My-Heart-Would-Say-Amen - Comments

  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Aww! You'll never be blah blah. Don't worry you sily goose.
    But I do guess fans are everything you could ever want, but also never want.
    It works both ways. I just feel so sorry for them, especially after getting to know them. [size=70Y'know what's so weird, I didn't ever think that I can get to know them after the little skunk and old woman encounter we had in LA, but whatever. They're in their fan's public eye and they can't go anywhere normally without being kinda bombarded. Maybe not as much as the Jonas Brothers xD, but stil enough for them to kinda grow sick and tired of it. And I quote from a certain writer (YOU!)

    there are funner chapters comin up anyway and not just fillers. but it would be interesting to see if you guys caught anything in the chapter that the guys actually do...haha

    That's what we're re-reading for. Did we miss anything?
    <3 NIna
    April 3rd, 2009 at 01:32am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    OH i had more to add haha I'm glad that I gave a lil bit more to Alex than what he shows off. You can totally tell there's more. You can see it through the different albums too.
    And fans don't necessarily ruin anything--I think it's a positive and negative to their life. I think any job has both. Fans are what you work for but yet they ARE always there...prbly why i wouldn't wanna be famous :P I mean think about it. You just wanna have a day to yourself for whatever reason...or wanna go to Wal Mart to buy some tampons...and there's fans watching you lol I hate it enuf that I always bump into someone I know wherever I go in my city and it's not even that small of a city! haha It's comforting but yet annoying. Paradox. I like paradoxes if ya couldn't tell :P

    I'm also quite happy that I'm not the 'blah blah' when reading email. :D you guys make me smile. Much love.
    April 2nd, 2009 at 08:51am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    Haha again---you two surpass your own amazingness. Like in serious levels. haha

    I totally want a cyber skittle so...I'll work on that.

    Rosy is a girl. Typical girl who gets all freaked by anything really serious.

    Sorry rish but there will be no Rosy Jrs and Alex Jrs...yet? ;)

    hahahah GASPETH! and jack's too sweet to kick in the nuts tho. i just realized that a friend of mine reminds me exactly of jack--how he talks and his face shape. It's really weird. And then another friend of mine/old manager talks just like Alex. It's crazy weird.

    And what are you rereading for? I'm confused. And about the highlighting bit...sleep deprivation curls my brain.

    April 2nd, 2009 at 07:47am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    And we kinda speed read, so we are going to read it again for what you meant, guys would usually catch. SOOOOO.
    Off to read. One More time!

    Hit Me Baby One More Time
    Ohhhhhh Babbbbyyyy xD

    <3 Ninaaa
    April 2nd, 2009 at 02:24am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Hahaha. We finished something. So I guess that maybe my prediction of everything getting finished for school was a bittt offfff. Just a bit. And I have to say I effing Love You like I love Ramen. No Lie to the Pie. I haven't checked my email in a while and there's like 25 messages from Mibba. And then Its like. Blah. Click. Blah. Click. Blah. Click. then My-Heart-Would-Say-Amen. Blah...Wait Back up. NO BLAH! Freaking A! Rosy gets to stay on tour with Alex. Squeaaall. But then again she overthinks so much these past few...posts. But that's okay, that's who she is. But I have to say in the last chapter you just wrote made me believe in Alex even more. He noticed that she had something going on and took the time to ask. You know not many guys really do that anymore. Ahhh young chivalry or whatever it is is dead. Second of all. Yeah. Fans do kinda ruin everything, so basically I ruin everything. xD NOTREALLY. And I love how Rosy is more than willing to kick Jack in the nuts. (HAIRRYYYYYY!!! xDD) and I can't believe this is ending soon. I'll keep my predictions to mysef, but I'l tell you if my prediction was what you're going to post, but I do hope they end up together. But, Alex passing up the opportunity to sleep with Molly. Gaspeth!
    (Well actually not really. I've gotten to know the dude through my step-cousin. [Geez whenever I say cousin, people *cough*RISH*cough* is always saying STEP!] and he really is dedicated to Lisa, who is really nice. Her and my step cousin are coming to Vegas actually during the summer. YAY!)
    Anywhoses. I want them to end up together no lie, because just may have to not send you a cyber skittle. D:

    EIGGGAAA! It's Rissshhhhhhhhhhh <3;]
    Haha. They're going to end up together and have many kids going around named ROsy Jr and Alex Jr!!.
    RAWR! I'm really hyper right now. I don't know why. But speaking of girly up there's
    -go to message for the resssttt!

