My-Heart-Would-Say-Amen - Comments

  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    No Alexz Johnson!
    omgno: :cheese: :shock: :omfg:
    Great update!
    More soon?
    OH and i had a dream with Hunter from Instant Star in last night. Crazy random but i was in this house with a bunch of lil snooty girls and he was there with some other cute friends and he kept looking at me. Then they were sleeping on the couches and i wanted to watch a movie (Rigoletto--great movie) and i just laid on him and then fell asleep and he moved so i fell beneath him on the couch and he smiled at me and said 'hey' and i did the same thing back. And then i woke up for real. GAH
    I want cool dreams with Hunter in them!
    No fair!
    I would have been so mad if that's where I woke up.
    I have a sense that something would've happened if you hadn't woken up.
    Ahh. Rigoletto.
    I've watched that movie so many times.
    i think that the concept that they achieved with that movies was awe-inspring.
    People should watch it more often.
    Geez. i don't understand why people don't like it
    Its about this man who has face deformity and these townsfolks have things happening tothem like they're bad and they think he's a monster like what his face is and attacks him when he saves georgie because they think that he harmed her
    and ahh. I just love it!
    December 18th, 2008 at 10:44pm
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Raha Okay so I have alike small time till my mom gets home.
    I forgot how sexuallly...sexual this story was.
    ha && Reeder.
    We actually were in the story,
    Thank :)
    And that goes from me and Rish. She's had soccer practice for the past few weeks, so she can't really go to the computer becuase she's dead tired all the time.
    Which sucks. I forgot how high school sucks.
    And I forgot how I hated the tensionw ith Alex and Rosie and Reeder.
    Man when I was reading it again it was like.
    Huh. SO that's why Rish toook away my Alex pictures. Haha
    He's just too much of a stubborn deer/
    and your little summary thing. If you could call it a summary. Wait, no It hink its a description of the chapter!
    Love is all about realizing that there are chances. but that's true. Rosie and Alex has to take chances to succeed in love.
    Like when Alex is finally talking to someone Marty if my memory is being okay.
    Anyways. He took a chance with Rosie and Rosie took a chance with him by somewhat unofficially being with him. They both let themselves fall in love, even though one of them or both didn't want to fall in love and in result they end up fighting for a period of time and when she overhears him talking to Marty
    I'm confuzzled who's Marty? I just wanna know :)
    well there's the shhmmmalll nookie time that is the ending result of that.
    And Rahhaha! That is so weird, I have a cousin named Pat and he talks like the the way you made him talk and he lives in Cleveland. Which really you think about is kinda creepy, except he's Asian...

    ' Nyla and Rhiannon. We're stayin at their place tonight.' I started thinking how abnormal yet awesome names were these days.[.i]
    Those are abnormal, but I have met a Rhiannon, her parents were into Celtic names and she's uber smart
    ANNNNDDD SKUNK!' I heard the girls yell. I loved them already.
    Hmm. Where have i seen or talked about this befoe? xD
    That made me crack up so hard! && Alex gets so jealous easily. If we hadn't established that yet, which I think we have...
    And on a side not from what I said with taking chances.
    'I wanted to talk because this drama has got to stop. If you don't have feelings for me anymore then just fucking tell me instead of stringing me along with silence and dirty looks. Cuz honestly, I can't take it anymore! I'm sure the guys can't either! We're here for the music! I finally give into these feelings, which I didn't want to in the first place because of THIS. Right here. Right now. I trusted myself with you. I said I loved you Alex. I took my guard off for one night and let myself love you and this is the result. The exact result that I was so fucking afraid of happening but I guess knew would.' This very niely fitted it. :]
    Oh and I keep fucking it up, Marty.. Alex does keep fucking things up but this little comment I'll just sleep in the van and let her party. She should have some fun anyways... made up for it. He does want her to have fun and have a life and live it.
    And Ughh! If I could I qould put all the quotes in here, but they're too long and I'm trying to control the click and a paste the little argument. :]
    And LOL I've been spelling Rosy wrong xD
    'That we love each other. And have let too much come between us...I said before that I couldn't do this...
    Ohmygoodbess bezerkeerr! this made my moments of ohmyawwwww!
    All I have to say is Chapter 15 has got to be my favorite chapter yet, because of all the moments..and moment.
    And I have to post this because I hear the garage.
    Finish commenting it when I can! :0
    <33 Nina

    Ionooo I thought it kinda fitted

    And I thought you would enjoy this. ;)

