But For the First Time. - Comments

  • friday.

    friday. (100)

    Bono dropped the microphone, staring out over the stadium. The sounds of fans screamed back, shouting his name as loud as they could. It’s like they had competitions to see who could shout his name louder.

    I really related to this because I've been in that position before, concerts pit fan against fan and yet manage to unite them together in such a way, this brought about such strong imagery, I felt like I was there, in the pit screaming for Bono, hoping that out of all the fans there he'd hear me loudest

    This amused him for a short while, but really, he loved staring out at them, they made him feel loved.

    I love this, the fact that Bono gets such validation from these people, that he needs them as much as they need him, i loved that, it was so real, like no matter how unorthodox the relationship is, them being fans and him being this superstar, they still both get something out of it.

    He stood here, he belted out his voice for them, for every single one of them, no matter if they were young or old, male or female, black or white or disable or not. He loved them, and they loved him back.

    Loved it....just, it captured the relationship.

    He walked up the stairs, checked on the kids, sleeping peacefully. He finally made his way over to his bedroom, and saw his wife sleeping peacefully. Bono got changed into his sleeping gear, and collapsed on the bed, making himself comfortable. The Mother Teresa of Abandoned Songs leant over and kissed his wife on the cheek, before falling into a deep sleep.

    I loved this whole paragraph, it just added such normalicy to Bono's life, made him down to earth, relateable, and it brought about vivd imagery because we can all imagine doing these things, he may loose that 'superstar' qualities but he gains a new sense of likeability in the fact that he can assimilate so well into the normal world, even after the constant ego boosts given to him by fans.


    Serena suddenly awoke, the sunlight pouring into the room, highlighting the photoframes of Serena and her husband with their children that were standing on her desk. She smiled when she realised what day it was, their 8 year anniversary. Eight beautiful years that Serena had enjoyed immensely. Climbing out of bed, she noticed the untouched side of the bed her husband usually slept on. Her smile faded... where was he? Did he come home last night? She stared, her eyes starting to water. Did he not realise what day it was. Did he not love her? She walked around the house, calling out his name, trying to find him.

    This whole paragraph was just perfectly...domestic? It just made it so relateable, so homely. I could just picture it, I can just imagine that it was my mother waiting up for my father only in the morning to find that his side of the bed was cold. The photo's on the nightstand, it all worked together to create this homely feeling.

    She couldn’t find him anywhere, he wasn’t in the bathroom, he wasn’t in the kitchen, the children hasn’t seen him and Serena was getting worried. He hadn’t missed an anniversary to this date, he’d always woken her up with a homecooked breakfast, and a quick peck and he and the children would bring in the present. But not today... where was he?!

    I was just, brought into the panic of serena here. Where was he? Was he alright? Did he forget the anniversary? Did he still love her? I found myself thinking all these things right along with her

    She awoke several hours later, still on the steps, her hair was ragged and the tears had dried to her cheeks. Her nose was bright red, and her sleeves were wet. She was at her worst. He husband wasn’t there for their eight year anniversary.

    This paragraph was probably my favourite in the whole story, the description is fantastic, we;ve all be there, dishevelled after sadness. I imagined her face right here, worn with worry, blotchy and red from tears, you described it fantastically.

    I loved that they fought, I thought that perhaps it would ruin the homely feeling that you had created but it did the exact opposite, made it more real and raw, and it make Serena and Bono's love so much more three dimensional and strong in my eyes, the fact that they were able to fight and still in the end love each other showed just how much loved they shared.

    They embraced, and their lips met in a kiss that shook the world.
    Perfect line. Perfect. Poetic. Perfect
    July 20th, 2008 at 04:29pm
  • the optimist.

    the optimist. (100)

    United States
    Aww! You keep telling me you're not a good writer, but that is so not true.
    I really liked this; short and cute! Is it bad that I was all D: at her husband until I found out who he was? :lmfao

    Thank you soooo much for the early birthday prezzie! That really made my day. :arms:
    July 10th, 2008 at 07:20am