Finishing Up - Comments

  • dj daynjuh.

    dj daynjuh. (500)

    United States
    This being your first story and all, I'll put this in the nicest way possible. Because I tend to sound like a bitch. Ha-ha(:

    Firstly, It'd help if you put what the story is actually about in the summary section. I think it'd attract more readers. I'm pretty sure most people on here are more concerned about what's in the story than what the characters look like. Like, I know that if you put what the story was about, I'd definitely read it--If it interested me. Because right now anyone who stumbles across it is going to be clueless. All you're giving them is a description of two completely fictional people. There's nothing else.

    I hope that makes sense, and I don't know why I started it with, 'Firstly,' because there's is no 'Secondly,' Ha-ha. And I hope it didn't sound too harsh or anything. I'm just trying to be helpful.
    July 24th, 2008 at 05:01am