My-Heart-Would-Say-Amen - Comments

  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aww, glad my comment was noticed. :D I'm happy it made you happy.
    And awesome! Yeah, I mainly started reading this story since Alex was in it; I'm not entirely worried with reading about the other guy, lol. I can kind of get the gist of what he did anyhow. But after quickly looking over the prequel, I saw you left off where she met up with Alex again after the summer. If you do continue with that more I'd be interested in reading just to see more of their history. :)
    But yes, I'm so glad you got on and saw my comment! This usually never happens when an author hasn't updated in a while. :O You're awesome for still getting on here. :) And lol, yay! That was my original intent with the comment; to inspire and just let you know that you're an awesome writer. :) And I can understand loss of inspiration, I've been going through a severe writer's block lately myself. Or maybe just not being inspired to write in general with just other things in life going on. So take your time, no rush.
    That would be awesome, thanks! :)
    October 15th, 2016 at 10:47am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    @ Nanook
    Wow-thank you so epically much! You have no idea how amazing it was to find your comment - exactly what I needed right now!
    I actually have written most of the prequel but didn't think anyone would read it on here, largely due to my extended absence, but upon completion I shall let you know. :)
    I have no idea what made me even visit Mibba right now and I see your comment is dated only 3 days ago! I've been in a pessimistic slump with anything artsy and with November Novel challenge around the corner, your feedback is my much needed confidence boost ... Or kick in the ass lol
    Thanks again and I'll keep you posted! <X3
    October 12th, 2016 at 06:04pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    This was really cute! I know it's been some odd years since you posted this, but I just wanted to leave a comment showing you people like me are still stumbling across this and enjoying it. Great job with it! :)
    I would read the prequel, but since it wasn't finished I'm going to refrain. I can pretty much get the picture with this one.
    But this was really great, you're a great writer and I hope you're continuing on your own time at least since I see you haven't really been on here. <3
    October 9th, 2016 at 12:18pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    NEW story:Dance
    Pressed Beneath This Spell

    AND I'll be posting a revised version of this story (MHWSA). I'm gonna edit out the NC-17 stuff for those that would rather not read all that. :oops: Naughty No
    April 10th, 2009 at 04:28pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    HA! And I'm even adding one more! SO when it says 'posts:3' what does that even mean? I knoooow i've posted more than 16 in all of my mibba life lol

    I actually had to take notes on what to comment back haha I completely and utterly appreciate the comment novelettes!! I am definitely not a writer that is all 'If you don't comment then I'm not writing anymore.' (hate that.) Cuz writing should be about you AND the readers. But I have to say you guys encouraged me to keep going. It's in all of us to quit something if there's no encouragement so there ya have it.
    And you made me tear up when I read thru those two comments as well. That's hard to do these days too. I'm so thrilled that you liked the ending and everything else. There miiiight be a sequel in the works. I miss Rosy and Cade and all the guys too much right now. It's weird to connect to fictional characters isn't it? I'm having separation anxiety to the max. The new story has some admirable characters and 'Cade' comes back in a different form lol. She's based on one of my besties and so when you read her lines, it's her voice in my head as I write it lol And some of the lines she's actually said in some way or form. Cuz when I said this story was like therapy for me, it was cuz of getting over the 'jaded' aspect of me...and then especially writing Rosy's dad. My bio dad was a lot like him. The line 'hey sweetheart' was written especially with him in mind. That was my fav thing that he always said to me. He passed away during the writing of this which is why I had like a 4month sabatical. And a big reason I decided to write again. I needed to write about him. I'm not a person who likes to talk about anything tragic...I instead like to get it out in my own way. And so I tried this. And it helped so incredibly well.

