Angels Aren't Fuck-Ups - Comments

  • panictowel

    panictowel (100)

    United Kingdom
    ps.: have you posted this on other fanfic hps, like lj or somewhere? if not, consider it, i'm sure people will appreciate it and love your style, 'cause it's not the same fic you read every day...
    November 13th, 2009 at 03:58pm
  • panictowel

    panictowel (100)

    United Kingdom
    this is probably, most definitely one of my favourite stories of all time. (why the fuck can't we add favourites here?)
    you got some awesome feedbacks up there already, and i can't really top it, cause i'm just lost for words right now.
    the layout, too, was beautiful.
    the whole mood you created, the descriptions, your choice of words, your style - again,...
    you're just so bloody talented, do you know that?
    the ending was great, no i wouldn't be iffy. i wouldn't have wanted to read about how he either got clean or stayed the same or died and mikey being alone and gerard crying. you stopped at the right place, in my opinion.
    amazing, amazing story.
    thank you so much for sharing this.
    November 10th, 2009 at 05:03pm
  • homogeneous

    homogeneous (100)

    United States
    I'm going to make an attempt at telling you how great this actually was. So here we go. Bear with me.

    First, this part was genious: He stares at me, and he stares at the wings on my back. “I’m an angel,” I slur, giggling more, reaching for the matches and another cigarette. I love this because it's almost as if Frank is trying to convince himself that he's an angel, even though he knows it isn't true. Like he said, Angels aren't fuck-ups. I also love how he laughs, and reaches for another cigarette as he says that, it just makes him seem even more insane. I basically just loved his character. It's probably one of my favorite versions of Frank.

    I must say, I loved the "see also:_____" Thing. It was really original. It took me a few seconds to understand what it was there for, but when I did figure it out, I loved it. I'm not sure if I'm right but I think it was there to say everything that was left unsaid. I think that makes sense. Like... everything that was left unsaid was put in the "see also:" section. Either way, I loved it.

    the relationships were executed flawlessly. I honestly cannot find one thing wrong with the relationships shared between the characters. You had Frank who was the obviously unsane fucked up addict. Then you had Gerard who was fucked up but it wasn't as noticible (at least until near the end when he got drunk with Frank), and then you had Mikey who came across as an asshol, but in reality he really just wanted to help. Yes, I thought Mikey was a bit of an ass. Truthfully, he was an asshol. That's just my opinion, though. I still loved it , though. Every story needs an asshole, right?

    This part was one of my favorites: This is all about death. Everything in the hospital is all about death, bloody, tragic fucking death, we’re all dying dying; dead. I’m dying, you’re dying, the person next to you is dying, from the moment we take our first breath to the last breath. And maybe I’m just so tired of dying. How on Earth do I describe such a paragraph? First let me say that this was so fucking insightful it blew my head off. Sersiously, how did you come up with this shit? I don't even know how to describe how beautifuly morbid this is. I'll just finish this part off by putting this guy here: :hail:

    “Do you like these wings?” and he just looks at me and shrugs. “They’re nice.” “Mikey thinks I’m crazy,” I state. “Mikey thinks you’re a drunk,” he mutters, running fingers through his hair. His messes with his sunglasses and his cigarettes. I giggle again, still tracing patterns. With luck, maybe I’ll have created my own mental image of the Mona Lisa. See also: the mentalist. I just thought I'd say this made me laugh. Is that horrible? If it is oh well... I thought it was fucking hilarious. Maybe I'm just a little twisted.

    I laugh. I laugh because, for real, he’s in denial. “Y-yes you did.” Yes you did. You screwed everything in the entire world up. Me and love and faith and hope and all of it. “I w-want you to love me, G-ger, I want y-you to honestly love me. B-but that was never what i-it was. I-it wasn’t r-reciprocated.” This part made me a little sad. I mean... I felt so bad for Frank because he's so fucked up. I personally thought that Gerard maybe did love him, and Frank was just so caught up in everything to believe him. Or maybe Frank was the one in denial, and Gerard wasn't. They were both still Fucked up, but maybe Frank was in denial about not being in denial. I don't know... it sounded right in my head I just... I don't know. I'm rambling on and on and I'm not getting to my point. My point is.. I liked that part.