    Rahaha. Just highlight the small part and read it on word or something. Or better yet, I'll send it to you!
    *Insert Big Green Smiley!*
    April 2nd, 2009 at 02:21am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States

    1...Two more chapters after this. That's it. Then I'll be posting a much shorter Alex story that's pretty much finished already. And after that I guess I've been talked into posting a Joker story.

    2...As you may have noticed-I skipped the showery details ;) Reasoning behind this is that I do think that to see the intimacy of both Alex and Rosy it was needed in the beginning. But you know them now. No need for it. I'm not a preevert :P

    C...I'll be adding most of the songs from the titles to the playlist too. I've been wanting to do that for the longest time but haven't been workin on my computer.

    4...Any predictions? Thoughts? Be honest! I like honesty. It's hot.

    E...Check out the Twilight soundtrack for sure. It's pretty damn amazing. I'm now listening to Rob Pattinson's beautiful voice. I'm so enambored by it.

    I think that's it for now...I'll get the chapters out sooooooooooon.

    March 31st, 2009 at 11:26am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    Oh! Lo and behold. I'm pretty sad though. I didn't get home till like 9 today and RIsh didn't get here till later, since she always stays over on Thursdays. And I checked zeehh email just 5 minutes ago and this was the first thing. And I'm like.
    D: T_T Homework. Waahhh. And I wanted to put this because I didn't want you thinking we ignored it! We'll just have to read it...after swim and track and all that. Gahhh. We're too active for our own good. D:
    And And. I don't have to worry about my grades *indert cool shades here* xD
    But we shall reply to your comment when we have the time. Which I think will be tomorrow after class or at night. So wait for that!
    <3 Nina (right now)

    OKAY FIRST OF ALL! Nina's being retarded. I don't have to worry either, I just got this big test that I totally fell asleep on due to lack of sleep while we covered what was going to be on it. And She's a meanie. But We love you!
    Ha! She didn't say that.
    This is RISH by the way!!!
    GRR I hate when if you leave the chat thingy open for awhile and then go to hit Submit it tells you you're not logged on. Cuz then you lose everything you just typed. double GRR with extra GRR sprinkles on top.

    SO what i said was how much i LOVE that you two both responded hahaha you guys are way too wicked awesome. especially the 'insert cool shades here' i can so tell you two are besties lol be prepared for 'mom' talkage: do your homework first. it's way more important. can i shove it in your face that i dont have homework anymore?!Ha Ha
    (i also dont have 'spring breaks' anymore tho either :( )

    there are funner chapters comin up anyway and not just fillers. but it would be interesting to see if you guys caught anything in the chapter that the guys actually do...haha

    loves ya guys!!! ;)
    March 27th, 2009 at 08:39am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Oh! Lo and behold. I'm pretty sad though. I didn't get home till like 9 today and RIsh didn't get here till later, since she always stays over on Thursdays. And I checked zeehh email just 5 minutes ago and this was the first thing. And I'm like.
    D: T_T Homework. Waahhh. And I wanted to put this because I didn't want you thinking we ignored it! We'll just have to read it...after swim and track and all that. Gahhh. We're too active for our own good. D:
    And And. I don't have to worry about my grades *indert cool shades here* xD
    But we shall reply to your comment when we have the time. Which I think will be tomorrow after class or at night. So wait for that!
    <3 Nina (right now)

    OKAY FIRST OF ALL! Nina's being retarded. I don't have to worry either, I just got this big test that I totally fell asleep on due to lack of sleep while we covered what was going to be on it. And She's a meanie. But We love you!
    Ha! She didn't say that.
    This is RISH by the way!!!
    March 27th, 2009 at 06:19am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    And Rish. Keep doing your homework so ya can run and jump hurdles. It's really a true metaphor for life.

    Time for me to get my Twilight Geek fest on!
    March 26th, 2009 at 05:19am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    First Thought when I saw the email? Or actually Rish saw it first.
    Anyways. I was like. AHHHHHHHH! SHE EFFING UPDATES!
    So in the new chapter I saw the word Fedora! And I was watching an old video where Greta from the Hush Sound was talking about Bob's Fedora. I thought that was pretty hilarious. xD Anywhoses!
    Rosy thinks too much. D:
    She shouldn't at all. It's too complcated!...Nawwww I'm just jking. xD Kidding!
    So the entire story I was like. Ohohohoh. She's upset. butterflies FucK!
    And then Rish was all. Welllllll. You do know it says like. 2 more stories afer this right? And then this Nina goes and says, "Thinking is way too complicated. Why do we hae think about this?" And then Rish goes, "Because if we didn't, then you'd be out there fucking everything that moves"
    And I'm lile ;0 Le Gasp!
    And I loved it. Obviously. I don't know about Rish though. She's stuck with homework. And she doesn't have enought time. Because now she has to keep her grades up for Track.
    haha You two never cease to amaze me. Seriously. I love what Rish said hahaha it's so true! I think God gave us our overly analytical minds so that we wouldn't be sluts haha Cuz seriously...ever notice that the sluts are quite simple minded?
    But yes there ARE 2 (or 3 actually...) more updates. I won't say if it's happy or sad or 'logical' yet because I love playin w/you two. ANd I know you hate sad endings. But the fedora and the complications arise for a reason. Actually pretty much mirror a situation I was in in a way...
    and i LOVE fedoras. Dance

