His Birthday Was My Present - Comments

  • loved it awsome job. hot,sexy,cute, and funny
    August 18th, 2008 at 09:08pm
  • So my dear, are you trying to tell me that you wouldn't drive through the desert and make me drive alone or is that just for story purposes? I have no problem driving alone, you know. Doesn't matter a fig to me. =P
    Matthew Sanders...M.Shadows...Matt. Oh my God, I think I gonna pee myself!
    LOL I so would've thought that, including the pee thing...that's always my first thought! I'm going to piss myself if something happens. It's so sad that I'm like that. lol

    You know his voice does make me shiver. I don't even wanna know what it would do in person. Probably make me cum in a second flat.

    LOVE how you threw in your mix CD that you're sending me. I really can't wait to get it in my little hands. Probably be one of my most cherished discs, really. Shuffle you said, right? And him smirking that I was listening to his band. Asshole. lol

    Awww...he broke up with Val. Pity. I so would've been cheering in my mind and so would've said that to him. lol Terrible of me, I know. But hell, it is a great coincidence, isn't it? Too damned perfect. Like it would ever happen! And me chain smoking. Exactly what I'd do but you'd know that from the other night, huh? Beotch!

    Love the reaction to his question about her getting married! AS IF. Nope, that ain't gonna happen unless he's doing the proposing, and I hardly doubt that's gonna happen. Another dream, but ha. And of course, she had to open her mouth about Zacky. lol And now Matt wants to know. Even better. Too damned funny. Ha! She called him a girl. TOO damned funny! And, oh the smoking thing again! Too right. And his little smirks. 'Knowing' smirks nonetheless, especially after her little blurt of honesty about what's happened by picking him up. I'm that damned blunt and honest, especially when nervous. I run at the mouth when I'm nervous, no lie. But then you prob know that after your first call to me! lol

    His little proposal to drinks and hitting up the club and then asking if he was trying to get her drunk. News flash Sanders: you don't have to. She'd spread 'em being sober. lolz I'd be that big of a slut to tell the truth. Not that it would matter as I'd never ever see him again and get the chance, right? Nor would anyone I'd see every day after that know, so it's no big deal being a slut. That's my take on it!

    Getting pulled over and then saying the charge was bullshit. So me. To a 't'. I believe I've done that when pulled over that one time. Even though I knew it wasn't, I still called bullshit...but I did NOT in any way cause a fight like that to erupt. Oh, crikey! ANGRY MATT. I love an angry Matt. Damn. Instant turn on.
    "Yes. We're being picked on and your colleague is man-handling my girl, accusing her of being a liar and a drunk.
    MY girl?!?! Damn, Matthew! He claimed her after only a few hours in a car! Holy f'n hell. Sounds quite fine to me actually. I'm not going to argue!!!
    . Him being angry and his angry voice had always turned her on when she had seen him in videos and on stage, but at this moment, it didn't help us.
    Ah ha! There it is! Now the whole damned world knows even though I've pretty much told them myself. Shits. But, seriously. It does. Like nothing else does. Okay, maybe an actual man (something I haven't had in almost 10 months now, mind you) being in front of me, but hell.
    I only tried to go over to my...friend to calm hiss ass down so he doesn't cause a scene!
    And, hell. She doesn't know what to call him with that pause which just shows that she caught the 'my girl' just as well as I did when I first read it hours ago. Too cute!
    Tears were embedded in her voice as the officer padded down her skirt and the back of her top, before he turned her around and started feeling up her front.

    "What the...!"

    Matt was over the bonnet in no time and had pushed the officer away from Tasha, as the other officer now called for backup.

    "Don't you dare fucking touching her like that! She didn't fucking do anything for you to search her and you bastard fucking know it!"

    He had stepped in front of her, one arm behind him, resting on her waist. She was ready to die right this moment. Matthew Sanders, the guy of her dreams, was standing up for her and was raging mad, risking to get arrested, for her!
    That part, you have no idea how much I like that part. Like love that part. He's all protective and shit and that is a huge thing with me. I love protective guys as long as they're not assholes after being done being protective and not being that way when it's not needed. Get what I mean? You probably do seeing as we're so much alike. It took three of them to get ONE man down. Amazing. Funny, too. Just one for little ol' me who decided to jump in and defend her man.

