With Love. - Comments

  • obscene.

    obscene. (510)

    Russian Federation
    Well, you know Judas Ryden? She wanted to comment on your story but unfortunately, she has been banned from the forums. So I said I'll do it for her. Here is what she said.

    Once again, Druscilla does an amazing job -- something I'd never think of and could never execute properly. This was amazing; gorgeous and full of emotion and harsh concern. Great job, as usual. You deserve some sort of award.

    They accuse me of wanting your relationship to be bullshit. They tell me that I’m bitter and seeing things that aren’t there.

    I don’t want to sabotage you and her. I could do that in a heartbeat if I wanted to. I know your weaknesses, I know what I could say, what I could twist her into saying. I know the entire fucked-up dance and if I wanted to execute it you would be too confused to resist being my partner.

    That's most likely my favorite part. That changed how I saw whoever is talking to/about Ryan completely, and I can't really explain how. I loved that and I loved the ending so much, you really don't know.
    July 20th, 2008 at 07:01am
  • obscene.

    obscene. (510)

    Russian Federation
    Wow. That was beautiful and very well written. You're one hell of a writer and I hope you never stop writing. I do love what you write. :cute:

    My favorite parts were;
    "You’ve loved, yes. You love. But you’ve never been in love. And those two letters make all the difference. And you don’t love her. You’re not in love with her and you don’t love her. You think she loves you and that makes you think you love her. That makes you smile at the imaginary (not invisible) emotion you think is swirling around the pair of you like fairy dust."


    "I want you to know that you’re not in love.
    Not with her.
    You’re in love with love.
    And eventually love’s going to get sick of you."

    Both parts seem to be so full of emotion. The whole story does, but those two meant the most to me. Incredible job!
    July 20th, 2008 at 06:49am