So Lucky, So Strong, So Proud - Comments

  • i read this on a whim with tequila sunrise nail polish drying on my fingers and a rendition of imogen heap's hide and seek playing in itunes.

    and the sheer simplicity blew me away.
    i was honestly touched in the understated beauty of this.

    you, my dear, just gave me back my writing.

    thank you.
    September 9th, 2008 at 04:08pm
  • SQUEE!

    Sorry, I needed to get that out of the way. Oh my gosh, they sound like..the most perfet gatmo couple..ever. Despite the fact they are, but regardless.

    But can i just say, I simply ADORED the style you wrote it in. How you just used one word sentences and such. It was just...competely perfect to the story line. It fitted together like Brendon and Ryan (oh, I am a hopless romantic).

    I think this story was best at being a drabble, beucas,e it was short and sweet. Literally, and it suited it, a lot. It's's so precious, it's just...fragile, but amazing.

    Oh, wow. You...owned this. Completely.
    July 30th, 2008 at 10:56pm
  • I absolutely adore it, I truly do. <3
    It's short and quite frank and that style of writing fits this fanfic.

    I love sweet, short drabbles such as this. I love it.
    Great job.
    July 27th, 2008 at 07:59am
  • That was precious. Seriously. That's the only word I can describe it as. Precious.

    I love sweet things, I really do.

    And you just made this perfect.

    (And I'm sorry about the shortness of my comment.)
    July 21st, 2008 at 11:54pm