    Oh && PS!
    So Rish and I went to an All Time Low Concert in LA since we missed the Vegas ones due to the fact that we were in LA for a cousin's birthday and we got to meet them while we were waiting for our ride. They left as soon as we left :\
    Anyways, Rish being herself talked about this story to Alex, okay well not really talk, but she saidm You know a lot of girls write fan-fiction about you do you know that? And then he replies with a yeah I know, dude its so scary though.
    And then she goes, "Alot of people picture you horny..all the time, so if it was possible if being horny was an actual job, you can become a millionaire at it"
    And I was like 0-0 then it turned into :lmfao .
    And he was just like, "Huh I've never had someone say that to me, but fuck that is so true. hey Jack wanna make being horny an actual job?!"
    And Rian and Jack were there and he as like "You know it" and then started to do the whole humping thing to Rian and he was pretending to moan and Rian was all "Doode get The Fuck off me!"
    And then once he stopped, I strted to talk to him and I think I freaked/humored him a bit because I told him about April and how April's mom who's like late 30's and Rian and Alex were sort of listening and I told him how this woman in her lat 30's was going to marry him and she'd even divorce her husband and how April called him a skunk and said that when they get married she doesn't want a sister who has a big nose. And that Alex is gonna be her uncle. jack looked terrified and Alex was like o___O at me and Rish slapped her forehead and then started to laugh, but then Rian made a joke and he said. "Jack you must be so hot to old women. First the librarian, then that waitress in Denny's now a kid's mom? God how do you do it!" and then everyone started laughing and Jack was just like, "Women love me!"
    but then Rish was like, "yeah old women."
    He pouted after that and we each got a hug from them, since they waited outside with us until my uncle picked us up. They were so nice! And really people don't lie when they say, that All Time Low concerts are horny.
    December 18th, 2008 at 09:56pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States

    December 16th, 2008 at 01:25pm
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Tomorrow my beloved author! Tomorrow!
    Tomorrow! tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow.
    Ha song's stuck in my head.
    December 11th, 2008 at 08:13am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    After finally remembering out password. (Gee and you would think that when you have 2 heads remembering the same thing, you;d think that one of them would be bound to remember) we are going to start reading what we missed! Ahhh!
    Geez, we feel so bad, we read this story during the summer and now we don't get to read it again till like winter Phhooey.
    And while we were trying to figure out our password, Rish decided to do the whole change our password ( I dunno how we didn;t think of that before) and then we forgot that one too.
    We only remembered it when we were listening to iTunes while doing our homework, it was the song Shameless by All Time Low, but we changed it again and this time we wrote it down on a piece of paper.
    I have a lot of reading to catch up to.
    I promise promise promise I will read all of it by the end of Wednesday.
    But as off now, I have to sign off and go and do my Japanese.
    Rish is being a big meanie pie and she won't help me.
    And wait. Gahhh I'm gonna have to re-read it, I remember most of the plot, but I don't remember the rest.
    Well that's never a good thing, but it gives me the excuse to read it again.
    :] Ahhh
    P.SAnd Nyla/Rhiannon are Nina/Rish as their prize Smile (I just met a girl named Rhiannon--never heard it before then lol)
    We can't wait till we get to that part.
    And RIsh says, if we could we'd give you these Hawaiian chocolates we stll have from our vacation.
    <88 Nina && Rish (oh lookie! It;s a balloon!)
    OH I was SO wondering where you two have been. Granted-I have the ending in mind but just can't get time to write it all out. Something happened recently in my life and I just haven't fully overcome it. BUT I will.

    I'm glad I got a note from you two. I seriously can't tell you in any words imaginable how much you affect my hug reflex. haha You two are so adorkably amazing.

    Yea I just met a chick named Rhiannon-trained her for a day at my former place of shitty employment. She was crazed weird. But had awesome piercings and hair and name! haha

    But thank you two again--Im psyched to hear the comments you two think up!
    December 10th, 2008 at 07:33am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    After finally remembering out password. (Gee and you would think that when you have 2 heads remembering the same thing, you;d think that one of them would be bound to remember) we are going to start reading what we missed! Ahhh!
    Geez, we feel so bad, we read this story during the summer and now we don't get to read it again till like winter Phhooey.
    And while we were trying to figure out our password, Rish decided to do the whole change our password ( I dunno how we didn;t think of that before) and then we forgot that one too.
    We only remembered it when we were listening to iTunes while doing our homework, it was the song Shameless by All Time Low, but we changed it again and this time we wrote it down on a piece of paper.
    I have a lot of reading to catch up to.
    I promise promise promise I will read all of it by the end of Wednesday.
    But as off now, I have to sign off and go and do my Japanese.
    Rish is being a big meanie pie and she won't help me.
    And wait. Gahhh I'm gonna have to re-read it, I remember most of the plot, but I don't remember the rest.
    Well that's never a good thing, but it gives me the excuse to read it again.
    :] Ahhh
    P.SAnd Nyla/Rhiannon are Nina/Rish as their prize Smile (I just met a girl named Rhiannon--never heard it before then lol)
    We can't wait till we get to that part.
    And RIsh says, if we could we'd give you these Hawaiian chocolates we stll have from our vacation.
    <88 Nina && Rish (oh lookie! It;s a balloon!)
    December 8th, 2008 at 12:52am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    So, the new chapter is pretty damn amazing. Diary was spot on, again. Though they probably could have been more crude. lol. And you're not exagerrating, at all, about Ryan's stupid Fedora. Like, no. He doesn't EVER remove the thing. When he plays strip poker, the hat is the last thing to go. I think he's goiong to marry the hat one day. Okay, I'll stop now. But it was glorious, as always.

