Can't I Just Marry Batman? - Comments

  • Oh wow, that was really amazing.
    December 24th, 2008 at 04:28am
  • i loved how you ended this, Gaby. With the song and all. Just, wow, mate. xD
    October 4th, 2008 at 06:38am
  • Gaby, you have talent beyond words. That was beautiful, I loved every moment of it.

    “Hey, don’t worry; just use the fork buddy, okay?” Gerard noticed his discomfort.

    “Okay Pa,” He smiled gladly placing the spoon back down. He paused before he dug his fork in, looking up at his dad. He was eating with his fork and spoon with immense ease, quickly and easily turning the fork on the spoon with such grace, twirling the pasta up. He raised it to his mouth taking a big yet clean bite, letting the excess fall back into the bowl, not a single red stain on his chin. Nick continued to watch, Gerard reaching for the parmesan, lightly shaking it over his bowl, the small particles fluttering down, soaking into the thick tomato sauce. Nick reached for the parmesan, doing the same. He picked up his spoon and fork. Twirling the spaghetti around the fork was the tricky part, he slipped on the spoon and spaghetti flung across the table. He looked down, feeling ashamed. Lindsey laughed, lifting the spaghetti off of the clean table, and into her mouth.

    Awww. Nick. :cute:

    The way you described everything, just everything made me smile. You should win, you deserve it.
    August 2nd, 2008 at 01:33am