My-Heart-Would-Say-Amen - Comments

  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    August 2nd, 2008 at 12:18am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    SO i hate that ive left you guys hangin for so long! ive been busy with work and taking uberous amount of notes for it haha. now its just getting the 2nd half finished.

    BUT i made a myspace for Rosylin.
    Rosylin Braun's MySpace

    be thou friend-subscribe to blog and get updates quicker! OH and some awesome pictures too in the future. hehe

    July 26th, 2008 at 11:22pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    i'm not forgetting you guys! i dont like to NOT have updates so infrequent but i'm still workin on 13. it's a long one so it'll be worth it. :)

    always love!
    July 25th, 2008 at 08:25am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    Dooode. I almost killed an alex picture.
    Rish had to get my laptop away from me, because I already had my paint up and my photoshop.
    It was not going to be pretty.
    But yeah. I went to the tutor place again today.
    But April wasn't there.
    Because ever since she knew that I liked All Time Low
    that's all she'd ever talk about.
    And I love All Time Low too, but I don't like talking about
    what her mom is going to do.
    The mom's old too. My mommy is friends with April's mommmy.
    It gives me bad mental images.
    And I've heard of that quote before.
    But sometimes the things that happens are just so not damn fair.
    OH. They're going to talk!
    Mwahaha. Alex and Rosy are going to talk. And when they talked last time it led to
    dundundundun became as mad as rabbits
    this little thing that a boy and a girl have to do to get a little baby.
    RIsh's word not mine. I SWEAR.
    That's fine if you steal the skunk. April calls him a skunk whenever I see her. So saddd.
    And if you do tell him. Make sure to videotape it and send me the link!
    Now I wanna know what his reaction would be. It would be like.
    See! This is how sexy I am! A mom wants to make babies with me! HEY! My nose is part of my sex imaage!
    Idunno. I was thinking of something he could posibbly say.
    OH! And no shitty endings means two very happy hyper girls.
    One with skittles and one holding a bags of those big Hershey bars from Pennsylvania. Yeppers. Thank goodness my friend Sara went to Penn.
    during the summer. She bought us like these reallllyyy big choco Hersheys bars.
    Even Im not done with one yet. o-o while Rish already finshed with one and working on her next one. o-o
    *Starts to sing a song with you*

    Why'd you have to be so complicated?
    I see the way yuuur acting like you're somebody else
    gets me frustrated.

    <333 :] Nina && Rish
    you two are seriously a highlight of my day. You're the end of a rainbow. (i've seen the end of a rainbow TWICE btw. most magnificent thing ever. so thats why i say you two are the ends of my rainbow each day) hehe
    Yea hey old mommy's need lovin too. Always remember that hahaha (EW)
    And yea i can totally see Jack saying that hahaha I hope i someday get to tell him that stizory.
    You need to hug or high five or both at the same time to April for me.
    And this talk will go better. Trust. And it won't be completely sad. I can't have you killing images. Thank goo'ness Rish was there. WHEW. It'll be okay. 1-2-3 breaaathe.


    July 23rd, 2008 at 10:24pm
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Dooode. I almost killed an alex picture.
    Rish had to get my laptop away from me, because I already had my paint up and my photoshop.
    It was not going to be pretty.
    But yeah. I went to the tutor place again today.
    But April wasn't there.
    Because ever since she knew that I liked All Time Low
    that's all she'd ever talk about.
    And I love All Time Low too, but I don't like talking about
    what her mom is going to do.
    The mom's old too. My mommy is friends with April's mommmy.
    It gives me bad mental images.
    And I've heard of that quote before.
    But sometimes the things that happens are just so not damn fair.
    OH. They're going to talk!
    Mwahaha. Alex and Rosy are going to talk. And when they talked last time it led to
    dundundundun became as mad as rabbits
    this little thing that a boy and a girl have to do to get a little baby.
    RIsh's word not mine. I SWEAR.
    That's fine if you steal the skunk. April calls him a skunk whenever I see her. So saddd.
    And if you do tell him. Make sure to videotape it and send me the link!
    Now I wanna know what his reaction would be. It would be like.
    See! This is how sexy I am! A mom wants to make babies with me! HEY! My nose is part of my sex imaage!
    Idunno. I was thinking of something he could posibbly say.
    OH! And no shitty endings means two very happy hyper girls.
    One with skittles and one holding a bags of those big Hershey bars from Pennsylvania. Yeppers. Thank goodness my friend Sara went to Penn.
    during the summer. She bought us like these reallllyyy big choco Hersheys bars.
    Even Im not done with one yet. o-o while Rish already finshed with one and working on her next one. o-o
    *Starts to sing a song with you*

