Maybe We're Friends Afterall - Comments

  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    GAHHHHHH!!!! Why do you do this to me?!?!?! *sigh* Let me start off saying I absolutely loved this chapter!!

    Some points to talk about...

    1) Pebbles dying is so so sad. I feel for Alexa, I really do. After she's had Pebbles for that long of course she's going to be devastated that she's dying. I know the feeling.But Anna was great as she talked to her and let her get her feelings out. I mean that dog meant so much to Alexa. It was a bond she and Joe shared and now that's gone. It was just sad. You wrote it brilliantly. I wanted to cry right along with her.

    2) I can see why Alexa would think that she's the cause of Joe and Camilla's problems but really she's not; it's all Joe and his feelings. I knew sooner or later he'd have to see the light and acknowledge his feelings for her again. You can't run from will only follow you wherever you go. I liked some of the things Alexa talked about with Anna, like how Joe was hanging out more with her and ignoring Camilla's calls and them just acting like the best of friends again. I've been waiting for that for awhile now. lol.

    3) I have to say my fave part was getting in Joe's head and see what he was feeling. Dang that boy is deep...and confused. haha. It would suck being in love with two people but I liked seeing what he was thinking. I mean first you get how he feels with Camilla which I loved because you gave us a different side to her (she wasn't the bitch girlfriend this time). Then you gave us how he feels with Alexa and how he can't deny those feelings either. They are two totally different feelings but both are deep and mean something to him. Then you showed us how Camilla felt about it all and I have to say I did feel slightly bad for her, but then at the end when she was all like 'choose: me or her'...yeah...not feeling so bad for her anymore. That was a bitch-ish move. BUT, totally plausible. I mean she was just telling him straight out that he couldn't have both of them which is true. Sucks on how they ended and I hope she doesn't like bash him or something in the media but like I'm not completely sure there.


    5) Predictions on how he'll tell her and when...I have no idea. I think he'll wait a bit since she is upset over Pebbles and then like Alexa will notice that Camilla isn't around much anymore and isn't calling him anymore so then she'll ask him about it and he'll spill that he broke up with her. OR...Camilla will go to the press and spill that Joe dumped her and maybe say that it was for Alexa which would cause a whole ton of drama for the two of them. But those are just my thoughts. I'm sure what you have planned is way better. :)

    So that concludes my long comment to you :) Hope you enjoyed it and this was definitely worth the extra week wait. Can't wait to see what you have coming next for us :D Update soon!
    February 28th, 2010 at 12:53am
  • crazy for you.

    crazy for you. (100)

    United States
    My gosh the ending was very dramatic. I feel so bad for Camilla, I really do. (I wonder how they broke up in reality?) It would feel awful knowing that the boy you're in love with is in love with somebody else while you're in a relationship with him. I wonder how Alexa is going to handle this? Thanks for updating! (:
    February 27th, 2010 at 09:20pm
  • crazy for you.

    crazy for you. (100)

    United States
    I love dinner dates. They are so cute and I always try to imagine myself in the setting. (: I love how she got hit on, hahaha. I would love for that to be me, especially if he's an insanely hot waiter. Hmm, jealousy, eh? This is going to things more interesting. Jealousy in guys is always pretty attractive. Haha. (: Thanks for updating!
    February 10th, 2010 at 03:22am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Wowzers. I can't believe Joe is so jealous of her! aha. That's great. It's so obvious he still cares for Alexa, so that's great news to read! =].
    February 7th, 2010 at 09:35pm
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Hmm...what is up with Joe?? I was asking myself that question for most of the chapter and I still have no idea what would be bothering him. Maybe he's realizing his feelings for Alexa and knows he's stuck with el Losera (I added the 'a' to make it female form Spanish..hehe). He needs to figure out a way to get out of that constricting relationship because I have a feeling their friendship won't last much longer if he doesn't. Its getting harder for Alexa to be around him with all those thoughts of him and CB infiltrating her head. Joe just needs to get his act together and DUMP CB and get back together with Alexa. That's all there is to it.

    I did like the background info on Alexa's relationship with CB. I think that was important to realize how she feels about her. Plus the whole new aspect of CB controlling Joe and him being different around her brings in a whole new side too that is important to know.

    I liked this chapter a lot and can't wait for more! :) My bottom line feeling: Joe needs to drop the controlling ditz and profess his undying love for Alexa, the love of his life :D
    February 7th, 2010 at 02:18am
  • glitter on the floor

    glitter on the floor (100)

    United States
    well i think that joe is like pmsing or something. he has mood swings :] can't wait for more!
    February 6th, 2010 at 06:47pm
  • debzxxx

    debzxxx (660)

    WOWOW! this story is just AMAZING! i feel so bad for alexa. :(
    but great story! subscribing :D
    January 25th, 2010 at 06:52am
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Aw! So I totally loved this chapter!! It was great and I see why you held off on their dinner date until the next chapter. I think you did a very good job with imitating Ellen's persona. That was probably one of my favorite parts of the entire chapter. It was like I was watching her real show just with your characters on there. I mean those jokes were hilarious and totally Ellen-esque. Great job there! :)

    As for Alexa's feelings about Joe, those almost made my cry. Seriously I teared up at that. Might just be that time of the month but it was super sweet and when Joe answered the questions about him and Alexa's that was a heart ripper. My heart cracked with Alexa's. :( I feel for her. You know I want them to get back together as boyfriend and girlfriend but this stage of being best friends again is good too...for now. June needs to come so that Camilla can break up with Joe and Alexa can help him heal :D That would be super good! :) Oh and can I say that Joe's forgetfulness at where JB was going was hilarious! I can totally see him doing that. lol

    Now as for their dinner date...Something big is going to happen. What I don't know because I really am trying to not let my imagination run away with me so I don't torture myself too much. But if I made a guess I'd say it had to do with Alexa letting her feelings become known in some way and then things become awkward between them...just what she doesn't want to happen. Which is why something like it will happen. haha!