    This is the last one. “M-maybe I’ll g-get to h-heaven,” I whisper. “M-maybe I’ll be y-your angel; m-maybe I’ll be special.” “You are special, Frankie,” he whispers, tracing his fingers over my jaw bone, then cheeks, lips, eyes. My head keeps exploding in little bursts of pain, like a gun-shot over and over again, and my stomach keeps twisting. “You were always an angel. “Angels are always fuck-ups, didn’t you know? They’re the people that couldn’t make it on earth. They’re the people that got burned by love. You’re an angel, I swear to God.” And I smile, eyes closed, shaking my head. See also: liar. This is what made me think that Frank was in denial. This is going to make sense, I promise. This is what made me think that Gerard did actually care, even though sometimes he seemed inccapable to care about anything. Angels are fuck-ups, just like Gerard said. And since Frank was actually an "angel" he was in denial. That was because he said that he was an angel over and over to convince himself that he was. So even though Frank said Gerard was in denial, in reality Frank was. I have no idea what I'm getting at, I'm rambling. I broke my promise about saying this would make sense. Sorry.

    The ending was perfect, by the way. You shouldn't be iffy about it. This comment probably made no sense whatsoever, so I'll clarrify everything by saying that throughout the whole thing I was bassically saying that this story was absolutely amazing. Clap
    August 15th, 2008 at 12:05am
  • electricgirls.

    electricgirls. (100)

    United States
    Beyond stunning.
    August 10th, 2008 at 08:44pm
  • animrod

    animrod (100)

    United States
    I think I'm just overly sensitive to subjects like this. Cause I'm really near tears right now, but I need to tell you how fucking incredible you are.

    First off, the title. Angels aren't Fuck-ups. Totally unique - I've never read anything like that before.

    Then, the way it was written, the point of view from Frankie.
    He seemed almost omnipotent, kind of like he knew what was happening all around him, but he was just so fucked up that he couldn't have known.
    The whole thing had a very different feel to it, a brilliant feel.

    Summer’s burning through my body,
    Instead of just writing something bland like, 'It's hot and I have no air conditioning,' you bust out with that, a description I've never read anywhere before, the perfect way to describe summertime heat.

    “I’m an angel,” I slur, giggling more,
    The symbolism of the wings and basically the whole angel deal really... got me. Angels are perfect beings, bringing light and God's love and whatever.
    But in this case, the angel's trying, but God's too fucked up. Frankie's got the wings because he's trying, but the drugs because he's failing.

    The whole thing was a different angle to the 'Frank almost dies and he goes to the hospital and Gerard loves him' fanfiction idea. It's more twisted, more... macabre and morbid but beautiful and heartbreaking and intricately designed.

    See also: psychopathic shitdumbfuck liar.
    I think shitdumbfuck is my new favorite word. :weird
    I like the way you put the 'See also:' in there. I don't know why; I just like it.

    This is all about death. Everything in the hospital is all about death, bloody, tragic fucking death, we’re all dying dying; dead. I’m dying, you’re dying, the person next to you is dying, from the moment we take our first breath to the last breath.
    Ohmygod breathtaking. It's... I can't even say, dude, that paragraph is just stunning.
    Wow. Just whoawow.

    The whole thing goes, and at the end you figure out that there's things lying underneath, past relationships, and you realize there had to be a reason Frank's so fucked; and you see, it's Gerard.
    It almost shocked me.

    “Oh, G-god, Frankie,” he’s shaking, backing up into the wall, trembling. “Oh god, I d-didn’t do this. I d-didn’t.”
    I can feel his denial, his growing mounting terrible horror, the realization. I did this, it's my fault, and he's dying, he's dying.

    The way they stuttered and slurred words was portrayed beautifully. It sounded real, not like you just made double letters in front of each word. It sounded like actual people acted this out in front of you.

    Then, omgchokeme, that ending. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and jesussaveme.

    “M-maybe I’ll g-get to h-heaven,” I whisper. “M-maybe I’ll be y-your angel; m-maybe I’ll be special.”

    “You are special, Frankie,” he whispers, tracing his fingers over my jaw bone, then cheeks, lips, eyes. My head keeps exploding in little bursts of pain, like a gun-shot over and over again, and my stomach keeps twisting. “You were always an angel.

    Cry Cry Cry
    You were always an angel. That sentence, the finality of it, it's just so... sad.

    This was so amazing, Kor. Like, truly utterly amazing and you are a great, no, phenominal writer.

    shitdumbfuck. :shifty
    August 7th, 2008 at 10:37pm
  • Unapologetic Apathy

    Unapologetic Apathy (100)

    United States
    That was morbidly beautiful!