    Why'd you have to be so complicated?
    I see the way yuuur acting like you're somebody else
    gets me frustrated.

    <333 :] Nina && Rish
    July 23rd, 2008 at 08:22am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    i do nooot watch that show but it's awesome they use Nada Surf! I've never liked that show. But if they use NS I give them some kudos. There's just tooo much drama in the show. And the dad guy was an ass in Beverly Hills 90210. Yes. That is a guilty pleasure show of mine...well since i was your age haha He was 'John Sears' in the show.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 08:12am
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    To make a mountain of
    your life is just a choice
    but I never learned enough
    to listen to the voice that told me
    always love
    hate will get you, everytime
    always love
    Random, I know. But you said always love at the end of your author comments and it made me think of that song.
    Great update!
    I loved it!
    HOLY FRICKEN SHIT DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    seriously. WOW. holla for NADA SURF!!!!!!!!!!!
    wow. i cant stop thinking 'WOW' wow wow wow.

    like NOONE knows nada surf! i was once 5ft away from Matthew Caws and couldnt even bring myself to talk to him. i was at a concert of his and they always come out afterwards to talk to fans and it was even my birthday and i couldnt talk to him. he didnt even have anyone around him at the time. i've hung out with paramore, death cab, franz ferdinand, and the cribs but couldnt bring myself to utter a word to him hahaha HUGE regret. and i hate regretting lol

    okay. calming myself down. you get utter complete kudos dude. wow. nada surf is one of my top 5 fav bands.

    wow. always love for you.

    and yes. i wish i woulda gotten to see what happened next. maaaaan. maybe tonight :P
    Do you watch One Tree Hill?
    The creator is a major music buff and puts a lot of cool bands like Nada Surf in the show. I get a lot of cool music by buying the soundtracks for the different seasons. I think Always Love might be in a n episode but I'm not sure. I know Nada Surf was in an episode because they were the first band to agree to do the charity cd.

    Anyway, if you don't watch the show, you should check it out.
    CW Mondays at 9/8 central.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 08:00am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    To make a mountain of
    your life is just a choice
    but I never learned enough
    to listen to the voice that told me
    always love
    hate will get you, everytime
    always love
    Random, I know. But you said always love at the end of your author comments and it made me think of that song.
    Great update!
    I loved it!
    HOLY FRICKEN SHIT DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    seriously. WOW. holla for NADA SURF!!!!!!!!!!!
    wow. i cant stop thinking 'WOW' wow wow wow.

    like NOONE knows nada surf! i was once 5ft away from Matthew Caws and couldnt even bring myself to talk to him. i was at a concert of his and they always come out afterwards to talk to fans and it was even my birthday and i couldnt talk to him. he didnt even have anyone around him at the time. i've hung out with paramore, death cab, franz ferdinand, and the cribs but couldnt bring myself to utter a word to him hahaha HUGE regret. and i hate regretting lol

    okay. calming myself down. you get utter complete kudos dude. wow. nada surf is one of my top 5 fav bands.

    wow. always love for you.