    Heh "watch a movie" I'mma have to use that. And that whole conversation was priceless. "Maybe . . ." "You don't KNOW?" That's totally what us talking would be like.
    haha i always have us talking in my head when I write. And I can see that w/Ryan. HAd to pick on it haha
    I'd marry a Fedora. Cuz I love them whole heartingly as well.

    And I know they could be more crude. Mos def. But I didn't wanna get TOO carried away. BF's friends that I got to meet this weekend reminded me so much of them haha

    Strip poker eh ;)
    November 17th, 2008 at 10:25am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    Great update!
    THankYA! eternally!
    November 17th, 2008 at 10:24am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    thanks doll!
    great chapter, and that girl has the same first name as me.
    I say first name cause where I live now, I go by my middle.
    sorry about your family problems
    Hmmm That might have NOT been a coincidence hun (hehe!)
    November 17th, 2008 at 10:23am
  • SuchAnAwfulMessX

    SuchAnAwfulMessX (100)

    United States
    So, the new chapter is pretty damn amazing. Diary was spot on, again. Though they probably could have been more crude. lol. And you're not exagerrating, at all, about Ryan's stupid Fedora. Like, no. He doesn't EVER remove the thing. When he plays strip poker, the hat is the last thing to go. I think he's goiong to marry the hat one day. Okay, I'll stop now. But it was glorious, as always.

    Heh "watch a movie" I'mma have to use that. And that whole conversation was priceless. "Maybe . . ." "You don't KNOW?" That's totally what us talking would be like.
    November 15th, 2008 at 03:47pm
  • xeternalxdreamerx

    xeternalxdreamerx (100)

    Great update!
    November 15th, 2008 at 09:28am
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    thanks doll!
    great chapter, and that girl has the same first name as me.
    I say first name cause where I live now, I go by my middle.
    sorry about your family problems
    November 14th, 2008 at 06:20pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    This story is mos def not over! I've had shit goin on in my life but I actually just started working on it again and should be up w/in a week hopefully!

    --+--Always Luff--+--
    November 14th, 2008 at 08:08am
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    haven't talked in forever! :(
    I thought you said the story wasn't over!
    luff ya!
    November 14th, 2008 at 03:30am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    I love this story so much, I hope you update soon!
    aww thanks dude. for rachael and everyone else: this story is NOT over. and i promise an update within 2 weeks. i work constantly and never even check email anymore :( but money is needed in my pocket.

    miss you all!
    October 4th, 2008 at 10:12pm
  • Rachaelisraw

    Rachaelisraw (100)

    United States
    I love this story so much, I hope you update soon!
    October 3rd, 2008 at 10:49pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    Home from camp!
    Lucky me, I came home to over thirty updates!
    Loved this chapter!
    They are so cute!
    Wow, look at all the exclamation poinrs :D
    Love ya!
    i hope camp was awesome! yay that you're home and wow thats a lot of updates! thanks for the exclamation points! (or poinrs :P)

    Dance The new word is Luff. And I luff ya.
    September 1st, 2008 at 09:26pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    So, I just read he new chapter, and it was glorious. Like spot on, for everybody. And I'm proud of Jack for knowing what coital means too (Jack: DUH.) And I love your crazy drunk Uber Pat. He is EPIC. And more van sex! Yeah! And is "something special" *points to your above comments* code for pr0n? I love that like, half your chapters have smex. As it should be for Alex G.

    P.S. Thankies for pimping my story. I luffs you.
    I think lemon. started a new word hehe (luff)
    i luff it. HA

    okay so i had a crazy weekend. a lesbian kissed me. was in a hammock with 2 other chicks and the other was swinging it so hard that it broke and now the right side of my body is covered in a bruise haha good times...good times.

    ANYwho. yea theres some smex but its all good. its not all about that. i cant believe the guys would wanna go in that van haha

    and uber is extremely fun to write about. i just had so much fun w/the last chapter. and thats what writing is all about. i just hope you all have as much fun or more reading it! too bad i couldnt show you whats in my mind. :P

    luffs ya!
    September 1st, 2008 at 09:25pm
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    Home from camp!
    Lucky me, I came home to over thirty updates!
    Loved this chapter!
    They are so cute!
    Wow, look at all the exclamation poinrs :D
    Love ya!
    August 31st, 2008 at 06:32am
  • SuchAnAwfulMessX

    SuchAnAwfulMessX (100)

    United States
    So, I just read he new chapter, and it was glorious. Like spot on, for everybody. And I'm proud of Jack for knowing what coital means too (Jack: DUH.) And I love your crazy drunk Uber Pat. He is EPIC. And more van sex! Yeah! And is "something special" *points to your above comments* code for pr0n? I love that like, half your chapters have smex. As it should be for Alex G.

    P.S. Thankies for pimping my story. I luffs you.
    August 30th, 2008 at 03:11am