    But also during this story I WAS finally able to let myself get over my stupid over thinking and fears and have a relationship. It only lasted a month and a half (but FELT like a year and a half. we fell for each other pretty quick) but I let myself trust him and for once, it wasn't a break up out of him cheating. He never or would never cheat (tho he definitely seems like the type and has in the past lol) He just turned out to be controlling and overly jealous. Anyway. haha That's why this was more than a fanfic. Writing is my release and my constant nagging voice in my head to get over shit. So Alex shouldn't feel creeped out by this might have his name and image i guess-but all in all it's more about Rosy when it comes down to it. He's just my image I use. I could prbly put any guy in there. But all the lil idiosyncrasies of those guys are too appealing to NOT use. haha AND YES the horny job thing was inspired by you two.

    Did you remember the Pete thing now? I wrote it waaay back. She told both Ryan and Alex about it. I sscrewed up in some chapters and named him Jimmy-which is what i originally named him but changed it. That was another thing inspired by actual events. I caught my first love at a fair HAVING an affair lol. He was with a girl and he pretended not to see me. I was 17 and the next time i had a boyfriend after that was when I was 22. I had relationships but just never official. I didn't trust etc.

    All The Small Things: I once was gonna do that with a former boyfriend. Way back when ATST actually was released (i was a soph in HS lol) it was my best friend turned bf's and my song. I remember having him have me look up what 'commisserating' meant lol And I was gonna do the roses on the stairs thing but we broke up before I could do it. :(
    Let's see...OH the preggers part lol. Yea I always try to balance out the either complicated drama or mushy stuff with some humour. And it seemed like an Alex thing to do :P
    And I have to say that I totally made it up in the air of how it would end JUST for you two. I just had to play with ya like that hehe

    Rish sure gets herself in a lot of trouble huh?

    Well this is like another story in itself lol so i should end it. Thank you showgirls again (i love giving nicknames if you couldnt tell in the story :P) I'm so thrilled to have you guys as dedicated readers. And just so ya any story I write-if there are two girls together with names starting with N or's more than likely you two lol
    I'll be PROBABLY posting la new story tonight! I'll send it to ya straight away.
    Do you guys want a sequel or did you like how it ended?

    TH word you again!!!
    April 10th, 2009 at 07:03am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    FUCK you still have more post than us. Maybe we should edit my last three comments and put them in smaller comments. xD
    April 10th, 2009 at 04:31am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Continuation! Rish is kinda off limits from the computer right now, so she'll comment when she's out of limitation
    And anyways. I can't believe that after a whole novel of heartbreak, misunderstanding, heart confusion, fears, love, romance, understanding, not understanding, break-ups and whatever word you can think of. It's over. And I have to say that I totally love how you ended it, we really didn't get a chance to read the second to last chapter, so me and Rish were like expecting the worst from the last chapter so then when we read it we were like.

    There's hope!

    and I don't know what else to say, but I'm threatening you, make sure you tell us when you write the next one and we'll be faithful readers to that too.
    And after all the sex and drama, everything is like done already. Ohmygoodness. I stil can't get over it. And Cade, she is soooo awesome! And everyone that helped with Alex's surprise for Rosy, I absolutely adore them, and everyone which was like Cade and Matt that was in for Alex's surprise. They are awesome and even though some of them are like fictional characters, I feel like hugging them so much. And finally Rosy came to her senses, she's not letting Pete dictate her life anymore. And to the point where Alex looked for Rosy even though she was going to be leaving at that day, that wa so special. I don't know I felt it was special and it was perfect and it was so fairy tale like and

    ho wants to get fuckin horny?! YEA?! That's our job! I just caught that. But do you remember our conversation if being horny was a job, Alex Gaskarth would be perfect for it. I don't know if that's where you got the inspiration but I just totally remembered that and it made me laugh.
    I dont know if I pointed this out already.

    'Though...can't say I wanna know bout why it's about you
    I love her dad!
    And this cracked me up again today.

    'One more thing Rosy...'

    'And what's that babe...?'

    'I'm pregnant.'