    My perfect kind of story!

    *huggles Frankles and Gee*

    It was amazing!
    August 7th, 2008 at 06:21pm
  • Chemically Romantic

    Chemically Romantic (100)

    United States
    Clap That was amazing. I really really really like your writing style.

    'I laugh. I laugh because, for real, he’s in denial. “Y-yes you did.” Yes you did. You screwed everything in the entire world up. Me and love and faith and hope and all of it. “I w-want you to love me, G-ger, I want y-you to honestly love me. B-but that was never what i-it was. I-it wasn’t r-reciprocated.”'

    For some reason, I really like that paragraph. :D

    BUT, this was my favorite line out of the whole thing:

    “I l-lied; w-when you a-asked me if I was s-scared I w-would die, I l-lied. I-I wasn’t s-scared; I want to die. T-the only thing I’m s-scared of is t-the dying part,”

    It's just.. perfect.

    But anyway, yeah, I loved it. :mrgreen:
    August 7th, 2008 at 04:46am
  • Ciel Phantomhive.

    Ciel Phantomhive. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm going to express my love for this story in the form of attempting a decent comment for the first time ever I think.

    It was beautifully gross. Their very short love and Frank's insanity intermingled with copious amounts of drugs, alcohol and vomit. And the wings Frank has, making him an angel. So pretty.

    He finds me because I’m his brother’s best friend. He finds me because he hates me and he’s interested in me all at once. Love
    blowing smoke rings out of my nose. That’s talented, I’m almost positive. Love
    he stomps it out and stares at me. Love

    Pretty much love the first paragraph the best. I think it's the tone of it.

    "I'm an angel." "Then God's really fucked up."
    True. Frank's reaction, oddly amusing in a twisted way.

    I’m so high on morphine that there’s little creatures with bloody glass eyes and skeletal bodies coming towards me, killing me with every growing second. Another favorite bit. This story is full of favorite bits. I can just understand and picture what's happening to him and you can sense how... confused he is. Not really scared, more confused.

    The Mikey in this sort of pisses me off. Though you can get why he's reacting like it. he's sick of Frank, confused and probably scared of his best friend. But Mikey has such annoying qualities, like bitching at Gerard near the end, asking Gerard if Frank's going to be okay when Gerard probably knows just as much about what's up with Frank as Mikey. Reminds me of my own siblings. And how Mikey is incompetent at hiding things, yet them blames Frank and Gerard when Frank takes all the pills. Even if it was Frank taking them, Mikey should have done a better job at hiding them, the bastard.

    See also... I like that bit. Gave you an insight into Frank's life and his possible lifestyle in a few simple words straight away, without having to real off a lot of back story that would distract and go off topic to the main story.

    And when Frank and Gerard get drunk. Seems like a beautiful disaster in which they both fuck up and it's the point where neither can turn back. Frank's gonna be fucked up for the rest of his life, and Gerard's gonna feel fucked up and have a certain connection with Frank that's not gonna leave. No matter how soon Frank leaves.

    If you’re perfect you can be an angel. If you’re perfect, people will love you, they’ll care about you and not let you die and they’ll want you to be okay. If you’re perfect all of the sonofabitches in this ideal idea you have in your head; they care. They fucking care.
    It's true, in reality. You need to fit perfectly into peoples idea of a decent human being to be able to survive and fit in and have people actually pay attention to you.

    And then Mikey being a bastard again. Well, a scared bastard. Blaming Gerard for Frank's actions, choking Frank, not really helping anything at all.

    “I-I d-don’t fucking h-hate you, Frankie,” he chokes. “I j-just hate what you a-are.”

    “What am I?” I whisper.


    These lines pretty much made the story for me. Pretty little words for an ugly situation.

    When they're saying they love each other. Or rather, Frank's saying he wanted Gerard to love him and Gerard's insisting he does. A rather heart breaking moment for both sides, even with their clouded minds, intoxication and insanity.

    "You are special," ... "You were always an angel.Angels are always fuck-ups, didn’t you know? They’re the people that couldn’t make it on earth. They’re the people that got burned by love. You’re an angel, I swear to God.”"
    In Love

    So yeah, it was an amazing story m'love.
    August 6th, 2008 at 10:14pm
  • Jepha Howard.

    Jepha Howard. (500)

    United States
    New story.
    I'm iffy on the ending.

    Happy -?- Reading.
    August 6th, 2008 at 07:43pm