    and yes. i wish i woulda gotten to see what happened next. maaaaan. maybe tonight :P
    July 23rd, 2008 at 07:36am
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    No Alexz Johnson!
    omgno: :cheese: :shock: :omfg:
    Great update!
    More soon?
    OH and i had a dream with Hunter from Instant Star in last night. Crazy random but i was in this house with a bunch of lil snooty girls and he was there with some other cute friends and he kept looking at me. Then they were sleeping on the couches and i wanted to watch a movie (Rigoletto--great movie) and i just laid on him and then fell asleep and he moved so i fell beneath him on the couch and he smiled at me and said 'hey' and i did the same thing back. And then i woke up for real. GAH
    I want cool dreams with Hunter in them!
    No fair!
    I would have been so mad if that's where I woke up.
    I have a sense that something would've happened if you hadn't woken up.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 05:50am
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    To make a mountain of
    your life is just a choice
    but I never learned enough
    to listen to the voice that told me
    always love
    hate will get you, everytime
    always love
    Random, I know. But you said always love at the end of your author comments and it made me think of that song.
    Great update!
    I loved it!
    July 23rd, 2008 at 05:44am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    No Alexz Johnson!
    omgno: :cheese: :shock: :omfg:
    Great update!
    More soon?
    OH and i had a dream with Hunter from Instant Star in last night. Crazy random but i was in this house with a bunch of lil snooty girls and he was there with some other cute friends and he kept looking at me. Then they were sleeping on the couches and i wanted to watch a movie (Rigoletto--great movie) and i just laid on him and then fell asleep and he moved so i fell beneath him on the couch and he smiled at me and said 'hey' and i did the same thing back. And then i woke up for real. GAH
    July 22nd, 2008 at 08:35pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    No Alexz Johnson!
    omgno: :cheese: :shock: :omfg:
    Great update!
    More soon?
    hahahaha :tehe: It was crazy for me too but I can't stay away from her lyrics for too long lol

    Hopefully get 12 done tonight. Yea, I've finally caught up to myself. But at work I'll get an idea and write it on a napkin lol so I have quite a few napkins of ideas.

    And I think I gotta get 12 up pronto because of all the sad comments. I know I had to start writing 12 right away to get away from the depression :P So if anything I'll put up the first part of 12.

    July 22nd, 2008 at 08:34pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    long comments are amazing tho! thank you! i'm so glad that you're grasping everything like i wanted readers to :)! i absolutely will always appreciate 'i like your story' and i also appreciate hearing the lil things you like!

    you and rish sound so awesome duuude. you remind me of me and my best friend haha (btw. the cadence in the story :P) especially with the horny AG comments haha I'd totally help him out with that 'job' haha

    and yea Reeder is really chill but yet a lot like alex i think. lol he just goes with the flow. so awesome that you saw that. :)

    so amazing of you to comment--im glad you like the story! thank you. <x333
    Thanks. That's from Rish.
    And I go. Weeee!
    So there's a new chapter. And you probably already know that...
    since you're the one who posted it. Lmao.
    I'm retarded. And Alex was sleeping. And
    he got mad. o-o
    Ooop.OhGee! If you put a a p in the front of the oooop. It will make poop.
    Doode! They are both so horny. Room full of horni..ness equals
    lots && lots and lots of fuckingrabbits I mean.
    couple. I mean. Her and Alex!
    Well things got bit complicated. Hmmmm. And Alex should realize that well it couldn't be a mistake to Rosy because that so called mistake led her to Alex in the first place. As pointed in the story. Well I do get where Alex is coming from though. Knowing that your girlfriend slept with another person before you got together and she didn't regret would strain me a bit too. Although that'd o for my boyfriend...since I don't date girls....
    . I swear I am going to be murdering someone if Alex doesn't love her anymore. No. Maybe I will cyber kill an image of him. That seems like a good idea.
    Anywhoses. ALEX DID.
    What!? He doesn't anymore! No! No! Or maybe he used the wrong tense?
    Rish read this before me and she was like.

    "Now Nina Don't get mad like last time okay? I mean, it's not done yet!"

    And the weird thing that happened today I was working with the little kiddies, since I have a summer job as a tutor one of the 5 year olds I was working with took my iPod from me and I was listening to Let It Roll And it had an image of Alex Gaskarth and she was like.

    "That boy is going to be my uncle and all the girls would want his babies"
    And I was like.
    "April, where'd you learn that?"
    And then she goes, "My Mommy. She likes that band very much and she said that she's going to divorce daddy and marry the skunk person."
    And I was like. Skunk? You mean jack?
    And then she goes. "I don't know. All I know is that he has blonde hair on the side and he has a really big nose. I don't want a big nose sister."
    And then my co-worker was like.
    "What? You don't have a big nose!"