    The whole phone exchange with you...I rolled. I'm rolling again reading it and wiping tears outta my eyes. If you do that, beotch, I swear I'll hunt you down when I get out. That's the bottom line. I see that you were eventually intrigued enough to go and see if it was real and not bogus since you showed up with Baker AND giving him the greatest amount of hell since he's a damned perv around you. This is great. It really, really is.
    But, your pose just reminded me too much of your Seize the Day video...sadly I wasn't able to see any strip search!"

    Her hands shot to her mouth and she stared at him in embarrassment.

    "Oh my gosh! I'm...I shouldn't have...said that! Please forget what I just said!"
    And my mouth once again, as it always does, lands me into a heap of trouble where I want to crawl into a hole and die. Tell me that you're not like this, too, because if so, we're going to be a pair. I swear you've known me for the amount of time I've known Rachel and we've known each other what...going on three months now? It's eerie and scary quite frankly. Am I that much of an open damned book? Hells. Bloody hell. And the spilling of a tattoo...at this point, I might just say that. Oddly enough I probably would. I mean, I've embarrassed myself thus far, so why not add to it? *smacks self*

    And you mention Nick Lachey, you bitch! :lmfao
    "Don't you fucking stare at my boobs, I told you 4 years ago and I am telling you now! I am a married woman so stuff it Baker!"

    Both Matt and Tasha threw a laughing fit as they heard the female voice.

    "Yeah, and that would be Julez! Seems like he still drools over her tits, too!"
    OWNED!!! Baker got owned! I love it when you own Baker in a story or in comments or on AIM. Damn.

    GOD! His line in the pool Cheesy. That's all I'm gonna say. Cheesy. Now they need some wine and they'd be set. lol Wine+you=damned good story! K, that was MY cheesy moment. Inaudible mumbling? Were you cussing me, my dear? Your little outburst to interrupt...not cool but hilarious. Tightening up under Matt's lips? Yeah, I probably would. The whole telling myself not to pass out..would so do that. Watch a movie? Is that what they call it now-a-days? LOLZ Now, you wouldn't remember me telling you someone once told me the same thing, now would you? But perfect way for him to finesse me into bed because at this point, yeah, I wouldn't be all that eager to just spread 'em as my brain would be running full speed ahead with being good instead of slutty bad.

    And now's where I begin to melt and slide off my damned chair and become a giant puddle of goo. Like for real. As worried as you were about writing it and making me 'do' something I wouldn't do, you sure as hell got it right. I think we have only a few things not in common: love of wine, men and sexual styles. There was one other thing I was thinking of earlier aside from those and some of our music, but I really think that's about it. Unless it's trivial things like foods, shit like that. Oh, and tits. Your's certainly outweigh (no pun intended on that) mine by a damned long shot. In fact, if you ever feel the need to get rid of some of yours, just tell me and I'll jet around the world to gladly take some. lol And it's nice semi-slow hard sex, too. Even damned better. Okay, I've melted again from reading it again. Bloody hell.
    "Matt, that woman with the big tits is playing strip poker with Jimmy, Brian and Leana, but I am still not aloud to touch her or even sit next to her! Come on dude, tell her to loosen up!"
    OWNED!!!! You owned him AGAIN!!!! Ha Ha :lmfao Dance That is flippin' awesome. Like you have no idea. Perfect ending, too!

    Okay, this was amazing. WAY better than what I came up with for you for your wedding...both parts of what I wrote. Shit. Now you're gonna challenge me aren't you? I'll have to hit the JD up some night and see what I come up with, yes?

    Perfect, sorry it took so long for you to write, but it was simply amazing, m'dear! LOVE YOU!!!!
    August 1st, 2008 at 01:13am
  • Um........loss for words. Like seriously, woah. Mind is fried and that's about all there is too it. I don't even know what to fuckin' say. Fukcin' Ha! What a word to use right now. Oh, gee. You wrote me so damned well. And, um....

    Happy Birthday, Matt Sanders and thanks for having one so I could get a present on YOUR birthday.

    Shit. Mind is still fried.
    July 31st, 2008 at 09:31pm
  • Oh, and as perverted as this is going to soun...
    you have HUGE boobs!
    July 31st, 2008 at 05:47pm
  • OMFG!

    How damn, that was erm...hot?! Naughty
    I like the way she was hesitant as such, before they did the nasty!
    And this story with you and Zacky has now intrigued me Jules. I am going to have to get you to explain.

    I loved it, and I can only imagine how much Tasha is going to love it!
    July 31st, 2008 at 05:30pm