    Alexxxx is pregnant. I don't think I'm going to tell my cousin (rish says step, but she's not allowed on right now, so she can't type anything. HA! TAKE THAT!)
    about this, because they are on webcam with me as we speak.

    we lubbers you Jae. :)<3
    April 10th, 2009 at 04:29am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    I'm going to miss this story soooo much

    Sorry. It posted it twice, so now I'm going to write something else in here
    and expect to hear more from me and Rish soon!
    April 9th, 2009 at 08:02am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Yeah we have gone to shows to see showgirls, they're all pretty nice actually and they actually like to cover themselves up and yes we do live in Vegas, born and bred sonnn. It's their job and its a costume so they kinda need to wear it. And yes we tried to get internet connection in Alcatraz and it didn't work and when we got back home the last chapter was waiting for us. Okay well not home, my aun't house. And And. you don't know how kind of emotional I got, Rish was comforting me because it was going to be over and noq officially its going to be over, because its done. I can't believe it, I'm so glad that I followed this story from the beginning. I'm being selfish right now and say I, because Rish is asleep and she's probably going to read this tomorrow since its like late when we got back. And And. I'm so glad that in the chapter before this, Rosy finally realized that by my holy moly she and Alex are perfect together, no matter how mush she doesn't like the word PERFECT . Chhh whatever, they are, even with all their ups and downs they are. Rosy just took a longer time to get over her fear of commitment/relationship. And Pete, I think that's the first time I have read of him and him being the reason of Rosy being a commitment phobe. Screw him. (can we get the behind the scenes of that? if you have it?!) and I'm so glad that Alex was kind of understanding, calling after they had the blew-up and making sure she was allright what a sweetie! Ohmygoodness, I loved that! And how the song All The Small Things, perfectly PERFECTLY outlined what the surprise for Alex was going to be,
    She Left me Roses By The Stairs - that was PERFECT! and Alex was looking at her and making sure he had eyes only for her. And Reeder, although he kind of likes her, he sees how happy she is with Alex and let her go. Omygosh! I can't believe its over! But I loved the ending on the second to last chapter! And then the last chapter! I can't even begin to say how much I loved it. And who wants to say the TH word? THANK YOU so much for making this story and letting Rish and I have the pleasure to enjoy this. Through all the heartbreak and mistakes that Alex and Rosy made, it was worth everything Rosy's dad totally loves him, that;s so obvious and he makes me remind me of my dad and Rish's dad (did we tell you that we're best friends because our fathers are related?) I completely and totally love, how Rosy gets all paranoid and Alex surprised her with his own surprise. HOLLY WOULD YOU TURN ME ON!? And I love how her dad named the bar after her and my mom is making me get off because its way too late. but

    If you're all interested, I'll be posting a NEW Alex story very soon...and two of my commentators better not leak this one to him either'll be a somewhat shorter one. I'm not gonna promise when it'll be posted but I'm expecting soon.

    I will be subscribing to it before the first chapter will be out, you just have to send it to me and or give me the link. And don't worry we won't say a word! But when my cousin and Lisa comes during the summer and finds it, I take no blame for it. And I blame Rish. She was the one who first said it. He actually thought it was creepy yet touching that people make stories about him. xD

    Finally finishing something for starters. Then gettin to 'know' some pretty interesting characters (most of all my 'showgirls') along the way and then growing with it.
    And you'll finish a lot of things in life, don't worry, we have all our lives to work for our goals. And we hope that you live your life without a doubt. Hmm I wonder where the lyrics came from. Next thing, I'm totally loving being called a showgirl now. I don't know. It makes me feel soo special. More special thatn Rish! LOL. She'll totally kill me for saying that but whatever! And we'll always accompany you, Jae. :D And we're honored to be part of your story as Nyla and Rhianon.
    <3 Nina (ftw!) :)
    April 9th, 2009 at 08:01am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States's more a play on words...cuz I'm sure you go to some shows so a showgirl in that respect (shows as in concerts etc) And you're from Vegas (or am i completely wrong?) so there ya go.'re on your way to Alcatraz and you're thinking about my fictional nutcase girly Rosy? Wow. Now that's definitely a compliment and maybe I should apologize haha
    I'll try to have it ready for you two before ya get back!
    enjoy san fran now! no more rosy thinkage! (ive never been there-tell me how you liked it!)
    April 8th, 2009 at 06:33am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    We're showgirls now ehh?
    Sorry to my very peeved Vegas show-girls! Read on tho
    LOL. So we're on our way to Alcatraza and all I have to say is GODDAMNIT ROSY!
    And we want to comment even more but we have to turn off te lappytoppy right this second. Sorrry Jae :-[
    But we'll comment when we get back!
    <3 Rish - & Nina -
    April 7th, 2009 at 06:05pm
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    We get 20 points then! Because it was big and red and swollen when we ran away.
    Haen' seen the guy since we left, so I wouldn't know.
    April 6th, 2009 at 04:24pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    Hahaha 10 points!!! 20 if you left a mark. 50 if you left a scar! I love it-whenever I'm in the car w/my grandma and someone's walking in the road up ahead or on the side of the road or basically has any feet in the perameter of the road, she'll call out points. Or if they're too big she'll just be all like 'nope. that'll leave a dent. Not worth it.' haha this sweet completely Christian woman. she's special.

