Doppelganger - Comments

  • Nice use of second person.
    Stories like these fascinate me rather then scare me, so I must say even though your approach was probably to scare the reader, I still though it was splendid. :)
    January 2nd, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • askgvkfjod oh my god. oh my god.

    this is just... amazing. i felt nautious and dizzy and terrified, and i was just reading it. i know first hand what its like to saw your arm open - and the idea of not being numbed by your emotional pain; of feeling every single thing he made you do, is just... oh wow. -shudders-

    I dont have a favourite bit, because i loved it all
    i dont have any lines that particularly affected me, because my heart beat faster with every fucking sentence.

    you are utterly amazing. lord, i think i might have to take Roll The Dice down. it just... doesn't seem to compare at all
    August 14th, 2008 at 02:04pm
  • As soon as he said "chunk" I actually cringed away from my keyboard. Didn't want to read the rest but I had to.


    You write in an amazing style. Don't think I've read many that say "you" instead of "I", "he" or "she". Very effective though.

    -shudders again-

    New chapter soon?
    July 29th, 2008 at 03:27pm
  • That was...indescribable. Cry

    The way you write, honestly, it's incredible. And I love the way you used Mikey's story too. I love your drabbles :arms:

    ...I suck at commenting.
    July 12th, 2008 at 07:48am