    You better update soon, sis! I need more. :)
    January 24th, 2010 at 11:14pm
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    That last line was SHEER BRILLIANCE. Like, gah. That line was perfect. =]. Ha, you got Ellen down to a T. Except JOESPH. Stupid Joesph?! What the heck was he doing with his line about Alexa?! That poor girl now!
    January 24th, 2010 at 08:45pm
  • ch33rali101

    ch33rali101 (100)

    United States
    best chapter ever! update!
    January 24th, 2010 at 08:27pm
  • crazy for you.

    crazy for you. (100)

    United States
    You portrayed Ellen exactly how she is, good job! I loved how this chapter was based around the interviews and how they both ended up being on Ellen. It was funny. (: I probably would have been hurt to if Joe had said that in the interview, but what could she do? Can't wait for the next chapter!
    January 24th, 2010 at 07:47pm
  • glitter on the floor

    glitter on the floor (100)

    United States
    I think you did really well no worries :] I can't wait for more!!!!!!
    January 24th, 2010 at 04:53am
  • glitter on the floor

    glitter on the floor (100)

    United States
    Oh so good. I find your authors note funny. "no need to lock my characters in a closet, they're too mature for that" haha, i locked my characters in a room together in one of my stories haha. :] really good.
    January 13th, 2010 at 02:41am
  • crazy for you.

    crazy for you. (100)

    United States
    Aww I'm glad they're atleast friends again. I wonder how everyone else is going to react to the news. And like, I'm glad they got everything out in the open, you know? So now they're not really hiding anything...hopefully. And totally agree with you about Nickk. (:
    January 13th, 2010 at 12:54am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    "You left without a single word, not even sorry!"
    Ha, that's all I could think about during their fight. Thanks for that. =].
    Wow, powerful, powerful chapter. Although I wanted them to start kissing, and then Joe dumped Camilla on the spot, I guess real life can't work like that. So now, they are friends. Next, Joe needs some dumping. Then, HAPPY ALEXA AND JOE. And I Love those movies too! =].
    January 12th, 2010 at 11:18pm
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Okay, so....yeah. I really liked this chapter and you're right, they are too mature to be locked in a closet and forced to talk to one another. That probably wouldn't have gone over well at all actually knowing both of their personalities. But....I don't want them to be just friends. I mean I'm happy they are cuz after a break up like that you have to start back at the beginning. That just makes sense. But Joe better drop CB and Alexa better not start dating anyone so that they can be together once again :) That would make me extremely happy, but you knew that already. haha.

    Great plan by the families though. Very ingenius way to get them to talk to one another. And they got all their feelings about that day and how they felt afterwards out. That was important. I don't think either one realized how much the other person was hurting. Glad to see that they are finally working something out. But let me say again, I don't want them to be just friends. I want something more from them.

    So update when you get the chance. I can't wait for it. I'm so excited!! Oh and can I say, maybe they are more than friends afterall...haha. Nice play on the title huh? Maybe not but it amused me. So just tell me you laughed at it and I'll be satisfied. Haha.

    Okay, closing off this rambling now. Great chapter! You're the best sis!
    January 12th, 2010 at 10:42pm
  • glitter on the floor

    glitter on the floor (100)

    United States
    can't wait to hear the plan :]
    January 3rd, 2010 at 05:38am
  • Be My Escape

    Be My Escape (100)

    United States
    Woah baby. I can't believe that happened! I wanted them to talk. Although a screaming match should always end up in a great rekindling romance ;). Gosh, Joe is such a romantic. =].
    January 3rd, 2010 at 03:36am
  • catgirl87

    catgirl87 (100)

    United States
    Okay so lets start this thing... totally get the whole nervous bride thing, but that was a great suggestion by Alexa. Totally makes sense that she would design the dresses since she is a fashion designer herself. As for the makes sense that they would say as little as possible. I mean they split on really bad terms (which I still can't believe and still want to pummel a certain someone's face in for that *cough* AJ *cough*). I think I liked Joe's reaction the best out of the two though. I think Alexa has numbed herself to it all so she doesn't feel the pain anymore. Joe on the other hand he still feels the pain. He wants and misses Alexa. I want them back together. Yes, friends would be nice but I still want them back together as boyfriend and girlfriend. They were so sweet together and perfect for each other.

    Anywho, I can't wait to see their siblings' plan put into action. Its gonna be great! I hope things get accomplished while they force Joe and Alexa to be in the same room alone and converse with each other. Please post it soon!
    January 2nd, 2010 at 11:37pm
  • crazy for you.

    crazy for you. (100)

    United States
    Oh gosh they finally saw each other after like a year. I was like holding my breath when they saw each other. I think that would kinda awkward, and not to mention scary. Atleast they said "Hi" to each other instead of completely ignoring each other. I'm really excited to see how the others are going to get these two back together. Haha. Great update! (: Happy New Years!
    January 2nd, 2010 at 09:46pm