    And April's mom came in and then they went, because she was done...
    And that was my highlight of the day..
    <33 :] Nina
    hahahaha :lmfao you two are crazy awesome! WOW haha instant love w/you two.
    I can't believe that little girl! she's so cute! i'm definitely stealin the skunk thing haha my friend has called him a skunk boy before too lol 'I wont want a big nose sister' hahahaha If I ever meet that boy i am totally telling him that story!

    And i don't want to make you mad! SO awesome that you guys talk to each other about the story. Again reminds me of my friend and I lol But don't you worry. I don't write shitty ending stories. And I do see Alex' point of view. (why i wrote it lol) He's gotta deal with it and TALK with her. But theyre both so damn stubborn. '''Why's everything gotta be so complicated''' ::sings in head:: Im not an Avril fan but i couldnt help hearing that in my head while writing the chapter.
    SO NO killing any images yet. Everything happens for a reason in life and in my story. So it'll all be good. I can't have them apart for toooo long. I would start joining you in image genocide.
    you guys keep rockin and much thanks n love.
    July 22nd, 2008 at 08:25pm
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    No Alexz Johnson!
    omgno: :cheese: :shock: :omfg:
    Great update!
    More soon?
    July 22nd, 2008 at 07:34pm
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    long comments are amazing tho! thank you! i'm so glad that you're grasping everything like i wanted readers to :)! i absolutely will always appreciate 'i like your story' and i also appreciate hearing the lil things you like!

    you and rish sound so awesome duuude. you remind me of me and my best friend haha (btw. the cadence in the story :P) especially with the horny AG comments haha I'd totally help him out with that 'job' haha

    and yea Reeder is really chill but yet a lot like alex i think. lol he just goes with the flow. so awesome that you saw that. :)

    so amazing of you to comment--im glad you like the story! thank you. <x333
    Thanks. That's from Rish.
    And I go. Weeee!
    So there's a new chapter. And you probably already know that...
    since you're the one who posted it. Lmao.
    I'm retarded. And Alex was sleeping. And
    he got mad. o-o
    Ooop.OhGee! If you put a a p in the front of the oooop. It will make poop.
    Doode! They are both so horny. Room full of horni..ness equals
    lots && lots and lots of fuckingrabbits I mean.
    couple. I mean. Her and Alex!
    Well things got bit complicated. Hmmmm. And Alex should realize that well it couldn't be a mistake to Rosy because that so called mistake led her to Alex in the first place. As pointed in the story. Well I do get where Alex is coming from though. Knowing that your girlfriend slept with another person before you got together and she didn't regret would strain me a bit too. Although that'd o for my boyfriend...since I don't date girls....
    . I swear I am going to be murdering someone if Alex doesn't love her anymore. No. Maybe I will cyber kill an image of him. That seems like a good idea.
    Anywhoses. ALEX DID.
    What!? He doesn't anymore! No! No! Or maybe he used the wrong tense?
    Rish read this before me and she was like.

    "Now Nina Don't get mad like last time okay? I mean, it's not done yet!"

    And the weird thing that happened today I was working with the little kiddies, since I have a summer job as a tutor one of the 5 year olds I was working with took my iPod from me and I was listening to Let It Roll And it had an image of Alex Gaskarth and she was like.

    "That boy is going to be my uncle and all the girls would want his babies"
    And I was like.
    "April, where'd you learn that?"
    And then she goes, "My Mommy. She likes that band very much and she said that she's going to divorce daddy and marry the skunk person."
    And I was like. Skunk? You mean jack?
    And then she goes. "I don't know. All I know is that he has blonde hair on the side and he has a really big nose. I don't want a big nose sister."
    And then my co-worker was like.
    "What? You don't have a big nose!"