    I'm hinting you all to go read the chapter where her and Reeder drive back from the gas station-when they first meet. Has to be the 3rd chapter I'm pretty sure. Nyam

    Prepare for some updation emails quite quite soon. Glad I surprised you all and kept a promise!
    March 26th, 2009 at 05:18am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    First Thought when I saw the email? Or actually Rish saw it first.
    Anyways. I was like. AHHHHHHHH! SHE EFFING UPDATES!
    So in the new chapter I saw the word Fedora! And I was watching an old video where Greta from the Hush Sound was talking about Bob's Fedora. I thought that was pretty hilarious. xD Anywhoses!
    Rosy thinks too much. D:
    She shouldn't at all. It's too complcated!...Nawwww I'm just jking. xD Kidding!
    So the entire story I was like. Ohohohoh. She's upset. butterflies FucK!
    And then Rish was all. Welllllll. You do know it says like. 2 more stories afer this right? And then this Nina goes and says, "Thinking is way too complicated. Why do we hae think about this?" And then Rish goes, "Because if we didn't, then you'd be out there fucking everything that moves"
    And I'm lile ;0 Le Gasp!
    And I loved it. Obviously. I don't know about Rish though. She's stuck with homework. And she doesn't have enought time. Because now she has to keep her grades up for Track.
    March 26th, 2009 at 05:10am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    OMB! I was so shocked when I got an email that you'd updated!
    Great chapter!
    It HAS been forever! I've gone through two bfs since then!
    Haha I've gone through 1 serious bf and had quite a few other major life changes...AND I wrote in the beginning them dealing w/a girl who it was her first overnight shift working in a hotel. Guess what I do now lol

    So I do so apologize for the late updation-but the others will be soon. And more Alex. I thought another one tonight BUT i'm having a Twilight nite with a buddy-pal. Total geek fest ha. That's what's nice about workin the overnight shift...I can watch movies w/friends haha

    Thanks for readin dude!

    March 26th, 2009 at 05:05am
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    OMB! I was so shocked when I got an email that you'd updated!
    Great chapter!
    It HAS been forever! I've gone through two bfs since then!
    March 25th, 2009 at 03:51pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    SO-just read the story through and noticed I totally fucked up her backstory by switching names between Pete and Jimmy. It SHOULD be Pete. haha So sorry about that.

    And how she spelled her name. It SHOULD be Rosy.

    Hope you dudes love the update. I just realized that last time I commented in here before tonight, was my birthday. haha I feel like that was forever ago.
    March 25th, 2009 at 12:40pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    Haha yes watch out! I promised by the end of March so I don't have very long do I!

    I totally appreciate you awesome peoples still into it. You make my heart smile.

    --+--Love ya till the end--+--
    March 25th, 2009 at 07:21am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    I'm sooo ignorant. Haha.
    I haven't paid attention to my comments, so that's why probably didn't know I have had comments from you...
    way back in...
    February. LAME!
    But I can't believe its almost going to be finished!
    Must watch out!
    March 25th, 2009 at 04:51am
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    Long time no update!
    You should update sooon!
    Tee hee.
    I wrote that and then I read your commenty-whatsit.
    Haven't talked to you in forever!
    I actually have some secret advice to ask for, so yay!
    March 4th, 2009 at 06:57am
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    Long time no update!
    You should update sooon!
    March 4th, 2009 at 06:55am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    This story WILL be finished in the next couple weeks. Tis a PROMISE!!!!!!

    patience is a virtue...but i truly think it shouldn't be messed with so i thank you all for yours.
    March 3rd, 2009 at 03:49pm
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Oh shnnap.
    I forgot.
    Happy Belated Holidays!
    <3 Rish & Nina
    January 5th, 2009 at 02:28am