything... nope, all me.
    *gets self a cookie*

    *gives you a whole plate of cookies*

    Love, as always, Becka!
    May 29th, 2007 at 06:53pm
  • I can't say anymore than I did in my last comment. How the hell do you manage to make me so I can't say anything useful in my comments? You're the only person (other than Liz) who can do that. My mind is blank... other than these words burning behind my eyes:
    May 29th, 2007 at 05:51pm
  • if i were those chicks in the store- i would have stayed there in the entire time, watching. I wouldn't ever leave.. haha.

    and that would be an excellent way to die- in the shower with billie. who in their right mind wouldn't agree with us? i loved that.
    i can't believe billie got her earrings but i liked how he said that they looked perfect. it was rather cute of him.
    i just hope that he didn't screw up- and he better not screw up.

    if i saw sarah on the street- she would be done for. ava is way more deserving of billie, despite what she believes.
    May 29th, 2007 at 12:37am
  • I evict Sarah from the story! She is messing up happy adorable Billie/Ava time!

    Love it bobbye.
    The banner is a bit rubbish. I don't really have it in me too make too much of an effort. But my friend sent me that picture of Hedy and I thought, screw it, the actress is basically Ava.
    Thanks for all teh comments you guys are so unblieveably awesome.
    May 28th, 2007 at 11:20am
  • I evict Sarah from the story! She is messing up happy adorable Billie/Ava time!

    Ha ha...

    May 28th, 2007 at 03:58am
  • like the banner...
    if I get bored I might try and make ya one...

    and wow...this part was good...
    some parts had me thinking, some parts had me laughing and some parts made me sad.
    I hope Billie doesn't care about that Sarah chick,...
    *is still apprehensive about her since her name is Sarah*
    and I hope Ava can stop the self downing and realize that Billie and her are unbelievably adorable...

    and if I were those chicks in the store I think I might have squeeled....lol
    May 28th, 2007 at 01:02am
  • Love the new layout.
    oh gosh, things were going great for them until Ava saw Sarah's name on the phone. And how could Billie lie and say it was Tre ? ooohhh *shakes fist at screen*
    too true about the more expensive the gift, the bigger the guilt....
    May 28th, 2007 at 12:19am
  • So, the happiness is almost shortlived? Sarah is gonna seal Billie and Ava fate. But Bill shouldnt have lied...Oh God; I'm talking as though this is real life. Thats how bloody good you are, honey. Its like you get sucked in; you're actually there with Billie and Ava. That is the mark of a true author.
    Loving the new layout too; its rad.
    Much love,
    Nat. xoxo
    May 27th, 2007 at 10:24pm
  • mmpfh.
    Hunny, please - you're killing me!! These two are perfect, they both need some Balls though...
    This is still amazing, please, please, please keep writing and updating. The only other person I've found with a writing talent on the same par was iATEjimmysWORLD with HandMeDown (man I loved that story). *subscribes*
    May 27th, 2007 at 09:30pm