    And April's mom came in and then they went, because she was done...
    And that was my highlight of the day..
    <33 :] Nina
    July 22nd, 2008 at 08:38am
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    oh i see i see. but at least you guys got to read. :)

    and that was based on a true story...minus the reeder...and the alex...sadly. haha i love when guys can be all cute like that :P AND i'm glad you guys got such a kick outta that!

    i heart your comments <X333
    July 21st, 2008 at 11:36pm
  • Dancertastesyourpain

    Dancertastesyourpain (100)

    United States
    Great update.
    It's so cute cause Alex is basically screaming, "come have sex with me," over the phone, and when she gets home he's asleep. :D
    Mibba is being weird. It says no readers on all my new stuff too. I think it just isn't updating things right now.
    July 21st, 2008 at 04:44pm
  • jetblackhotelmirror

    jetblackhotelmirror (100)

    United States
    So it shows. Reeder is verrry understanding. :]
    Yes. Yes.
    Let's see ravish Reeder or ravish Alex.
    Alex. Hands down. Although....wonder if I could do both.
    Lmao. JaaayyyKaaay.
    The theme is so deeep. Yet so true. So very true.
    And that update was great. Although, I was in total shock that
    Reeder didn't blow up or anything like that. But then again it is Reeder, who does seem like a pretty laid back doode. He was very chill with it.
    And then there's Alex.
    This line for no reason made me laugh. Really Hard.
    Not soon enough. I'm waaaiting
    I can just picture him pouting and its a face I can't explain while saying that.
    && its hard not to not notice ALex was horny when the screen and chapter is screaming at you that Alex is horny. And that my bestest buddy Rish kept saying,
    "Alex is horny. Very Very Horny. Very Very Very Horny, you know if being horny was an actual job, Alexander William Gaskarth would be perfect for it. I can just picture it now,"Hi I'm Alex. And I'm horny. Come have sex with me?" See can't you picture it?"
    And that made me crack up. She's so random at times, because that came when she asked me what I was doing and I wasn't paying attention and I sai Alex fuxking Gaskarth. And then just right before that she was like, "You're doing Alex Gaskarth? Seriously? Geez. And you call me perverted."
    <33 :] Nina
    long comments are amazing tho! thank you! i'm so glad that you're grasping everything like i wanted readers to :)! i absolutely will always appreciate 'i like your story' and i also appreciate hearing the lil things you like!

    you and rish sound so awesome duuude. you remind me of me and my best friend haha (btw. the cadence in the story :P) especially with the horny AG comments haha I'd totally help him out with that 'job' haha

    and yea Reeder is really chill but yet a lot like alex i think. lol he just goes with the flow. so awesome that you saw that. :)

    so amazing of you to comment--im glad you like the story! thank you. <x333
    July 21st, 2008 at 09:51am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    Geez. I wrote a long comment.
    July 21st, 2008 at 07:09am
  • takawillcry_xX

    takawillcry_xX (100)

    United States
    So it shows. Reeder is verrry understanding. :]
    Yes. Yes.
    Let's see ravish Reeder or ravish Alex.
    Alex. Hands down. Although....wonder if I could do both.
    Lmao. JaaayyyKaaay.
    The theme is so deeep. Yet so true. So very true.
    And that update was great. Although, I was in total shock that
    Reeder didn't blow up or anything like that. But then again it is Reeder, who does seem like a pretty laid back doode. He was very chill with it.
    And then there's Alex.
    This line for no reason made me laugh. Really Hard.
    Not soon enough. I'm waaaiting
    I can just picture him pouting and its a face I can't explain while saying that.
    && its hard not to not notice ALex was horny when the screen and chapter is screaming at you that Alex is horny. And that my bestest buddy Rish kept saying,
    "Alex is horny. Very Very Horny. Very Very Very Horny, you know if being horny was an actual job, Alexander William Gaskarth would be perfect for it. I can just picture it now,"Hi I'm Alex. And I'm horny. Come have sex with me?" See can't you picture it?"
    And that made me crack up. She's so random at times, because that came when she asked me what I was doing and I wasn't paying attention and I sai Alex fuxking Gaskarth. And then just right before that she was like, "You're doing Alex Gaskarth? Seriously? Geez. And you call me perverted."
    <33 :] Nina
    July 21st, 2008 at 07:08am