    outcommenting I'll commend you on. bring it on.
    April 4th, 2009 at 11:42pm
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Haha! That's funny seeing as we already got in trouble.
    But that story is for another day.
    Okay maybe not.
    So basically. Rish and I were outside and I was helping her with her skills.
    Haha. And we totally hit my neighbor Mr. Ergghh. Jason. His last name is too complicated. Damn Czeckslovakian last name on the face.
    And he got mad.
    It was totally scary. 0-0

    And yes. Maybe Nina and Rish. MORE NINA! trying to outcomment said author.
    April 4th, 2009 at 05:04am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    haha 6 pages!

    Are Rish and Nina trying to get more comments than Jae? I like it. haha

    Talking in third person is quite fun to do sometimes. A friend noted that Jae does when she's guilty. Tho right now she's not guilty of anything...that she knows...but she prbly is about something...conscience must not be working correctly at the moment cuz she just woke up.

    Yea it can get annoying to even WRITE in 3rd person so I'm gonna stop that now. haha

    Loves ya both equally tho Rish a lil more...and Nina just as much as that. (confused?! HAHA the power....) Enjoy your weekend! Stay out of the heavy amount of trouble but always get in a LIL amount of trouble.

    April 4th, 2009 at 02:08am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    And she's talking in third person by the way.
    It gets really annoying. Especially right now.
    April 4th, 2009 at 01:06am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    April 4th, 2009 at 01:05am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Not true! We commented too, but seeing from the post. Yeaaahhh. Most of them were yours.
    Have fun with your friend who visited you!
    <3 Nina.
    April 4th, 2009 at 01:05am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    I just noticed we reached 100 comments! WOOT Granted what...half are mine? haha Thanks guys! It's so exciting!

    Update was planned for tonight but you'll prbly have to wait till Sunday night :( A friend visited me at work so I didn't get any updation done.

    OH i dont know if anyone cares here but new HIM album comin in the fall and new Placebo album comin out soonish too!
    April 3rd, 2009 at 11:24am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    Well there are few of their idiosyncrasies that they've said in interviews or you see in some videos that I add in there. Like one is the scarf obviously lol and then another is Rian eating a ham n cheese sandwich. Go youtube Rian and Zack interview cuz there's one that they answer questions about each other-like the other would say-like the newlywed game lol I got a few things from that.

    What's awesome w/the upper midwest is that even the Jobros could walk around and I guarantee they prbly wouldn't be known if they wore sunglasses or dressed more 'normal' ya know? ATL prbly wouldn't be noticed much at all. Kids around here would more or less be like 'huh...they kinda look like blah blah...but why the hell would they be here?' I've heard ATL played by a group of kids ONCE and it was the umbrella cover. Needless to say I was ecstatic and wouldn't stop talking about it cuz it's unique. Most don't know the music I listen to. It's all about the Korn and Nickelback (cringed when I wrote that N word.)

    So yea it'll be interesting if ya see any other lil 'ATL' things. OH and youtube "2 bands 1 van" american diary/the hint tour. Both parts are HILARIOUS haha
    April 3rd, 2009 at 11:04am